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MovieMaker Video Competition 1982/3 & IAC Video-Winners 1984

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:14 pm
by Graeme Spurr
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to write a little piece on the UK's first amateur video competitions and have been able to watch the Movie Maker 1982/3 Video Competition and the IAC 1984 Video Winners. Can anyone remember the competitions or entries? This is some really interesting early video material.

The entries for the Movie Maker competition were:

1. One Of Them Picture Things - Peter Wilson
2. The Void - David Felber
3. Hong Kong - Stephen King
4. Civic Week - Archie Reed
5. Inspiration - Alan Sidi

and the IAC Video Winners:

Winner of the IAC Video Trophy
The Void - David Felber

Gold Seal
The 1812 Woodchop - Syd and Beryl Pearman

Silver Seal
Art - Melvin Reid
Envelopes - J.M Ward

Bronze Seal
Scramble - Archie Reid

Blue Seal
Brains vs Brawn - Noel o' Connor

(Judges of the Video competition were Peter Warden, Michael Freeyard and Bernard Ashby)

If any of the producers are active on the forum and want to chat, please feel free to private message me.



Re: MovieMaker Video Competition 1982/3 & IAC Video-Winners

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:46 pm
by Michael Slowe
I'm a bit puzzled by your request. You refer to the first amateur video competitions, presumably you discount all the productions originated on film? I entered many Movie Maker and IAC competitions from 1965 to the present day but with film productions. Why do you pick 1982, was that the start of video? I recall seeing some of the early video projected and it was really dreadful. VHS on a big screen, that was enough to persuade me to wait for digital video and of course acceptable picture quality and I resumed production in 1996.

Re: MovieMaker Video Competition 1982/3 & IAC Video-Winners

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:03 pm
by Graeme Spurr
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the response and sorry for the confusion! 1982/3/4 is when the first 'video-only' competitions appear to start. They are initially seperate to the IAC and Ten Best film competitions, with entries being made on early portapak systems like U-Matic or Beta.