Cinema For Thurso -where we are at the noo!

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Cinema For Thurso -where we are at the noo!


Well folks it's been quite a time recently. The predictions of the end of the world last year came true as a Comet hurtled to earth devastating the lives of thousands throughout Britain. The effects were even as far reaching as Icetech Freezers Ltd in Caithness, Scotland's last white-goods manufacturer. The company struggled on but the writing and (some sicko put poop there too) was on the wall. As part of the easter holiday was pulled forward the signs were showing, then the rest of easter was pulled forward and while on that holiday, a week of summer holiday and then another week of summer and then the one thing we didn't want to see, Thank you and goodbye!

So here I sit unemployed for the first time in 23 years but making every effort to return to work. While this imposes financial issues for me as owner of Cinema For Thurso and all the joys attached it actually won't stop CFT existing. Handy the way it works protects it from being knocked out. Film production continues (if the free time hasn't helped increase film work) but what the situation has done is knock out our membership of the IAC, it was one of the essential cuts that were needed to avoid causing problems. Additionally the Thorsaa Film festival cannot proceed until further notice as there are no funds to cover its costs. Lastly again because of no funds we can't run any shows we had hoped to and we are sitting on a premiere of our newest feature topical, "The Queen Of The Firth".

While this is not handy CFT will stay in existence and hopefully new employment may happen and all things will be restored, then we'll come back to the IAC and get the fesitival and premieres back up and running.
Meanwhile we will be premiering 3 professionally made films in Caithness through the summer with the first on June 22nd. Keep and eye on our website for more info. You can also find FIVE independent Scottish cinemas promoted on there so if you are touring don't forget to check their programmes on our site. Thurso Cinema, The Oban Phoenix, The Birks in Aberfeldy, The Regent in Leven and the Kino in Glenrothes.
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Dave Watterson
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Re: Cinema For Thurso -where we are at the noo!

Post by Dave Watterson »

We wish you all the best in these difficult times. The financial crisis that everyone talked about 4 or 5 years ago is only now striking at most of us where we live - literally in our communities.

This also illustrates a truth that is rarely mentioned: many clubs depend on practical subsidy from someone. They may not make donations to the funds, but they do not charge for buying stamps, discs, tea, coffee, envelopes, odd bits of useful kit and so on. When that person is in trouble, so is the club.

Your determination to keep going is an inspiration. We are sorry to lose the Thursaa Festival for a while but look forward to its return. Maybe we will all get a chance to see "The Queen of the Firth" sometime.

Best wishes,

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Re: Cinema For Thurso -where we are at the noo!


Thanks Dave, for your support. Since I last wrote I have just supported a short film premiere showing one of three professionally made films that were shot on location in Caithness over the last year. The success of the event meant the venue owner was very happy to support film production and exhibition and it looks as though we may have found a new home for the Thorsaa Film Festival as well. The Central Hotel is a little place but right in the middle of town on the Traill Street so it's easy to find. We will be able to seat about 90 in a cosy environment with a bar on hand.

Here is how our show went at the venue on June 22nd
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