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Post by fraught »

I have to agree on the comments regarding the Saturday showings. I saw two sessions in the Duchy room, and there were issues with pretty much every film being shown, from Ratio to Sound with one of the films not being shown at all because it wouldn't play.

I would have thought the playback settings for each film to have been already tee'd up before each presentation. Surely it wouldn't have taken up too much time and effort? What was happening between each showing?

As for complaining on the ratings... i did kinda agree with the ratings my films got (apart from 2 of them) before turning up to BIAFF. But after seeing other films at the festival that got the same rating as some of mine or better, it did leave me feeling a little disheartend when comparing end results. As Mike said... judging films will always be extremely subjective. What is one man's favourite film is another man's worst.
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Mike Shaw


Post by Mike Shaw »

I do feel a certain sympathy for the projectionists when it comes to the format - but only a little!

I believe there is a problem with the file formats when it comes to projection, which I'm sure everyone here is aware about. As I see it, essentially there are 4 formats to contend with ...
16:9 burned as 16:9
16:9 burned on a 4:3 format - that is, if projected 4:3, it looks correct with the letterbox bars in place.
4:3 burned as 4:3
4:3 burned on a 16:9 base - projected as 16:9, the image is smaller on the screen and pillar-boxed.

The problem starts when people label their discs with the format of the display, rather than the format of the 'burn'. And that is very easy to do for those who simply want to make movies and not get embroiled in all the technicalities of the editor they're using. I'd say that, in the five years I was projecting at the Kent Festival, around 25% of the films were incorrectly labelled as to their format. Another 10% or so weren't labelled at all regarding format.

It is exacerbated by those who - for whatever reason - don't check how the movie looks when projected. In my years at the Kent Festival, I used to assemble all of the films - transferring DVDs and miniDVs and even VHS to one miniDV (actually, 6 or 7 altogether) for projection before the event. That too was frowned on by some because 'films should be shown as supplied'. Some even claimed a quality loss as a result of the transfer. But all were shown in the correct format without having to switch while the film is being watched.

I'm sure there are other aspects to the problem as well - I'm merely stating here what I found when I had to put a show together.

Having the format/media change every few years (it seems) doesn't help. Too many standards means too many opportunities for things to go wrong. (Soon we'll have cries of 'this is HD not SD' or even 'where's my 3D!??')

It is a huge pain when one's film starts off in the wrong format - especially when it has been correctly labelled, and even worse when you have a one minute film and half of it is in the wrong format. Ugh! So although I feel that certain sympathy for the projectionist - it is extremely frustrating for the film-maker. And annoying for the audience.

Maybe there ought to be a stipulation that all films supplied to a competition should be made to one specific format only.

That'll set the cat among the pigeons!
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Post by Brian Saberton »

The other problem regarding formats is the different settings offered by projector manufacturers of which, in my experience, the most confusing is optimistically described as "auto" which you would assume should automatically adjust the picture for the correct aspect ratio when in fact it does nothing of the sort. My old projector was a Sony but I currently use a Panasonic and in both cases I found that I had to leave the projector aspect ratio setting on 4 x 3 so that the projector will automatically switch to the correct aspect ratio (i.e. 4 x 3 or 16 x 9) for the film in question. Sounds illogical I know, but it works. Last December I was compiling a programme for the SAM Christmas show and had downloaded some films into my computer so that I could combine everything onto one disc. I found that I had to adjust the pixel aspect ratio on quite a few of the films to get them to screen correctly so I have a lot of sympathy for competition organisers and projectionists when faced with such a multiplicity of formats and potentially confusing labelling on discs or tapes. I shudder to think how we'll get on if people start making films in 3D as well!
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Post by Howard-Smith »

I wish something could be done about the Friday evening of BIAFF. Not everyone appreciates the AV Winners' show (myself included), and BIAFF is a FILM festival after all. An AV sequence isn't a film. I know several people who would appreciate an alternative being available. If the 1 minute film competition isn't going to be resurrected, how about having a mini cinema with some of the longer 3 and 4 star films for which there is no time on Saturday? Then people can choose either to attend the AV winners or a film show.

Howard-Smith LACI
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Post by Brian Saberton »

I'm in favour of seeing the AV sequences from the Geoffrey Round competition on the Friday night at BIAFF. The AV side is an important part of the IAC's activities and there are a lot of members who work only in that medium. In Scotland there are more camera clubs affiliated to the IAC than there are camcorder clubs and I believe this is because of the popularity of audio visual and demand for the IAC's copyright clearance scheme. Personally I work in both film and audio visual so I enjoy being able to see audio visual sequences and movies over the one weekend, though I do understand that AV doesn't appeal to everyone. Either way, both mediums are a means of creative and artistic self expression.
Brian Saberton
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Post by col lamb »

A interesting topic that has gotten off the results onto technical problems.

Brian was spot on in highlighting different playback scenarios by different projectors.

Irrespective of what the movie maker puts on the box it is up to the projectionist who is going to show the movie to set the gear up correctly.

Not that I am blaming him/her but can someone answer me a simple question.........did the projectionist get the movies and equipment early enough to run through each movie to verify what settings to use?

I'd hazzard a guess at No.

If the answer is Yes, you need a new projectionist.

As for judging, you have got to take the subjective element out of the process. Seeing a movie on your own or in a hall full of people does not change the movie, be it good bad or indifferent it is the same movie. If you think it is a better movie just because the audience responds better than you then you should should reconsider how you judge, the criteria you use, the rationale involved. The same goes for the issuing of comments, they should all be based upon a standard structured format so that there is consistency. That is the problem with the movies I have seen, inconsistancy.

Nevertheless, it is still a thankless task and you judges will always be moaned at.....keep up the good work.......but please listen to the feedback. If you defend your actions then you have failed........you should adopt a different ethos........where did I go wrong and how can I improve.
Col Lamb
Preston, Lancashire.
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Post by Willy »

One of the best festivals!
Last night I came back home. I was tired. Even exhausted. But happy. I hate driving on the motorway. The A1 and the M25 were terrible again. It is stressful to overtake long vehicles. Putte (Belgium)-Antwerp-Calais (France)-Maidstone (1st night)-Cambridge-Harrogate (4 nights)-BIAFF-Malham (daytrip Yorkshire Dales)-Cambridge-Linton in Kent (6th night)-Calais-Antwerp-Putte. All together about 2,000 kilometres ! But I do not regret having attended the IAC-film festival for the 10th or 11th time. It was one of the best festivals in my opinion.

Great place to meet friends!
BIAFF is a great place to meet friends again and to have a chat about films. My wife Vera always says that I am a chatterbox. In Belgium I am not so talkative. But I don't get the opportunity to open my mouth. The filmmakers do not know their results when entering the festival hall. They all look at each other. They are very nervous. They all look very serious. They are panic-stricken. You can see it in their eyes. It even happened that one filmmaker collapsed before the result was announced. I am not joking. The tension mounts after each screening. To be honest : I don't feel happy either. I make films to entertain the audience and the result at a festival is a form of appreciation by the judges who represent the audience in some way. I feel better when I can show my films in more relaxed circumstances.

Peter Rouillard is right. Guernsey had a fantastic judging system. Peter explained on this forum how it worked. In the final round there were 7 judges (young and old) to decide which film was the best of the Lily festival. The more judges there are in the final panel, the better I think. I think that the webmaster prefers to have a discussion about it on a different thread.

Excellent films this year
At BIAFF we saw great films. They were all of a very high standard. However, I have the impression that most friends found that"Dancer" deserved the silver trophy sponsored by the Daily Mail. Jim, I understand your disappointment. Maybe you and your actors also deserved the best acting award.

I also enjoyed "Die Neue Waschmaschine" very much. This German animation film was superb. I only wonder if a feature (=fiction) film can be compared with an animation film. On this forum I have already told you that I prefer different categories : travel, feature films, animation, documentaries etc... Anyway it would have been acceptable if this German film was announced the best film of the festival.

And "Helping Hand" ?. A great film, but I lost the plot. Just like Mike. Reason ? Maybe because I could not read all the subtitles. I know that it is not possible to solve this problem when the screenings take place in a hotelroom. In Belgium most competitions take place in an auditorium. That's the only good thing in my country. I remember that also in Royal Tunbridge Wells (BIAFF 2007) the organisers found a solution. I remember that I once showed some films in the Stirling Old Jailhouse (Scotland) and in the Oast Theatre in Tonbridge (Kent). Perhaps there were not more than 100 seats, but aren't there larger auditoria with more seats ? I am only a stranger in your midst and the best coaches are in the stands.

BIAFF 2011 has a Korean winner. BIAFF is intercontinental. It makes me think of the year when a filmmaker from Argentina won the Daily Mail Trophy. I remember his excellent feature film about a taxi driver. This year I thought that a British film was best. I hope you do not blame me for giving my opinion. If you think that I have gone too far, my apologies then.

I also enjoyed "Hounds and the Huntsman" by Michael Slowe very much. I guess that the judges will have told him again that his film is too long. The judges also find my own films too long. But what an English atmosphere in this documentary !!!!! Also the photography is perfect. Michael's film is a work of real artistic photography. The picture of the huntsmen on their horses surrounded by all those hounds in autumn colours! From different angles. I will never forget this. I am also sure that the audience felt that the man who was interviewed talked in such a spontanuous and enthusiastic way.

Of course there were many other films that I found excellent : "Montague Jack" ,the story about Jack the Ripper, for instance, "After the Bus had Gone" about Dylan Thomas, "Coveted Islands" by Suzy Sommer... It's amazing that only 2,000 people live on that small island and that such a terrible war took place to (re)-conquer it. How many young men gave their lives for such a small island which is only a paradise for seabirds. It seems to be an island lost in the immense ocean. Maybe it has/had some strategic importance... Vladimir Murtin and his friends always take part in BIAFF. I enjoyed their "Wedding" and "Nomen".

In the last mini-cinema on Saturday afternoon "The End" by Ken Wilson was shown. You could hear that everybody found his comedy very funny. Your "angel of death" was a real one, Ken! I remember that he played the main role in some other films made by you. I remember his superb facial expressions in "The End". I also loved the story. I think that comedies are not always appreciated. That's a pity. Ken's films are always very entertaining. When did BIAFF take place in Norwich ? About 8-9 years ago? I remember Ken Wilson's funny film about a man who wanted to commit suicide by jumping off a railway bridge. You only remember the best films of a festival.

Some thoughts :
Please, do not misunderstand me. I am very very very happy with my 2x 4 stars.
It is only a handicap that a foreigner like me is obliged to subtitle his films. It is not good for the power in the film. The viewer must concentrate on the subtitles, not only the images. Good that Dave, the webmistress' s husband, has helped me again with the subtitles. And I am sure that he has also subtitled other films from abroad. Also thanks to him BIAFF is international. This year there were less films, but there were more entries from overseas. In general there were 214 entries. Last year 249. I think it is because the BIAFF-deadline was one month earlier which is good.

Other excellent things about BIAFF 2011 :
1. It was well-organised. I appreciated the smooth proceedings of the festival in the different cinema-rooms and the award winners show.

2. The IAC always tries to enthuse young film makers. There was an under 16 age category. It gives a nice feeling to see such a young man receiving his 4-star certificate in a room packed with a few hundred old age pensioners like me.

3. The food at the Gala Dinner was superb and the wine as well. The food was English but the wine was French. I met many friends from the North and from the South and I had a nice chat with them, also after dinner. There was no extra show after dinner which was good. I remember that about 7-8 years ago I had to go onto a small stage. A lady in a long dress asked me to dance with her on piano music. I hate dancing. Luckily most people had already fallen asleep and they didn't see me.

4. I had two entries. My third about Wensleydale in the Yorkshire Dales was not finished yet, but it means that I already have an entry for Weymouth. I also have a naughty one minute movie for BIAFF 2012. One of our friends on this forum had a good suggestion I think. BIAFF is a film festival. Why not some long films on Friday evening or one minute movies?

So congratulations to all NERIAC and other people who contributed to this successful BIAFF, maybe in particular to David Newman, who worked in silence behind the scenes.
Willy Van der Linden
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Post by Brian Saberton »

Col is right. The best film in a competition isn't necessarily going to be a crowd pleaser so it's important that judges try not to be influenced by audience reaction. It isn't easy of course and you have to be pretty thick skinned to announce an unpopular choice.

Also, well said Willie. In a big Festival like BIAFF there will always be a few problems but these can be addressed in the fullness of time and I'd rather remember all the positives of the event which Willie has mentioned. I'd also like to add my appreciation for the very hard work of David Newman and his team in organising the Festival. It's a massive task to manage, even with help, and particularly difficult when you are also doing a full time job.
Brian Saberton
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Post by Dave Watterson »

Good point, Brian. A great deal went right this year ... and we thank NERIAC for all their hard work inthe festival as well as David Newman for the competition and film programme.

We should not, however, ignore any problems. This is the IAC's major event of the year. We have visitors from all over Britain and from other countries too. It should be as near-perfect as we can make it.

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Post by Brian Saberton »

Of course my expression of appreciation included the NERIAC team who I thought did a magnificent job and were always friendly and helpful. The food was good too and the portions so generous I'm sure I'd put on weight by the time I got home! All in all a very memorable BIAFF and isn't it good that we have this forum to share and discuss our thoughts about the films.
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Post by fraught »

I wasn't at the festival on the Sunday so didn't get to see either Dancer or Helping Hand.

That being said, i've just watched Helping Hand on Vimeo... a very well made film, beautiful cinematography, very well acted... but i have to say... i didn't get the ending. I'm normally ok with picking up quirky endings... but this one has stumped me. Anyone able to enlighten?
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Post by Fingercuff »

Hey Fraught,

PM me your postal address and I'll send you a DVD of Dancer!

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Post by fraught »

Cheers Jim... appreciate that!
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