Competition sections

A forum for sharing views on the art of film, video and AV sequence making as well as on competitions, judging and festivals.
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Albert Noble
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Competition sections

Post by Albert Noble »

Most festivals and competitions have a section for junior film makers.
Why not a senior section?
I mean really senior. "Over ninety."

In that manner I will get less competition, if any :-)
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Dave Watterson
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Re: Competition sections

Post by Dave Watterson »

Nice try, Albert!

Actually I suspect there may be one or two other competitors.

But the notion of categories within a competition is worth considering. Ned has long argued for a "student" category. The current age divisions are broadly intended to separate young people at school (under 18) and young people in tertiary education (students).
Albert Noble
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Re: Competition sections

Post by Albert Noble »

It would be very interesting to see how many film
makers are actually over 90.
Any others here?
Michael Slowe
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Re: Competition sections

Post by Michael Slowe »

Well Albert, you and I go back quite a few years, back to the good old Ten Best times. I'm a year short of my 90 and I'm making fewer films now, it all seems such an effort and the imaginative juices are drying up. Having said that I am just embarking on a project that I hope will be interesting.
How about you? Dave thinks that there may be more old film makers, can he name them please, with ages?
Albert Noble
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Re: Competition sections

Post by Albert Noble »

You're catching up on me fast Michael, if you're 89.
You must keep those juices flowing......don't listen to modern . so called, music and
dump the TV, both destroyers of the creative mind. and the drying up of juices.

I've just started on a very complex animated sound sync film to make.
Using skulls and bones so very apt at my age. :-)

I still call them films, not videos, as the sound of the single
frame release of the old Bolex 16mm camera never leaves my mind.
Take care old timer . :-)
ned c
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Re: Competition sections

Post by ned c »

OK; I do not like age as a defining character but I was born 05/1934 (so do not really qualify for this discussion) and reasonably active film making; 3 Guerrilla Challenges a year currently making a promo for the fire department and work with other local film makers in various capacities.

I am glad I lived to the digital age and use NLE systems; 4K cameras; UHD TVs; be selective and there is good stuff on TV; some great films are being made; it's both a delight and something of a surprise to be alive.

Rather than age based competition Mr. Noble should ask for an animation section of BIAFF; for me animation is a very special form of film making certainly beyond my capabilities.
ned c
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