Anyone out there?

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ned c
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Anyone out there?

Post by ned c »

Every two or three days I check this forum and although there is alleged to be 100 + on line no-one actually adds anything. With the shut down this should be a time for lively debate; I must assume those 100's are in fact Bots.

ned c
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Jameela M Boardman
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Jameela M Boardman »

I had wondered the same!

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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by TimStannard »

Yep. No one looks apart from the three of us.
Rather sad really as this could be such a great vehicle for sharing ideas and opinions.
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Howard-Smith »

Make that four of us.
I did start a new thread this week regarding licences for featuring children in films.
I resumed my filmmaking on Sunday this week for the first time since early March. I have 7 scripts ready to film. I intend to make 5 of these films between now and November.
I’m still keeping my fingers crossed that BIAFF will go ahead in October. If it does, I’ll be there. As far as I’m concerned I’m going to take every opportunity to get on with life as normally as possible as the lockdown restrictions are eased. Glass half full not half empty for me.
Hopefully other filmmakers are getting back to making new films by now. I’d like to think there’ll be plenty of entries for BIAFF 2021.
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Peter Copestake »

Yes, I'm here!
Peter Copestake
Michael Slowe
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Michael Slowe »

That must make five of us, I too try and keep in touch with the Forum. It should be buzzing as people are mostly on line and not attending raves, not generally a popular activity with the current membership of the IAC.

As it happens I have an important topic to discuss.

A TV channel wants to transmit some of my films, both recent and from past years. I was quite happy with this and sent to them a drive with many full res files of films that they mentioned. Transmissions are apparently scheduled and then I receive a 'Licence Agreement' which requires my signature. Well, I'd be signing my life away! I am not seeking any reward or compensation in respect of them showing my films, in accordance with my 'amateur' status, but they want complete indemnity for almost anything.

Have any of you had this problem? One of the Sky channels has broadcast my 'Hounds' film many times now without my being required to sign anything as far as I can recall. Also, years ago, ITV on their Clapperboard programme, broadcast some of my films again, without any legal documentation.

On the subject of young film makers and their activities, you will find that there is quite an active organisation called Raindance that is worth checking on. They organise competitions and courses and seem to involve a lot of film makers who would benefit the IAC enormously if they were to be involved with us.
ned c
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by ned c »

I can't give an exact parallel to your experience Michael but have experienced something similar. I was Submissions Director for the first year of DOCUTAH organized by our local university. Everyone on the management committee was to be paid; I was the only member not an employee of the university and when I saw my contract I discovered that as a contractor I was not covered by the university litigation insurance. This is America and everyone sues everyone, so this was a potential risk; I then learnt that by being a volunteer and not being paid I would be covered by the insurance. easy decision but unloading of liability is commonplace these days. I suppose the answer is consult a lawyer and have the TV channel pay the bill.

ned c
Michael Slowe
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Michael Slowe »

Ned, many thanks for this. I have consulted my lawyer and he suggests speaking to the media people at his old firm. However one of our very good friends is the head of one of the biggest theatrical and film agencies in London and he says not to sign this contract as it is. I might negotiate something with them but I"m not too comfortable with it. There's nothing whatsoever in it for me other than having some films broadcast so I'm not too fussed. When Sky broadcast my "Hounds & The Huntsman" (more than once!), the channel doing this also sold a lot of DVDs of the film. Then I did stipulate that a proportion of the sale money should go to the IAC, which it did. I don't recall having to sign any contract or indemnities then.
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Willy »

I am number 6 Michael. I am still alive. I have also read Jameela's interesting text about the future of the IAC. But I must admit I have done it with a bird's eye view. I am very busy at the moment. I also feel a little bit embarrassed because I am a "John Foreigner". On the other hand I am an Anglophile who has already crossed the Channel 300x2 times in 55 years. The only parts I have not seen yet are the industrial areas and the Isle of White. I planned to go the Cotswolds again in September but I have postponed that trip. I fear that this year I won't be able to go to the Albion because of covid-19 and maybe there will be another problem at the end of the year... But maybe there is no reason to be embarrassed. The only chapter that I have read twice, Jameela, is the one about "Film and Video Magazine". My article "I Hopped around the Weald with my Camera", is coming to an end. But it does not mean that I will disappear. On the contrary. I love writing articles and having discussions on this forum, but I must have enough time to avoid spelling mistakes and other ones. My mother-tongue is still Dutch. However, I can already tell you that I would find it very sad if FVM Magazine would stop as a real magazine. Am I allowed to say this? I am a contributor to FVM myself. I fear that more IAC-members will drop out. It's fantastic that there is a magazine for regions like the South-West. For instance I appreciate Pip Critten's work very much, but I think that FVM must remain standing. I must stop now because it is already 2 am on the Continent. Time to go to bed. Also because watching a computer-screen prevents you from falling asleep. I promise to write more when I have finished my newest film and other things.
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Willy »

Quick erratum previous message:
"The Isle of Wight" instead of "The Isle of White". My apologies.
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by TimStannard »

Willy, you are every bit as much of this community as the rest of us and you've probably seen more of the UK than most. Having you and and ex-pat like Ned amongst us only strengthens the organisation. As a bare minimum it helps us remember there's a wider world out there and prevents us becoming too Anglo-centric.
Proud to be an amateur film maker - I do it for the love of it
Michael Slowe
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Michael Slowe »

Willy, it's "Jonny Foreigner", not John, and we are very pleased to always welcome Willy.

I am joining you in the next issue of the magazine, I too enjoy putting on paper my thoughts and experiences concerning film making. Of course the printed magazine is crucial to the very existence of the IAC in my humble opinion. It unites us and provides a means of communication quite different from all the weird and wonderful electronic devices so prominent today. We simply must keep it going, and, what a great job Mike Wyman is doing, there is a palpable improvement, although it's difficult to be specific.
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Jameela M Boardman
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Jameela M Boardman »

Out of curiosity for how many viewers are human, and how many are internet bots, I scrolled way down this forum and selected four old threads which I am sure would no longer be active, except to the very occasional researcher maybe.

I monitored this over a couple of weeks and the number of views kept going up and up!

Old threads with over 3000 views were increasing at 8 per day!
Old threads with over 6000 views were increasing at 13 per day!

ned c
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by ned c »

I love getting my copy of the magazine and I believe it is the only magazine in the world devoted to amateur film making and in many ways the only solid benefit of being a member of the IAC. My concern continues to be ensuring the survival of the IAC by identifying its potential wider membership and using the financial resources to best effect.

However; many thanks to the regular writers in the magazine; Tom's reviews thorough and helpful; Ken's world of Phase 4 films; welcome to the ups and downs of the real world of film making; Brian's reflections; and Willys' adventures in England. All enjoyed first by me and then passed on to my long time co-worker, Alberto who lived and worked in Germany for many years and was involved in both the professional and amateur worlds of film making.

The film scene here continues to be as vibrant as ever; DOCUTAH runs in the first week of November screening some 60 films or about 20% of the entry; Desertscape and the Summer Guerrilla Fests have just ended; there was a physical event with attention to the safety guide lines. We didn't attend being of a certain age but caught some of the on-line events.

Now for an odd sideline; one of my grandsons is a keen snowboarder/skateboarder who learnt that I still have my Sony VX1000E apparently the camera of choice for the fraternity. So tested; it still works, and is now on its way to him. Check the prices on e-bay and be amazed!

ned c
Michael Slowe
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Michael Slowe »

Sorry to be boring but just for the record, and maybe as a guide for others, I have resolved my contract issue with the TV channel and transmissions of many of the films from my portfolio will take place periodically. I have not signed a formal contract but have assured them that I have the copyright to the films and that I will, where possible, enquire whether the people who I feature, are happy to be broadcast.

Jameela, I'm afraid I don't quite understand the point that you are making about previous posts, are the Russians interfering again?
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