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Eumig S936

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:52 pm
by simon403
Can someone help?
I've lost the manual for my Eumig S936 and can't remember the sound output pins on the two Phillips sockets at the front of the machine.

I'd be most grateful if anyone can tell me which pins are input and output.



Re: Eumig S936

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:24 am
by Mike Shaw
The 14th manual down on this page

should be the manual you're after - for around 5 euros - but it looks as though it is written in Dutch (NL). There may be an English version there somewhere - or, one of the free translation sites could 'convert it' to English for you - or the relevant part anyway.

That may help!!

Re: Eumig S936

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:43 am
by Pqtrick
I just happen to have in my cupboard gathering years of dust, a Eumig 824 projector. I am not an expert in these bits of kit at all but perhaps there is some common ground between these two models.

On this model, there are two, five pin, audio input/outputs; these are on the side of the projector. The audio input is on the left and the output on the right. In the manual there is a rather complicated circuit diagram. .

Reading the manual again, I must have lost the extra pair of arms and hands I grew to edit in cine and in the early video days.

I don’t know whether this is of any use to you. I can scan the diagram and email it to you, but it does not go down to identifying the pins on the plugs. Good Luck!

Re: Eumig S936

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:28 pm
by simon403
Thanks folks,
I have theTradebits link but as you say it is writin in (double?) Dutch.

The reference to the eralier model sounds about right - if a design worked Eumig probably would'nt change it much.
I would be most grateful if you could scan the relevant page and send it to me.

Re: Eumig S936

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:17 pm
by billyfromConsett
I've got this machine and I use the headphone socket on the side near the power input to get the sound. I've just received a tip to slow the speed down to avoid strobing when you video the picture.

The tip is To access the stepped pulleys you need to remove both sides of the machine. They are located close to the speed control. You may need a bit of wire or similar to shift the belt across. Eumig provided this facility for if the machine was to be used on a 50 cycle supply ie. USA.

Re: Eumig S936

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:41 pm
by simon403

I actually did this a while ago. It works - after a fashion, as it make the machine run faster, not slower. You can achieve 25fps in this way which reduces strobing, however when viewed on an LCD screen even the slightest strobe looks terrible!

I put the belt back where it was and had key films scanned by Larry Jamieson at Videostation, who did an excellent job on the Bosch (sproketless) machine they have there. Near-broadcast quality, but not cheap.
