Goalball video

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Goalball video

Post by fraught »

Here is something else i've been working on recently. It's a promo video for a local Goalball club that my son plays for. Its apparently the first of its kind, so hope you enjoy it. :)

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Re: Goalball video

Post by Dave Watterson »

It's a daunting game! I certainly was not even aware of it until your Facebook posts started to mention you going with Paddy to the games.
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Re: Goalball video

Post by fraught »

I was the same Dave.

When we shot the film, at the end of the first day i made sure that all the crew suited up and played a game, to get an idea on what the players go through. Was a LOT of fun! I just wish i had taken the trainers advice and worn a box! Ouch!
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Re: Goalball video

Post by TimStannard »

Nice promo. Love dthe glitchy editing. But if the game is about what it looks like (blindfolded person rolls a ball at a goal with a blindfolded goalkeeper), I fail to understand its appeal.
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Re: Goalball video

Post by fraught »

Hey Tim. It's a sport for Visually Impaired people, the guy in the centre of the opening shots plays for Team GB at the Paralympics. The 'shades' are to put everyone on an even playing field, so all players are totally blind. There are 3 people at each end of the court infront of a 9m goal, and they throw the ball at the opposition to score. The ball has a small bell in it which helps the players know where it is, but they have lots of tricks to make the other players loose track of it. It's a fascinating sport to watch and equally fascinating to play!
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Re: Goalball video

Post by TimStannard »

Ahhh. Thanks for the explanation. Not sure whether you should feel bad your film didn't get that across, whether I should feel bad that I didn't understand that from the film or if neither of us should feel bad because it was a promo aimed at people who already knew that :)
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Re: Goalball video

Post by fraught »

Hahaha... i'm not sure! My brief was to make the sport look cool and exciting. So whether you understand how the game is played or not, i hope it looks cool and exciting?! :-)

This video is the first of it's kind for the sport too, no one has ever filmed it in this sort of way. Which is kinda exciting! :)
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Re: Goalball video

Post by TimStannard »

It look kinda Epic! Opening scene especially built great tension. Led us to expect something exciting and delivered.
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Re: Goalball video

Post by fraught »

Cheers Tim. :)
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