Magix movie edit pro premium

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Magix movie edit pro premium

Post by Roy1 »

I hope someone can help me. I have successfully complete making a video on the time line of magix movie edit pro premium programme but I can't fathom out how to make a Blu Ray video disc from it. I don't understand the jargon and so can't fill in the panels which appear when I click onto burn. If someone can give me step by step instructions of how to do this I would be most grateful. Thanks and stay safe.
tom hardwick
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Re: Magix movie edit pro premium

Post by tom hardwick »

I've never used Magix but have you used YouTube's search facility Roy? I bet there's a few videos been uploaded on how to do just that - burn discs direct from the timeline.
Posts: 466
Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:04 pm

Re: Magix movie edit pro premium

Post by Roy1 »

Hi Tom. Thanks for your interest. I searched you tube for a tuition before posting on this forum. Alas I only found two tutorials, lne by Magix themselves which I couldn't understand and another by a company where the totor gave such a rushed verbal explanation in a very quick American dialect that I couldn't follow at all. Both seemed to be experts talking to experts. However the good new is that I have fathomed out how to do it by trial and error. I have now successfully burnt a Blu-ray disc and also a standard DVD disc. Proves that my brain still works if nothing else does. Cheers stay safe. Regards Roy Alexander
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