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A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:22 pm
by Mike Shaw
I had an email from a distant friend who writes books about video editing (and novels) ... asking whether I'd seen his latest article in Digital FilmMaker, now on the bookstalls, and 'what did I think...'.

Well, I didn't even know there was a film-making magazine - so quickly Googled it and lo! Looks like there is now a new magazine for the likes of us. New, as in 'only' (apart from FVM of course, but that doesn't hit the bookstalls).

I have no idea what it is like, and whether it is even worth buying but, I took the plunge and invested £50 in a year's subscription.

Has anyone seen this magazine - if so, opinions! Have I made a bum choice here? I'll report back when my first copy arrives (not seen it in the Smith's around here yet...) in about 6 weeks time.

Could be good. Could be rubbish.

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:22 pm
by TimStannard
When I first got into video making in 2005/06 (remember, I'm a newcomer comapred to most here) there was a magazine on the bookstall - Digital Video Techniques. I saw the complete life cycle of that magazine (it lasted about three years, I think).
The problem for a magazine of this sort it is very difficult for a magazine such as this to evolve with its readership. Apart from equipment reviews, everything else is either a repeat of what has been run before (eg "basic green screen", "day for night shooting") which alienates the people who have been reading for two years or advance with the readership, which very quickly makes it inaccessible to new readers.
DVT opened a web forum which became a much better source of information and through which I made a couple of good friends. this also helped raise our suspicions that the magazine contributors were really no more than enthusiastic amateurs. A fairly obvious clue was when they started confusing shutter speed with frame rate in the magazine. Consequently it carried no more authority than an enthusisat's blog.
I look forward with interest to your comments on Digital Filmmaker. I'll happily subscribe if the recomended, but, from the experience above, I'm naturally wary.

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:17 pm
by Mike Shaw
In my youth (about 1000 years ago...) there was a variety of magazines, some of which were for the DIY and the Amateur Radio markets for example, all by the one editor - F J Camm. They were known as Camm's comics, and in any issue, all you had to do was look back at the same issue the previous year to see virtually the same articles, now re-written and brought 'up to date'. The fact that none of Camm's comics is published today, along with a load of other magazines long since buried in history, bears out your point Tim. (On the other hand - they all went out of print when the celebrated F. J. Camm died ...)

However. Just look at how many magazines there are on the bookstalls for obscure (to me) things like 'Coin Collectors', Knitting Patterns, Miniature Modelling, Computing etc etc etc ... and above all, Cameras and still photography and I wonder, why not just one for video - even if it embraces videos made with smartphones and other gizmos. Amateur film making is obviously populated with amateur film makers - professional film makers have their own (trade) magazine to write for: one or two pro journalists may venture into the amateur environment to write stuff - but the range of equipment they use would be a little more sophisticated and so could be above and beyond the general amateur's reach. Hence, I would expect articles written by semi professionals and enthusiastic amateurs in a magazine aimed at the amateur market. I'm not sure, until I see a copy, who Digital Film Maker is aimed at. My friend - who has written erudite, extremely popular and highly praised books on using various video editors - is not a professional film maker, but was involved at the business end in beta testing very popular and successful video editing systems. His articles will be informative, probably crammed with useful tips and I suspect well worth reading. So I wouldn't knock the amateur editor/skilled author too quickly. On the other hand, I'd agree outright that anyone who doesn't know the difference between shutter speed and frame rate shouldn't really be offering advice!

For any editor, it is a perennial problem - annual, even - that magazines have to attract both new readers and maintain the interest of established readers, so there is inevitably going to be repetition, with the 'fresh stuff' relying on new equipment reviews and 'how to use it'. FVM is not much different when it comes to the 'How to' stuff. 'News' is probably the only thing that can be fresh. What do the camera magazine writers find new to write about (I never read them so the question is rhetoric). Whatever it is that keeps them thriving I'm sure a video magazine could do the same. But, the proof will be in the reading (proof -- reading ... there's a pun in there somewhere struggling to get out. Maybe not). I wait for my first issue with interest ... if it isn't worth having, I've invested £50 in recycling paper or bonfire fodder. Or maybe I could sell them on eBay ... or offer them as a prize in some unsuspecting festival raffle ....

I may even try to write something for it myself. There, now, if that doesn't put you off ... :-)

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:39 pm
by Brian Saberton
Mike, I wonder if this is the same magazine I spotted in WH Smith a while ago? The one I saw was devoted to people who make films using digital SLR cameras and seemed to be aimed at the semi pro market. If I get time in the morning I'll pop down to my local branch and check it out.

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:01 pm
by Mike Shaw
Thanks Brian. If there's an article in there by Paul Ekert ... that's the one.

Now you've mentioned Digital SLR cameras ... I've got a sneaky feeling I vaguely remember an announcement about a magazine coming out about those (why them - must be more camcorders out there than D SLRs?).

In which case, not having such a camera or anticipating ever getting one ... anyone want a subscription to a magazine ...??? :(

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:47 pm
by TimStannard
Indeed. I've just come across their facebook page and the first issue was called "DSLR Filmmaker". By issue two they'd changed the name .

(From Facebook
We realise that many filmmakers don't just rely on DSLR camera technology to make movies. Many aspiring directors also use camcorders and even smartphones to shoot their footage nowadays. So, from Issue Two, DSLR FilmMaker will be known as Digital FilmMaker, covering all formats.)

Clearly trying to capture the market of all the kids who have jumped on the "I've got a 5D MKII, so I'll call myself a DoP" bandwagon - and why not? It certainly looks promising from the FB page. There's even a sample issue for free download (but I don't have a device to read it on - and I don't want to read it on a PC - I suppose I could borrow my wife's iPad)

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 1:23 am
by Lee Prescott

Hi Gentlemen and others!

A few years ago now there was a mag. called "Camcorder User" which was on the market for quite a while. Eventually the editorial staff I seem to remember "dug its own grave" and it disappeared in a cloud of ionised iron dust because it changed its format as I seem to remember. I do know that I was a regular subscriber - that is until, with the change, it "bored the pants off me" as it obviously did with many others.

At one time the IAC I think tried to get it interested in FVM - to no avail!

I'll have a look at this new one if I can find it in the "Big City" and can afford the car parking charges.....IF however it's all loaded with DSLRs then bye, bye before I start!

There is a need for a decently published general magazine - Canada has one called "Video Maker" which unfortunately has now turned more towards the Pro. echelon. There was also a new one started in OZ but it soon hit the dust, however, its Editor eventually took steps to resurrect it but I haven't had any info. as to how it got on.

I note often when I'm pottering in the Newsagents or Tesco's there is at least one mag. for Digital Camera Users which obviously sells - why for stills and not the same for video et al?

The foregoing where applied to UK and our FVM has always baffled me.....there's currently jaw jaw about "recruiting" new members ---- and yet FVM is not published on the open market. It's been mentioned several times in the past but the hierarchy always fight shy of taking such a (big?) step.... to me that's an opportunity badly missed - even if it was only for an experimental period as a start.

** I was party to a multi camera shoot of a youth choir several days of the songs/hymns or whatever they sang had the opening words: "Courage Brother, Do Not Stumble" ...... oddly it did make me think about the immediate above!

Anyway, keep smiling, it won't be long now!.........

LEE. 8)

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 9:30 am
by Huey Walker
I'm glad you've all just discovered this new magazine.

If you look up the excellent website

You will discover that they had written about the first issue of Digital FilmMaker magazine on the 30th January 2013.
This website also wrote about the name change of issue two.

Issue Six will be published on Thursday 11th July 2013

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 9:45 am
by Mike Shaw
Someone else will come in and confirm or deny this, but I have a feeling there are legal/technical reasons why FVM cannot be put onto the newsagent bookstalls. First thing that comes to mind is that, technically, the IAC is a charity, which has some bearing on the matter. (I belong to an even bigger organisation with an extremely erudite and glossy monthly magazine - very informative but never to be found on the bookstalls, because that organisation is also a 'charity'. Like FVM though, it has the luxury of not having to carry any external advertising)

Another reason of course is that most if not all the members would seriously baulk at the addition of advertising - assuming advertisers could be found for such a small guaranteed circulation magazine. Of course the hope would be that the circulation figures would rise - but the cost of getting it out there and onto the shelves in sufficient numbers, plus promotional costs, would more than suck all the IAC funds in just one month - and that wouldn't go down well either. That 'experimental period', as Lee suggests, could decimate the IAC in a matter of weeks.

Magazine publishing is a very hairy gamble. Not one I would personally recommend for FVM, without it being put into the 'impersonal' hands of one of the major publishing groups - and they must have looked at the potential for a video magazine - as it is a virtual void at the moment - and rejected it.

Although we, as members, wonder why there isn't a magazine on the bookstalls for us when there are magazines for practically everything else, the truth is, I fear, it simply isn't a viable proposition in spite of the apparent numbers of 'movie makers'. If there is money to be made at something, someone will try to make it...

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:15 pm
by col lamb

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 10:44 pm
by TimStannard
col lamb wrote:Just found this on facebook
Thanks Col. Of course I should have included the link when I mentioned it above.

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:52 pm
by Lee Prescott

Well Gentlemen et al.... no doubt Mike is possibly correct in most ways regarding the widening of the scope of FVM. and a place for it on public shelves and magazine racks......

However, with regard to advertising(ers) etc. way back from the time of Liz Donlan as Editor I fulfilled the voluntary role of Advertising Manager for several years -- that is until Mr. Ron Prosser told me to "hop it", i.e. "Daddy Knew Best" -- FVM then had as many as ten regular advertisers. Now, although there is the "replacement" Ad. Manager - there's only ever been the one paying business supporter - AKM - ! A financial loss again. SO, if Mike is correct and members wouldn't maybe want advertisers in FVM why are the details of an Advertising Manager published? Do the members have a different POV to the hierarchy?

A national circulation of FVM and quite likely a resultant increase in advertising might be risky but especially since the fact is that there is a niche there to be filled it could possibly prove "beneficial"!

Just one last comment: there always seems to be the loudest of silences on these matters from any member of the hierarchy, particularly in this Forum.

Strikes me they're are all sworn to silence (and secrecy) and from taking part in these discussions!!!

In conclusion: Membership and efforts to increase it. I have asked this before to a response of utter silence - why is it that never, never, is a "joining Form" inserted in every edition of FVM thus enabling anyone who wanted to, to try and recruit people?

Ah well - there's my "two pence worth"!

:( LEE.

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:42 pm
by Mike Shaw
However, with regard to advertising(ers) etc. way back from the time of Liz Donlan as Editor I fulfilled the voluntary role of Advertising Manager for several years -- that is until Mr. Ron Prosser told me to "hop it", i.e. "Daddy Knew Best" -- FVM then had as many as ten regular advertisers.
I'm intrigued to know exactly who they were. Most advertisers buy 'target audience readership' . The target readership may be there (but are amateurs big spenders in the same way that prosumer video companies are? I think not, as a generalisation. Always exceptions of course). The readership of FVM doesn't even hit first base as far as the mainstream advertiser goes.

Now, although there is the "replacement" Ad. Manager - there's only ever been the one paying business supporter - AKM - ! A financial loss again. SO, if Mike is correct and members wouldn't maybe want advertisers in FVM why are the details of an Advertising Manager published? Do the members have a different POV to the hierarchy?
In the hope, no doubt, that a specialist advertiser - such as AKM - would find FVM viable in spite of its low circulation/readership.

A national circulation of FVM and quite likely a resultant increase in advertising might be risky but especially since the fact is that there is a niche there to be filled it could possibly prove "beneficial"!
Beneficial to who, I wonder? Would the members benefit from the IAC going broke on a non viable venture? I think the outcry would be more 'what the heck do you think you are playing at' than 'well done, you satisfied a niche market ... for a month or two. If Video Magazines were a truly viable proposition, do you really think the experienced mainstream publishers would have pulled the video magazines they did have from the market? They were pulled because they were losing money. If they couldn't do it, what chance would the IAC have? This new magazine started life on a new tack - tackling the market from the established still camera field. They've now extended it apparently to cover any device that can shoot moving pictures ... digitally. Maybe they have found the right formula. Point is, I say again, the huge investment that the IAC would need to market FVM is not one anyone within the IAC would be prepared to fund. If you'd like to put the money up, I'm sure they'd be interested in the proposal?

Just one last comment: there always seems to be the loudest of silences on these matters from any member of the hierarchy, particularly in this Forum. Strikes me they're are all sworn to silence (and secrecy) and from taking part in these discussions!!!.

Something indeed to ponder. I do believe though this has been covered before by Dave: the council members do (they say) read the posts, but refrain from getting involved in discussions

In conclusion: Membership and efforts to increase it. I have asked this before to a response of utter silence - why is it that never, never, is a "joining Form" inserted in every edition of FVM thus enabling anyone who wanted to, to try and recruit people?

A once in a while possibility for the editor to think about, perhaps. Of course, one can download (and print) the membership form from the website at any time, rather than waste reams of paper (and the cost of printing). So - no need to wait for a form to be supplied in FVM before going on the recruiting trail. Of course, if they have membership forms gathering dust somewhere, then a loose insert using those might be a better proposition ...

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:55 am
by TimStannard
Leaving aside feasibility and cost, I don't think FVM has the content to be of appeal to people who are not involved in the IAC or affilliated clubs.
Sure, there are frequent articles about techniques and equipment, but this oncly comprises a comparatively small part of the magazine. Most of the mag is much more parochial - it's a "club" magazine reaching members across the world. An attempt to appeal to a broader, more "mainstream" readership, might well result in it losing its appeal to the current one.

Re: A New Video Magazine??!!

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:35 pm
by Brian Saberton
They have copies of Digital Film Maker in my local WH Smiths but having looked through it I'm afraid it didn't really appeal to me as it seems to be aimed at the pro or semi pro market. I seem to remember that the reason that magazines like Making Better Movies (going way back) and Camcorder User (going less far back) ultimately failed was primarily due to a lack of advertising revenue. Given the plethora of magazines on all kinds of subjects that are available these days you would think that the market could sustain one film making magazine for the amateur sector but without sufficient support from advertisers I don't see much prospect of that happening. The other problem would be finding people to run and write such a magazine that actually know something about the subject.