
A warm welcome to all. Here we talk about films, which people put onto YouTube or Vimeo and embed here. The idea is to allow useful, friendly discussion.
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john ingham
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Post by john ingham »

:lol: Ok so here is the problem...ive taken some footage of the grandchildren tonight... blimey :shock: don't they move fast :lol:

ive resorted to editing them in slow motion.this works well with a track i selected (cold play clocks)
can you back my thoughts in saying..its better to film them when they are not playing to the camera :?:

older brother is trying to out do little sister ...I would love to stick a copy up but the sound track that really works has copywrite

also not every shot is in focus but it seems to work ?

the grandchildren are down for a couple of plenty of time yet..whats your thoughs..any ideas ?

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Dave Watterson
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Re: Help

Post by Dave Watterson »

If you send the film to YouTube, you may be OK.

YouTube (UK) has a deal with most of the music industry in Britain, which generally allows British users to use their music ... but this is at the discretion of the artists concerned (in fact of their management.) The worst that would happen is the video would be removed and you would get an email from YouTube. Your video would not be viewable outside Britain.

But looking ahead a bit, I suggest you start gathering royalty-free music where you can get or buy world rights for your film. In the long run that will save some heartache. IAC has a music advisory scheme with access to major players (sorry!) in this field at very good rates. (see ... music.html)

There are lots of online sources, many charging for their music, some not. My favourite is a free source with an immense selection of styles is Kevin McLeods: See also ... oundfx.htm

john ingham
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Re: Help

Post by john ingham »

cheers dave..ile be joining IAC very soon ......
thanks for the tips
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ned c
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Re: Help

Post by ned c »

When two of our grandchildren; brother and sister were younger; (7 and 11) we had them make short stories and act them out for the camera. The most successful was "lost" involving a search for the young brother by the sister. But we have a heap of DVDs including a series "Brian Otter - Private Detective" that they made. Beware; our granddaughter is now in her final year at film school for which I get the blame!!

Have fun.

Ned C
john ingham
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Re: Help

Post by john ingham »

fantastic Ned .... :)
thankyou for the reply
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Re: Help

Post by TimStannard »

It's probably too late for this weekend, but I would have thought you want a selection of material where they are playing to the camera and where they are not. I don't know how much you get to see them, but if you get the camera out every time they'll soon become accustomed to it and begin to ignore it, giving you much more opportunity to capture the children acting as they normally do. These shots are precious.

I have a 7 year old and she'd grown up with me brandishing a camera (I got into video simply to capture her growing up - something I regret not having done with my other two - now adult - children). The camera is virtually invisible to her unless we are filming something which she is specifically performing.

And that's where Ned ideas comes in. If they insist on perfroming for the camera, this is best if you are recording a specific performance (eg a dance they've made up or learnt) or a story (and it cam be great fun working on the story together). These are likely to produce much better footage than the children simply showing off.

If you can tie it into a school project, or even just a subject they are interested in, it can be educational too. Over the Easter holiday she had to produce a poster, leaflet or other presentation about one of the subjects she'd been learning. She'd really loved the story of the Fire of London and I suggested if she wrote a script, we could film it. The result was (a) she got here homework done, (b) she consolidated her knowledge of the Fire, (c) I got to experiment with mucking about with still drawings and photo-editing software (d) I had an excuse to learn how not to use a green screen (e) my wife didn't mind me filming because I was entertaining Elise and (f) we have some film of Elise that we'll hopefully still be able to enjoy in many years' time.

Maybe you could think of something (or,better still, get them to think of something) and work on it together with your grandchildren via email in advance of the next time you see them.

Proud to be an amateur film maker - I do it for the love of it
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Dave Watterson
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Re: Help

Post by Dave Watterson »

Good fun - and a lovely memory to cherish.
ned c
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Re: Help

Post by ned c »

John; a further thought; we made the movies very quickly; script/story a combined effort one evening and then shoot the next day; edit in the evening and then world premier the next evening;they even made posters promoting the premier. These are not award winning productions but lots of fun made very quickly to keep the interest alive, we made some in one day. The grandchildren sat in on the edit and made recommendations and music selections (never to my taste!). The length was usually around 5 to 10 minutes.

Good luck

ned c
john ingham
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Re: Help

Post by john ingham »

Thanks guys... its a shame they don't live closer :( but I'm off to see my daughter in a couple of weeks where my other grandson wants me to film him for his dads football website... ive told them to put together some ideas and props

ile let you see the end result...

Tim..Loved the video :)

can I just say a massive thankyou, your comments really do get taken on board, I'm really enjoying this new hobby and i really want to inter-link with my other hobbies, and make some great little films

active sites like this are worth thier weight in gold..

Keep trying, for one day you will get it right
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