Judges critiques - a criticism!

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Michael Slowe
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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by Michael Slowe »

Doesn't apply to your crits Dave, you are the erudite one, along with of course, the wonderful Jan to whom we owe hearty congratulations on the award of a UNICA Gold Medal.
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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by Willy »

Michael Slowe wrote:First of all Willy I endorse Mike Shaw's comments, you can't stop at that young age. I'm 75, have just returned from BIAFF (only 4 stars this year but more of that later) and have plans for plenty more productions.
I have not given the reason why I would like to stop at the age of 65. First of all you look younger than me, Michael ! I mean it. Secondly I can't control myself when making a film and I sometimes work across the border. It's stupid. I know this, but forgive me. I always want to do more and more and that is not good for my health. The older you are the less immune to stress you are. Making a film is funny but it is also stressful sometimes. For instance : the actor appears with thick cheeks on the day of the shootings because he has visited the dentist. That is what really happened when making the film "Dancing in the Air". The young man's wisdom teeth had been pulled ! Grrrr !!!

An other reason : I still have a digital camera sony 2001 and a casablanca prestige. Actually it's time to buy a new camera and a new editing machine. All together it would cost perhaps 6,000 euros. Or am I exaggerating ? I think I can afford it, but for that amount of money I could also make "some" trips to France and Britain and is it worth spending so much money as even high definition cameras will be out of date "tomorrow".

A solution : making very short films, but I am not good at it. I missed BIAFF this year, but I attended our regional competition. I mean films like those made by Robert Lorrimer for instance. I missed "Rock Bottom". I hope I will see it once because last October I met Robert in a beautiful bay in Guernsey after he had just done his camera work. Goethe said : "In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister". I know what it means. I don't know how to translate it. But I am not good at it. Maybe that's the challenge.
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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by Pqtrick »


Making a one thousand, five hundred miles round trip to Britain and scheduling into it a visit to Bedford for BIAFF, accentuates the question of whether it was really worth it?

“Well, its your problem living in South-East France!”
My response is "It is headlined as an Internationale event - Voilà!"

I want to pose two questions:
Firstly, do you come back sufficiency charged with ideas or perhaps nonplussed?
Secondly, do you find that the venue has enhanced the experience?

This was a second visit to Bedford, does the venue really do justice to the event, being so cramped and almost claustrophobic? I am judging this against a good experience of other festivals in different countries.

On Saturday, you are limited by your own hunch of what you would 'like' to to see in the mini or micro cinemas. Being patriotic, I wanted to see the completed Nuneaton's, The Inventor, so into 'The Bridge' it was. Inevitably, on the decision of one film, you see the remaining schedule.

After Tesco's £2 meal-deal for luncheon, It was into 'Abbey' and then into 'Woburn' to see Guernsey I love you. I wanted to see this having read Willy's previous comments about the making of it on this forum. Secondly, I am starting to make a film of my own in a similar vein about the Citie de Lyon.

Mais, Oh la la! Seulement les trios étoiles? [Just 3-stars!] I 'enjoyed' this film, in fact I 'liked' it. I have used these simplistic terms because, the seat of my pants were not worn threadbare, by being horizontally or vertically challenged or otherwise. But upon returning home, and reading Willy's posted comments on the notes he has received, I can understand why he chose to vent his views.

If my film, even if finished and entered at some future event [which must be an accompishment by itself] might it attract the same rain of comments? When you put pencil to paper, you are haunted by echoes of the negative judgements you have heard about many films you have seen.

During the visit on Saturday, I was asked which film I particularily liked? Well one was Guernsey, I love you. There were others, but 'liked' is a word which I use to describe something in its entirety. Certainly many films were of high technical merit but some left, perhaps, the balance of judgement in doubt.

On Sunday, there was an array of some very good films, dependant on your personal taste. Films by the younger makers were very encouraging, but I was dismayed at the ripples of laughter during the screening of Courier. I also wonder what merit there is in showing and applauding films by absent makers? Especially when there is no delegated representative to acknowledge or recieve the award.

Vicious Culture was undoubtedly a credible winner, but can that 'like' factor really be applied to it. I was asked by an international visitor; whether Le Pays de Gaulles was really like that?

Perhaps the screening of Guernsey, I love you in lieu of one or two others, may have uplifted the spirits of those who had suffered the incovenience of broken lifts and the deficient hotel air conditioning system.

As I began - yet another BIAFF.
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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by ned c »

Hi Willy, age is just numbers, it's how we feel that matters and I can sympathise with you when you describe the stress of film making under some conditions. My way around this is that I have a long time colleague I work with on the small/short films, we work together easily and without stress. For the larger productions, and you have made some fine larger productions, then have a producer take the strain of organization and handling recalcitant actors and crew members, so that you can concentrate on the film making. Your equipment has produced excellent results in your hands and there is no problem in continuing in the 4:3 format, in fact reading some of the posts here it would seem a safe format for successful projection. Please see a way to continue your film making, we have enjoyed many of your productions and do hope for more.

ned c
tom hardwick
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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by tom hardwick »

Willy, you say you have a Sony 2001 and a casablanca prestige. Do you mean a VX2000? If so, there's certainly no need to change your equipment, no-siree, not with your skills. I see this year 117 films were entered in the 4:3 format, 132 in the 16:9 format, so proving that image quality or aspect ratio has little to do with a film's success.

Oh it was wonderful to look upon the Blu-ray biting sharpness of those 6 entries, but just look at what 'My Point Of View' did to the audience. Most of it was shot on what appeared to be a point 'n' shoot digital stills camera, it was projected (incorrectly) as 16:9 and could well have been assembled on the free Windows Movie maker. Yet we all watched in silence as it pulled our heart strings to breaking point.

And we were all so glad we could exhale in a laugh when the photographer asks the amputees to do the walk for his camera, 'one more time' and he's met with, 'Oh God, do we have to?'

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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by Brian Saberton »

Well said Tom. The power of the story and message in "My Point of View" overcame any technical shortcomings.
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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by Willy »

tom hardwick wrote:Willy, you say you have a Sony 2001 and a casablanca prestige. Do you mean a VX2000? If so, there's certainly no need to change your equipment,
that image quality or aspect ratio has little to do with a film's success.

Yes, it's a DCR-VX2100E, Tom. My BIAFF-films were in 16:9 (letterbox), but I know that at the judging session one of my films was shown in a wrong format and the projector used was set on a far too high contrast. Of course that's bad luck. I thought of not saying this, but after all it's better to tell you, also because the discussion on this interesting forum is about the screenings at Bedford. A gentleman apologized and of course I accepted this. I always appreciate honesty. I am happy with his apology and I understand the judges'comments much better now. If you don't do anything, you don't do anything wrong. That is a Dutch expression and maybe it is also an English saying. I remember that some years ago the projection at BIAFF was criticised on this forum and one of our forum-friends was very disappointed. He was one of those friends who had organised the screenings. Therefore it's better to be careful.

I also know that the image quality or aspect ratio has little to do with a film's success. The only problem is that in Belgium, and I also in Britain I guess, it will be more and more difficult to find digital cassettes. At our regional competition (=BIAFF-weekend) some high definition films were shown. With the naked eye I could not see any difference between high definition and digital.

I don't think you can still buy any big video cassettes and in a year or two also the digital cassettes will have disappeared. That's why I am a bit worried.

I find your articles in Film and Video Maker very interesting, Tom. I remember that some issues ago you compared two cameras and as a fervent non-commercial filmmaker I would like to have the better one. But a good camera means plenty of money.

I already thought of buying a computer game instead of a camera so that I can play golf on my TV-screen. It's good to keep fit. Then I can feel like Tiger Woods (but mind : as a golf player). However, with a computer game you cannot be so creative. Maybe an arts school would be the solution. Making drawings or paintings. Or just watching films ! Like Dave Watterson. When I was with him a few weeks ago he told me that he would like to start a career as a filmmaker ! I think he was joking, but "you never can tell". Oh God, "You Never Can Tell" ... is also the title of one of George Bernard Shaw's comedies. No, I think Dave was not joking. He is my age.
Willy Van der Linden
tom hardwick
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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by tom hardwick »

...."it will be more and more difficult to find digital cassettes. At our regional competition (=BIAFF-weekend) some high definition films were shown. With the naked eye I could not see any difference between high definition and digital."


What do you mean by 'digital cassettes' Willy? Mini DV tapes? If that's what you mean I think you're being very pessimistic. Canon and Sony both have many cameras in current production that record to Mini DV, and I'd expect tapes to be available well past 2025. VHS good as died in 2002 when DVD really took hold, yet blank tapes are still plentiful and very easy to buy.

So don't be put off buying a tape-driven camcorder. My test in FVM between the Z1 and Z7 (both HDV to tape) brought to light the handling differences mainly, and both cameras are excellent - just what you need to replace your VX2100 and to get into native 16:9.

When you say. 'With the naked eye I could not see any difference between high definition and digital', do you mean between hi-def and standard-def? They're both digital of course. The standard def DVDs were all being upscalled at BIAFF whereas the Blu-rays were being shown 'as-is', so the quality gap between them narrows. Michael Slowe presented his film on Blu-ray, but for many years was perfectly happy with upscalled DVDs.

Michael Slowe
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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by Michael Slowe »

Still am happy with SD DVD's Tom, especially when they're upscaled by the current Blu-Ray players. I don't understand Willy's worries at all. He mustn't be put off by all the technical stuff being written, what really matters is the content and style of a film and Willy's have always been great. We still see 80 year old black and white films on TV that are holding their own pretty well against all the 21st century technology.
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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by Willy »

Michael Slowe wrote:Still am happy with SD DVD's Tom, especially when they're upscaled by the current Blu-Ray players. I don't understand Willy's worries at all. He mustn't be put off by all the technical stuff being written,
Yes, I meant mini-DV's, Tom and Michael. I always buy mini-DV-cassettes in a supermarket, but the shelves are sometimes empty. It was not like that some years ago. That's why I am a bit worried. In our clubs more and more high definition is used. Some clubs even have the right projector to show these high definition films in which every blade of grass is very sharp. However, when making a "pan" (or "travel" we say in Dutch) there is some vibration in the movements (left to right, right to left, tilt up and tilt down). Some friends are proud when they show me their high definition cameras and then I am a bit jealous, but yes, maybe you are right. If mini-DV's will still be available in 2025 ... !

Yes, I must admit that I don't read all the articles about technical stuff. When the fuses have blown at home, I carry the candlestick when it's pitch dark, but my wife repairs the fuse. I can only work with my casablanca and friends admire my capacities when they see me working with this fantastic machine. But that's all.

I have read the discussions about the format 4:3 and 16:9 on this forum. Michael, do you remember that Urbain Appeltans, winner of the Daily Mail Trophy in Bedford, was worried about the screening of his 16:9-film ? That was about 4 or 5 years ago. I think Urbain was the only one at that time. The technical evolution is enormous, isn't it ?

By the way ... I am preparing a film about an asylum seeker. I have found a real one to play the main role. He's from Senegal, but he must leave our country by the end of June. That's why I am in a hurry. I hope Idy can stay because he has a Belgian girlfriend and I would like to do the shootings when it's dark. In my story everything happens when it's dark and I forgot that in May and June it is dark at about 10-11 pm continental time. October or November would be better. I also need two policemen to arrest him because in my story he has done something wrong. I wonder what Idy's real feelings are when I am filming him. He has read the scenario and he agrees with the story.
Willy Van der Linden
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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by Tony Grant »

If you enjoy making films and the people around you also enjoy the fun then you have your award.

Make films for your local nature club, theatre club, charity, choir, school, business, MAKE FILMS FOR YOUR COMUNITY. WITH YOUR COMMUNITY.

In the next village the shoemaker takes clips of all the local events and then puts together a show at the end of the year. Always to a full house.

I have bean making films since I came to Belgium and hardly a month goes buy that someone does not knock on the door reference some project or other.

If I just wanted to go in for competitions I would have soon been turning to some other hobby.

The trouble is it seems impossible in the club world to say anything nice about someone else’s film.

“I enjoyed you film BUT”
“I would not have done that”
“Your actors over acted”
“It was to long” on and on and on.

Let’s get real and ENJOY our Hobby


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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by ned c »

Don't worry about the future of tapes, Willy. I had a look in three local supermarkets and they all stocked Hi8, VHS, VHSC and miniDV tapes, if Hi8 and VHS are still with us then I think miniDV will outlast many of us. There are also the specialist tape/media suppliers here for on-line purchases at very competitive prices. Sony and Canon are still selling cameras, both consumer and professional that use miniDV tape. I believe that tape will be used for archiving until the price of solid state storage is comparable.

I feel it is essential to discuss films with fellow film makers and film viewers to get a detached idea of how our films will be viewed by an audience and, yes, judges. I find that if I sit in with an audience and watch one of my films it looks quite different from viewing it in the edit suite or with my wife and co-workers. I know that many film makers hate the Hollywood previewing system with the audience evaluation but it has saved a few films in its time.

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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by ned c »

While checking some information I found that for most of the big Festivals (Sundance, Slamdance, SXSW etc) the acceptance rate is less than 10%, in other words 90% of entrants pay their money and get nothing! My personal experience with some of these Festivals is that they don't even acknowledg receipt of the entry and the only way to find out what was accepted is by going to their website and reviewing the program. So, how lucky we are with BIAFF, Guernsey and Morecambe, where we get the judges comments and know what was shown at the Festivals. Just a thought.

ned c
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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by Dave Watterson »

Let's not forget the AMPS event: American International Film & Video Festival - oldest amateur film festival in the world ... and also a supplier of critiques from the judges ... and a very reasonable entry fee.
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Re: Judges critiques - a criticism!

Post by Willy »

Dave Watterson wrote:Let's not forget the AMPS event: American International Film & Video Festival - oldest amateur film festival in the world ... and also a supplier of critiques from the judges ... and a very reasonable entry fee.
- Dave
And also supplier of very beautiful awards ! Last week the film "Commitment" by James Webber was projected in my club. It won the first prize at AMPS last year. We criticised the film made by the 28 year old Jamie for more than half an hour. Everything was so positive. Jealousy is the theme of this film. The storyline is fantastic. A powerful film.

We also watched the 2nd prize "Life after the War", made by René Van Vaerenbergh, my Belgian friend. Also a very good film made by a real non-professional filmmaker "pur sang". There is a theme in this tourist film. Not a sterotype film ! Next time more AMPS-films to enjoy !
Willy Van der Linden
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