Entering competitions..

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John Simpson
Posts: 170
Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2021 12:09 am

Re: Entering competitions..

Post by John Simpson »

I recently watched an interview with the late great Alan Rickman and he said he liked to gauge a film by watching it in a cinema with a live audience who were watching the whole thing without breaks, and seeing their reactions. From their reactions he could tell if the film had worked.
I, on the, other hand, don't really go to the cinema and if I find a watchable film on TV (which is probably less than 5% of TV films) then I normally watch the film on in two halves, often on different days. You may say I'm not a film purest!

What films do I like? Any Jane Austin Costume Drama, and most other Costume Dramas, Waynes World, The first 3/4 of The Martian, most films with Hugh Grant or Emma Thompson.
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