Free editing software

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ned c
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Free editing software

Post by ned c »

Some time ago there was a thread about free software and we checked some offerings but without much success.

I recently came across VSDC free software (yes; really free with no watermark or surprise charges). There is also the question of what to do with a computer of limited power. The claim is that this works with a 1.5 GHz (or more processor) and 1 Gb RAM with Windows.

So I tried it on a Chromebook, 10 inch screen, 1.44GHz processor 4 Gb RAM, Windows Home.

It works! The screen is too small for my eyes and the timeline stutters but with a bit more power this looks to be a good option. I tried it using AVCHD 1920x1080 30p. The software is amazingly well featured; good tuitions on YouTube

If you download be sure to go the SVCHD site; as Google want to take you to a lot of other "free" offerings.
ned c
Michael Slowe
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Re: Free editing software

Post by Michael Slowe »

Ned, no, Media 100 would be the best FREE software I believe. It is my editing system for sure, and has been since 1996 when I went digital. The problem has been that Boris eventually bought it and after bringing it up to date with HD,4K etc they stopped further development and it became free (£15,000 in 1996!!!). Everything can be done from within the app without having to go out to others and it's wonderful, except it will stay where it is. That's fine for me but may not suit a whiz bang youngster.
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Re: Free editing software

Post by Roy1 »

Hi Ned. I understand that the VSDC editor is definately not for beginners. Apparantly there are a lot of important things you can't do with it. I've looked at a few review Apps and they all say the same. Cheers and stay safe
ned c
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Re: Free editing software

Post by ned c »

The original discussion was what free software would be suitable for a beginner with a lower powered computer.

Media 100 is without a doubt fine software but is Mac only and is no longer supported which is fine until Mac update their OS and it no longer functions or you stay with an older OS. This is what happened to FCP7 which I had used from v2. If you want a well supported, really high end free program for either Mac or PC then Resolve is the route I would take.

My test was on the most basic computer possible; the big problem was the tiny screen and old eyes; however I did successfully import, edit and export a short HD piece; all very clunky due to the low performance of the computer. It is a very full featured program but you only have to use the features you need. It certainly has a learning curve but typical of any NLE program.

Roy, what did the reviews report on the limitations? I looked at the YouTube tutorials and a couple of on line reviews but did not find many adverse comments.

ned c ;
ned c
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Re: Free editing software

Post by ned c »

Roy; did another search and found the comments on VSDC v other free software, sort of mixed reviews particularly the fact there is no hardware acceleration; non existent on my Chromebook anyway! . I followed up on ShotCut which received high marks but to access the program you have to download a browser as well! It also has higher computer power requirement for HD (4 thread CPU 8GB RAM) and for 4K (8 thread CPU 16 GB RAM).

There are plenty of free/inexpensive choices for the beginner.

ned c
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