Crowd Funding

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Crowd Funding

Post by fraught »

Has anyone ever tried Crowd Funding? What are your experiences with it?

I've just kicked off a campaign to see if i can raise some money to send my feature film 'Addict' into some of the big film festivals around the globe. Never done this sort of thing before, so i'm kinda nervous! LOL...

If you are interested, take a look :
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Frank Maxwell
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Re: Crowd Funding

Post by Frank Maxwell »

Personally i would have tackled this subject before making the video. For people to invest they must like the video and subject. As you are aware so many media projects get made and it will be difficult for people to invest.
Sorry to say not my cup of tea. Your product falls into the same mould as what is on television.
Anyway good luck. :wink:
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Re: Crowd Funding

Post by fraught »

Cheers Frank.

I funded the making of the film myself... but the other half has pulled the purse strings a little tighter, so i'm trying this route for the festival run. Will see how it all pans out!

No worries on it not being your cup of tea... it's definitely not for everyone! :)

Thanks anyway.
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Re: Crowd Funding

Post by ned c »

I perhaps have a cynical view of crowd funding because most of the projects give no indication of how the money will be spent. The Digital Bolex is a good example; there was never a business plan; no indication of the development costs; the planned unit cost; the financial viability of the project. I hope they make it but they are now well overdue and we have yet to see any footage shot with anything other than a bread board lash up.

For your project Fraught you are looking for GB1000; what is your Festival entry plan; do you know which Festivals you have a chance of acceptance; what are the entry fees; how many Festivals will you enter; how will an investor know what you are doing? Superficially these crowd funders read as "I have an expensive hobby and would like you to pay for it, trust me."

When I was directly involved in DOCUTAH every day we received e-mails asking for a fee waiver as this film is so great it will make your Festival famous!!

The point is that when the film is completed the expenses are not over; most serious Festivals will expect a press pack as well as the DVD of the film. In many cases you will pay your entry fee; there will be a note that the film has arrived, the fee banked and then - silence. It's a tough world.

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Re: Crowd Funding

Post by fraught »

Hi Ned,

Yes you are right, some campaigns do hold a large element of trust. I've got a massive spreadsheet with all the festivals listed that i think this film will do well in along with the entry fees, URLs, Deadlines, Screening Dates, etc.... the overall cost is about £800, but i've put the final figure in as £1k because i have to take into account the fees taken via IndieGoGo, Paypal, as well as blank DVD/Blu-Rays, Postage costs and Packing Materials. I'll probably end up putting my hand in my pocket too, which is ok. I've already entered 4 film festivals so far at a cost of nearly £200. But i think it's really worth doing so that the talented work of all involved gets to be seen by as many people as i can get it infront of.
I funded the film out of my own pocket, but everyone involved contributed their time, passion, talent and energy, completely free of charge! Sometimes at their own expense (Petrol, Rail Fare). So i'm doing everything i can to get this film out there. :)
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Frank Maxwell
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Re: Crowd Funding

Post by Frank Maxwell »

If you are so passionate about your video why not go down an other avenue and market your product to the consumer. Even car boot market could help.
Festivals are o.k but it is like playing Russian Roulette. You said you entered in Festivals already. What was the outcome?
Also have you done a public show in your town of the video?
I always say to video makers of films, "You Need To Be Different" as the market is saturated with media people wanting to be Steven Spielberg.
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Re: Crowd Funding

Post by TimStannard »

Frank Maxwell wrote:If you are so passionate about your video why not go down an other avenue and market your product to the consumer. Even car boot market could help.
Surely directing marketing at a consumer is with the intent of selling copies of this particular film whereas entering festival is with a view to promoting the work of the producer, director cast (and potentially everyone involved) with a view to getting investment in future projects and/or commissions and work for those involved.

(Of course Geoff hasn't stated his purpose here, but my assumption is the latter)

Oops, sorry, there's yet another obvious reason for submission in festivals - the hope it may get spotted by a TV company who want to broadcast it.
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Re: Crowd Funding

Post by fraught »

It's all early days at the moment with regards to knowing how well the film has done, as i've only just scraped in by the deadline. The festivals don't happen until September/October. I won't know anything until nearer the time.

The reason i want the film on the festival circuit i throught would be pretty obvious? If i want to self distribute the film, i have options open to me that i can take now, but it's not all about making money. I want to see if the film can collect some kind of kudos on the festival circuit. There are plenty of festivals that have awards like Best Actor, Best Cinematography, etc... and i feel i owe it to all involved to give them a chance of getting something back for their efforts (other than money). Not saying we will, but i want to give everyone a chance.

I've already got interest from a Distributor in Hollywood, which is exciting, but i want to get the buzz from Genre fans seeing the film as well as getting more feedback.

Because of the content i can't just put the film on YouTube and let everyone see it. I need to try and get this out there in other ways, and the Festival circuit is perfect.
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Re: Crowd Funding

Post by Frank Maxwell »

My end note to this topic is........ Good Luck
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Re: Crowd Funding

Post by Fingercuff »

Hi Geoff!

In my opinion you are 100% doing the right thing. From my own experiences I know that it can work although crowdfunding and the festival circuit is a lot of hard work (I sent Driftwood to around 75 festivals including Cannes and it cost a lot but paid off). Ned is correct about festivals needing more than just the film - If you want to see my festival pack for Driftwood, I'm email it to you! Sorry I couldn't donate more to your campaign!


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Re: Crowd Funding

Post by Michael Slowe »

Festivals give little indication of a film's appeal or quality in my experience, they are a complete lottery. I sent a film that has been broadcast many times and the broadcaster sold nearly 2,000 DVD's on Amazon but it was 'accepted' by only two festivals. One in California and the other in London, that out of about fifteen I think. Mind you Ned, they now almost all do send a letter or a note to withoutabox as to whether they're accepting or not. I do suspect (and Ned too I believe), that many of these festivals are money making enterprises, you have to get to know the field. withoutabox are the organisation to use, without a doubt.

Fraught, if you've made a good film then you are quite right to try and push it but the competition is huge and ,as I say, it's a lottery. Having contacts helps, I've had films seen and considered that would never have been without words in ears by various people in the business but, of course, in the end the production has to be good and that is the criteria that matters.
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Re: Crowd Funding

Post by fraught »

Cheers Jim, i'd love to see your Press Pack for Driftwood. I really appreciate that you contributed towards our campaign, i will make sure it's used in the right way. :)

I know it's a gamble, as is often the case with the Festival circuit... but i want to give it a go. I feel i owe it to everyone involved. :)

I've already entered 5 Festivals at my own expense, but my limited pot is now running low. I have my plan, and if i don't reach my target, that's ok, i'll just have to be more selective! :)
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Re: Crowd Funding

Post by Fingercuff »

Just sent you a facebook message with the info on Geoff!
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