NEW or Traditional - the new POLL!!!!!!

IAC General Discussions
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Do you like new techniqes or traditional techniques?

Poll ended at Sun Jul 22, 2007 3:57 pm

Yes I like NEW
YES I like traditional film making
Don't give a damn!! (Like both)
Total votes: 9

Peter Thomlinson

NEW or Traditional - the new POLL!!!!!!

Post by Peter Thomlinson »

Decide!! (Or shutup!!) (Or I might set Ian on you ...)
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Dave Watterson
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Post by Dave Watterson »

Hi Peter, thanks for getting the poll working ... that's where your wide experience of forums (?fora) shows!

I've removed the previous attempt at setting up a poll to reduce the confusion.

Peter Thomlinson

Post by Peter Thomlinson »

The "pure" traditionalists appear to be a bit shy so far!! (No votes ...)

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Post by Roy »

Peter, I don't think there is such an animal as a pure Traditionalist. I'm certainly not, I take on anything new in film making as long as it does not distract from what I am hoping a general audiance will enjoy. I used to give a performance of my films at St. Andrews hall Gibraltar, nearly every year with all the profits going to local charities. Average audiance was 1000, and the response I got from those people gave me much more pleasure than winning a competition. I don't think your poll accurately reflects the questions I asked. All along I have referrred to Average Cinema Audiances and not IAC film making members. I am conducting such a poll as the audiance leave a cinema complex and I'll let you know the results. Roy
Peter Thomlinson

Re: Post subject

Post by Peter Thomlinson »

Roy wrote:Peter, I don't think there is such an animal as a pure Traditionalist. I'm certainly not, I take on anything new in film making as long as it does not distract from what I am hoping a general audiance will enjoy. I used to give a performance of my films at St. Andrews hall Gibraltar, nearly every year with all the profits going to local charities. Average audiance was 1000, and the response I got from those people gave me much more pleasure than winning a competition. I don't think your poll accurately reflects the questions I asked. All along I have referrred to Average Cinema Audiances and not IAC film making members. I am conducting such a poll as the audiance leave a cinema complex and I'll let you know the results. Roy
Roy, I just re-did the poll for Ian as it hadn't worked. I know that such a poll is rather black and white - that's why I added the choice of "couldn't give a damn (like both)" as an option. I'm surprised more people are not ticking that one, as I certainly did.

And your point about "distraction" is hitting the nail on the head! As long as it does not draw attention, any technique used is valid, and will work for the subject. Somebody mentioned hand held shaky camera work as being distracting, and this is so if it is very shaky, unless it is meant to give an impression that the "person" (POV) is drunk, or ill, or damaged in some way. But there is lots of good handheld work where we hardly notice (and then its only noticed by we film nutters!) and I find this sort of thing totally acceptable.

You obviously do great work and have loyal and appreciative audiences. The poll you are undertaking will be very interesting, so do post the results here, as we will all be keen to know.
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Post by billyfromConsett »

Hey Roy- What audience is that? And can you direct them to us. I'll help sort out more seats, that's no problem. I'll help you with the survey too. :D
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Post by stingman »

I`m a bit dissapointed with the number of people that have voted. Out of a membership of 69 people (and robots!), a total of 9 took the trouble.
Do you all think this is a reflection on what happens at our club. There are loads of watchers but hardly any dooers! Like putting your hand up when the Chairman is looking for someone to make the tea!
You know who you are!
Ian Gardner
Film Maker
Peter Thomlinson

Post by Peter Thomlinson »

stingman wrote:I`m a bit dissapointed with the number of people that have voted. Out of a membership of 69 people (and robots!), a total of 9 took the trouble.
Do you all think this is a reflection on what happens at our club. There are loads of watchers but hardly any dooers! Like putting your hand up when the Chairman is looking for someone to make the tea!

You know who you are!
Well, apathy is the problem, Ian. Or people may not have an opinion. Maybe we should start a poll with something a bit contenscious and see what happens!

I have tried to change the time for the poll by increasing the number of days to about 14 but I can't seem to be able to get in to change it. I'm sure I edited it before! (Maybe the poll time is up and you can't do anything now).

In fact, I've realised that there is no option left to click on to vote, so the poll must be closed!!

Post Subject

Post by Roy »

I am not suprised by the small amount of people voting in the poll. You've only got to look at the amount of electors voting in local elections. It's apathy. I also cannot understand why so few of the IAC members have joined the forum. I think membership could be increased a bit if you had sections solely to do with help in technical matters. Roy
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Re: Post Subject

Post by stingman »

Roy wrote: I also cannot understand why so few of the IAC members have joined the forum. I think membership could be increased a bit if you had sections solely to do with help in technical matters. Roy
Clubs don`t sell the IAC to it`s members. Not once has my club really mentioned the IAC. One member mentioned it (who I will not name but is high up) and he didn`t rate it at all. He didn`t like the films :? :? :roll: :?: Then again, he hasn`t made any films for the club comps for about 3 years!

When I was Club Sec, I plugged it quite alot, especally the MPC licencess. The IAC got a few extra sales. That`s what a club sec should do. Sell things that will help and encourage filmmaking to be done legal and proper. Not to sit on her **** and do nothing :lol: :( :( !! (Ian stop it!)
To answer the question more. They either don`t know about it. So THAT IS the job of the IAC`s Secretary. What does he/she do. He/She should be emailing all the clubs SELLING the forum and the IAC. I CANNOT DO IT ALL!! Or our club members are too lazy or they don`t want to lower themselves IE, too posh!
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Re: Post Subject

Post by billyfromConsett »

stingman wrote:Clubs don`t sell the IAC to it`s members. That`s what a club sec should do. Sell things that will help and encourage filmmaking to be done legal and proper. Not to sit on her **** and do nothing :lol: :( :( !!
You've been at the meths again Stingman.

Newcastle ACA would not be over pleased to see that being broadcast. In our case, it's just not true.
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Post by Stephen »

It will be a sad day for our our hobby if people stopped supporting the IAC ...........

it is a excellent organisation ... and that's no bull...

you can get a helluva lot out of it !!!!

the licence alone is worth triple your subscription....!

an amazing Film & Video Library, the magazine, Expert Advice , Tape Library, Copyright Clearance, Mood Music, Festivals, Competitions to name but a few .......

Tell ye IAC fleece with emblazoned IAC logo has paid for itself fourfold in the places its got me into !!!

read the website ...... get promoting the IAC Stingman !!!!!

you owe it to your hobby !!

(note... I'm just a typical club member with no 'status' within the IAC except a proud member)

Film making is not a matter of Life and Death
It's much more important than that.
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Post by billyfromConsett »

In response to Stingman's call for action I've emailed my film-making contacts and mentioned the presence of this board.

If a few of us from around the UK do the same, this site will be jammed with ideas, banter and gossip.
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Post by Dave Watterson »

I gather that the IAC 75th anniversary film did the forum proud so that might garner us a few more participants. The Chairman asked me to write about it for 'Film & Video Maker' magazine so that may help too.

Oddly enough there is no IAC secretary ... not in the normal sense. There is/was a lawyer serving as company secretary but no one handling all the routine stuff except the wonderful Pamela who works part-time in the Epsom office.

Roy - there is/was a private email group for NLE issues. That is restricted to IAC members so we can't explain how to join on this public forum. I am not in favour of private groups like that, but one of the best NLE experts insisted that was the only way he would take part.

What I like here is that we talk less about the nuts and bolts of movie making and more about the art, purpose and style of it.

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