A warm welcome to all. Here we talk about films, which people put onto YouTube or Vimeo and embed here. The idea is to allow useful, friendly discussion.
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Dave Watterson
Posts: 1908
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:11 pm
Location: Bath, England


Post by Dave Watterson »

As of 5th September 2012 we have closed all the automatic ways of joining this forum.

Mike Shaw, Jan Watterson and I took this step reluctantly because of the mass of spammers trying to join. Controlling them takes up a great deal of our volunteer time, patience and what remains of our sanity.

It should not stop all our loyal forum users writing as usual.

If you want to join in, please email and I will arrange to get you involved. This may take a few hours - especially when I am sleeping / out to dinner etc!

I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Dave Watterson
Mike Shaw


Post by Mike Shaw »

Can I just add that for the past few weeks they, the ungodly from the four corners of the earth (but mainly Russia, China, Romania... ), have been attempting to join at the rate of one every few minutes throughout all 24 hours of the day, with 'names' that read like dyslexic Sanskrit alphabets.

I wondered why, suddenly, the last couple of hours had 'gone quiet'!!

Thanks Dave ... at last some respite from wielding the axe!
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Post by TimStannard »

As a mod* of another video forum, I know just how frustrating this can be. We also have automatic registration but fortunately we do have not been subjected to an attack such as this (yet?).

Anyway, let it be known that the work "behind the scenes" of admins and moderators, whilst rarely visible, is much appreciated by those in the know, and makes the a big difference between a forum which people want to join and a forum full of adverts and abuse.

* = moderator

[I asked Tim to check that the forum was still working as usual for its members ... and I'd delete his "testing" message later. In the light of these kind words I am more inclined to make it a "sticky" which stays at the top of the list all the time!

Thanks for the sympathy and understanding, Tim, on behalf of Mike, Jan and myself - the moderators for these forums.

Luckily apart from battling the spammers we do not have much to worry about in the messages from the august bunch who use this forum. In fact they sometimes prod us into other useful activity like Edin did the other night by pointing out that the videos on the IAC website had an older form of web code behind them which meant they did not run on many tablets / iPads, phones and so on. I am in the middle of updating them now ... - Dave]
Proud to be an amateur film maker - I do it for the love of it
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