
A warm welcome to all. Here we talk about films, which people put onto YouTube or Vimeo and embed here. The idea is to allow useful, friendly discussion.
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Peter B
Posts: 63
Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:43 pm


Post by Peter B »

I'm Peter and I've recently re-joined the IAC, I say re-joined because I was a member 20 or so years ago. I left because I used to do slide/tape and the rapidly rising cost of 35mm transparency film meant I couldn't afford to buy film in the quantities I needed to make slide shows and my photographic activities dropped to almost nothing.

Ten years ago I got a digital camera and my photography took off again, so much so that within two years I'd replaced my original digital compact with a proper DSLR.

A couple of years ago I started experimenting with digital slide/tape, although I guess I should call it AV now since there's no slides and no tape! I've produced several sequences now, most, but not all, being documentary/records of events I've been to, but I'm planning a couple of sequences based on a theme rather than an event.
My attempts at videos & AV sequences can be found on my website- http://www.dragon-sanctuary.co.uk
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Dave Watterson
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Re: Hello

Post by Dave Watterson »

Hi Peter

Welcome (back) aboard IAC and welcome to the forums.

I loved the railway pictures - took me right back to my schooldays taking pics with an assortment of cheap box cameras before I reached the dizzy heights of a Zenith 35mm camera! Your experimental photoshop-style effects are interesting and the combined AV/video material could develop into something very interesting. (I'd suggest not breaking off the music soundtrack when you go to live video, run both - provided they do not clash - with the live sound low and the music relatively high.)

The next big AV event within striking distance of Dragon Sanctuary would be 7th INTERNATIONAL 321 AV GALA DAY - 2012 UK STAGE at Aldbourne Memorial Hall, Aldbourne, Wilts on 24th June - detail in the Events Diary of the main IAC website.

14-16 September is The 20th RPS International Audio Visual Festival at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester.

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Peter B
Posts: 63
Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:43 pm

Re: Hello

Post by Peter B »

Hi Dave.

Thanks for your comments, I see you've found out what my favourite photo subject is.

The experimental style images are a mixture of HDRs done using Photomatix or created using Photoshop and some of the Photoshop actions from www.panosfx.com

As my current camera, a Nikon D90, has a video mode I thought combining AV and video would be something interesting to try out. I take your point about not breaking the music when going to live video I've done this a couple of times where the video soundtrack was either virtually non existent or inappropriate, but in the case of steam locos I prefer to hear the loco without any music but I'll try it it might work quite well with the right music. Thanks for the suggestion.
My attempts at videos & AV sequences can be found on my website- http://www.dragon-sanctuary.co.uk
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