A forum for sharing views on the art of film, video and AV sequence making as well as on competitions, judging and festivals.
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Ken Wilson
Posts: 165
Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:17 pm


Post by Ken Wilson »

Hi all. It was the first BIAFF online evening last night. It was an interesting selection of films getting the week off to a good start. A bonus was that this method allows for us to introduce our film and to answer questions about it which all adds to the enjoyment. It was puzzling though why the attendance was quite low and peaked at only 32. Of course some people were watching with others so the number would be a bit higher but disappointing based on IAC membership and the number of people who entered films. It continues for the rest of the week online so I would encourage many of you to join in.

The live BIAFF sessions in Birmingham are course coming up at the end of the week, but unfortunately for only the second time since 1995, we can't be there as we are on holiday. Due to some confusion on dates due to the clash with the Coronation when it looked like BIAFF would be moving to another week, we booked the same dates to go away. It is disappointing to miss this one.
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Dave Watterson
Posts: 1924
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:11 pm
Location: Bath, England


Post by Dave Watterson »

I strongly second Ken. The online sessions give us a chance to see many films we might otherwise not come across. Some are brilliant, some are of the level that I might just - in my dreams - aspire to.

There is time for a bit of banter between the audience members and to complain about the judges (our annual treat!)

Come along.

And for those not on holiday ... see you in Birmingham. Ken and Carol have a great time wherever you are.
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