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Cheap web site production software

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2002 3:48 pm
by Albert
Hi all webbers,
If anyone has had a look at my new website
(it's worth a look at as the photos are *very* unusual)
....more plugging, well I'm not going to beg again,
you beggars. :-) you may wonder wot software I used?

So my point....the web site I designed using the
CHEAPEST software around for web site design and launching.
It was Serif Webplus7 available in all good grocers shops(!)
for the princely sum of 26 quid.

Front page and such is over 100 quid and altho has features
that webplus doesn't, it's still remarkable value for money.

So get webbing folk and let us your URLs so we may see
some of your styles. If the IAC has a good web site,
why not individuals toooo.


Albert....too busy webbing to make films now :-)

Re: Cheap web site production software

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 11:49 pm
by Dave Watterson
Darn! If we have to wait until the IAC has a good web site before we take things further

Enjoyed the pics, Albert. What software did you use to create
them as opposed to the web site itself? It put me in mind of a
show which used to be in Bath: someone carved models so small
you could only see them with a large magnifying glass ... famous
people on a grain of rice and so on.

As for cheapies ... the IAC web site is all written with free
software called AOLPress which, sadly, seems to have gone missing from the AOL web
site these days. I have never been a member of AOL but they used to offer the WYSIWYG
package freely as a gesture to the web community.

That said ... I am struggling to learn Dreamweaver in order to simplify some of the
updating and maintenance process.

We tried a section of interesting reader's web sites but only Laurie Calvert offered
his site ... a good one including some clips from his computer animations. More would
be very welcome.

As for all those plugs .... socket to me! socket to me! socket to me! Her come de judge!

Re: Cheap web site production software

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 8:13 pm
by Albert
"Dave Watterson" <> wrote:
Enjoyed the pics, Albert.
Gee, thank you Dave for having a look. I have many more
unusual photos to add soon...."watch this space" :-)
What software did you use to create
them as opposed to the web site itself?
Well Dave it's all a big cheat realy...don't tell anyone!

The originals were all 35mm slides. I bought a slide adaptor for my Sony dv camera.
and "Filmed" each slide. Then I captured
into Prem6. Then trimmed etc etc and saved single frames as
bitmap files. Thence into package to add border, and thence
into Serif WEbplus7....
... and Bob's yer he? :-)
It put me in mind of a
show which used to be in Bath: someone carved models so small
you could only see them with a large magnifying glass ... famous
people on a grain of rice and so on.
I do get so fed up with the general run of photography albeit
technically good. I try to show people, (as I do in my
animated films, that ordinary objects can be seen thro a new
viewpoint, trying to shock, to show folk something they
have never seen before if I can.
We tried a section of interesting reader's web sites but only >Laurie Calvert offered
his site ... a good one including some clips from his computer >animations.
More would be very welcome.
Until recently I thought web site production was very complex,
but it's a doddle...easier than making films! :-)
So roll up folk, get yer 25quid software and give the man some more 'sites' to see!
As for all those plugs .... socket to me! socket to me! socket >to me!
Oh dear,don't blow yer fuse, Dave. :-)

Albert.....always con fused!!