Clubroom/Film theatre upgrade due to Covid 19

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Clubroom/Film theatre upgrade due to Covid 19

Post by edin »

The Edinburgh Cine & Video Society Clubrooms, including our 54 seat cinema, has been closed since March and it will be a long time before club meetings and events can take place. This is also due to the older age profile of our members and many have said they will not return until several issues are addressed, the main one being the availability of a successful vaccination, there are many other regarding installation of Covid 19 sanitisation stations, replacing hand towels with air hand dryers or a paper towel dispenser, social distancing, film theatre ventilation.

During our shutdown period we would like to address the health and safety issues that we can address. We wondered if any other club had gone down the road of seeking some source of grant funding to carry out the required improvements to their club environment. Please let me know if you have any knowledge on this subject or a suitable contact who can.
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Re: Clubroom/Film theatre upgrade due to Covid 19

Post by TimStannard »

I think you're in a rare (although not unique) position of owning your venue.
Staines Video Makers, like many (most?) clubs use the local village hall.

In June we received a message from hall management polling users about the possibility of reopening in August. For the reasons, you express we had taken the decision not to meet face to face until certain criterea were met (vaccine availability, guaranteed cleaning of venue between user groups etc.).

We were looking at going back in January at the earliest - possibly reviewing that in November/December. Unfortunately a lot of other the groups wanted to go back. We were faced with an ultimatum - book it from October or you lose it!

Fortubately Staines has some funds and can afford to do this, but for how long?
Proud to be an amateur film maker - I do it for the love of it
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