AGM and Survival

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Jameela M Boardman
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AGM and Survival

Post by Jameela M Boardman »

With the current situation over this virus and the imposed draconian restrictions, plus the mess the IAC has got itself into by not bringing younger people forward, the Institute now faces existential threats.

The 'Annual General Meeting' is a few days away, and it is intended to be held via 'Zoom Meetings', which theoretically could now include the entire membership, yet no details of this have been provided.

No change in the Council is scheduled, just re-election of existing members with no new people invited in.

But many "Changes" have been proposed on this forum regarding our survivability -- should not the AGM be the time when all these issues are openly discussed by the membership, and votes taken on the course of action?

Should not new and younger people also be invited to serve on the Council, and where accepted, voted in at the AGM?

There are elderly members of the Council who despite many years of good service to the IAC, are now no longer in strong health, yet they are not standing down... I ask them to please make space for younger people, and also help guide their successors into the role of serving the IAC for its future.

It is clear that the necessary agenda required to be discussed and voted on, plus an explanation of how to use the Zoom technology for this General Meeting is not yet set up. Many members have older computers and phones, so the chosen technology needs to work for all of us.

So I propose that at this forthcoming AGM, a decision is taken to hold a further 'Extraordinary General Meeting' as soon as the above full agenda can be arranged, and an explanation of using "Zoom meetings" posted out to the entire membership.

ned c
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Re: AGM and Survival

Post by ned c »

OK my last shot in this arena then I promise to shut up.

Without a doubt there is a huge number of people across all ages and interests making films for pleasure. I believe they have one thing in common; a wish for an audience; they can reach huge audiences on YouTube and Vimeo and get feedback; but like all social media it is humanly disconnected. We want to see our own and fellow film makers films up on the screen and then discuss and debate. We don't need tea and biscuits and a reading of the club minutes and election of officers. Screening opportunities require organizing, promotion and financing. I can just give you the example of what has developed here in SW Utah. Two young film makers got together and formed FMASU (Film and Media Alliance of Southern Utah) a non-profit (similar status to the IAC) built on a vigorous film making scene. They have a grant from the city; support from some local businesses and seek donations, they also charge a fee for entries into the annual events and entry to the screenings. They have created an annual Festival; Desertscape; three short film events each year and are now setting up a screenwriting competition; bimonthly open screening evenings for film makers to show work in progress and get feed back and small financial grants as seed money for film makers.

I realize this is a local rather than national venture but think how it would be if each region had an alliance organizing local events with support; guidance and even financial help from a central body which assisted with the regulations and legal side of the activities. I know that there are initiatives like this in the UK but with real large scale support they can be expanded and developed and give the IAC an overall role. BIAFF is the central annual event and with its regional screening support and the Film Freeway entries becomes a major attraction for the (OK) amateur world.

There is an IAC regional structure that could be the basis of the screening management.

What becomes of individual membership? See my earlier post; access to the "expert" membership list; substantially reduced entry and registration fees for BIAFF; awards (OK recognition) only open to IAC members and also limited access to the on-line Newsletter.

Silence will prevail.
ned cordery
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Dave Watterson
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Re: AGM and Survival

Post by Dave Watterson »

Register to attend the online IAC AGM on 10th October ... click to go to the Eventbrite website: no charge ... 2986027519
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