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Memberlist - New Members

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:39 pm
by stingman
Dear all,

I have just looked at the `Members List` for this forum and noticed there are alot of ZERO `0` posters.

Nows your chance to post!
Why don`t you tell us about yourselves?

What type of camera do you have?

What sort of films do you make?

It would be good to hear from you all 8)

Don`t be scared. We don`t bite!

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:52 pm
by Dave Watterson
Here, here!

I know at least one regular forum reader who says she prefers just to watch because it seems like an all-male club. I don't know who is behind all the pseudonyms so I cannot confirm her impression. If it is true then that is sad. We need different perspectives.

There is no harm in just popping on a note to say "Hello, I'm a beginner/long-term film-maker from the x/y/z part of the country."



Am New Here

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:54 am
by Souterman
I am a new member so I thought that I'd give a we resume of my activitiy. I am getting auld and bald so's my Panasonic camera. So will need to think about a new one one of these days. I film anything that takes my fancy thats no much nowadays because of the weather. Been trying to make films for a number of years now and use an iMAC Intel Pentium to edit my films using Final Cut Express. Maybe this will encourage others to tell us what they use. F

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 12:17 pm
We're not an all-male club. We've got men, women, fools, idiots and old boogers to boot. Come on, speak up silent folkies- we don't bite. (but we may nibble! :shock: )

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:25 pm
by ned c
Welcome Souterman, nice to meet someone who uses FCE, I have and use FCE 3.5 HD, easy to use with good results. Any tips and suggestions?

Ned C

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:39 pm
by Souterman
To be honest I find FCE a really good prog to use but as to tips, well I have to read the book quite a lot so that side of it is difficult. But being a stubborn old guy I just keep plodding away. The Imac seems to work very good as well very pleased with it I am. F

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:38 pm
by Willy
Dave Watterson wrote:Here, here!

I know at least one regular forum reader who says she prefers just to watch because it seems like an all-male club. I don't know who is behind all the pseudonyms so I cannot confirm her impression. If it is true then that is sad. We need different perspectives.

There is no harm in just popping on a note to say "Hello, I'm a beginner/long-term film-maker from the x/y/z part of the country."


Perhaps you know that I was invited by the Scottish Association of Moviemakers last weekend. In Tunbridge Wells I already told friends that I will be reincarnated as a Brit. I forgot to tell them that I will be reincarnated as a Scotsman. Now I'm sure about it.

On my way to Stirling I visited Roy, one of the regular contributors to this forum. Hi, Roy, it was a pleasure to meet you in Durham. Now I know you better. You are a globetrotter who lived in Spain and the US for some time. You have an impressive caravan. Your best friend seems to be your lovely dog who you live with. Many thanks for your film "Beamish, the Living Past". Enjoy the films that I have given.

In Stirling I met rabbit Stephen Green, a Magpie lad. He is filmmaker and actor at the same time. I received one of this funny films : "How to Build a PC" and also "Get Fit !". I enjoyed your films Stephen ! You also seem to enjoy filmmaking immensily. I can feel it. It was an honour to meet so many people of the North Eastern Region.

Yes, it seems to be an all male-club here on the forum, Dave, but I got so many kisses from so many kind Scottish ladies in Stirling. I think they formed the overall majority. Maybe there is a lady behind the pseudonym "Thurso". Who knows ? But I think his name is Darren. I'm always very curious.

Anyway, it was good to meet some forum-friends. I already knew some of them.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:09 pm
by Souterman
Perhaps you know that I was invited by the Scottish Association of Moviemakers last weekend. In Tunbridge Wells I already told friends that I will be reincarnated as a Brit. I forgot to tell them that I will be reincarnated as a Scotsman. Now I'm sure about it.

Yes I can believe that after being there and enjoying every brilliant film that was shown on the day. Glad that you enjoyed your stay amongst us as well. F
p/s I've a long way to go before I catch up.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:54 pm
by Brian Saberton
Can I echo Souterman's words - Oor Willy gave us a wonderful show on Sunday and it was a truly great day that we will all remember for a long time to come. Garth has asked me to do a write up for FVM and I'll also be doing a piece for the web-site (with pictures) in the next couple of days so keep an eye out for that.

I wasn't counting but we did indeed have a very large contingent of women members from clubs and SAM, plus members partners so they may well have been in the majority on the day.

We were delighted that friends from NERIAC, including Michael and Linda Gough, made the journey to support our event and hope they all enjoyed the day.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:18 pm
by Willy
Souterman wrote:Perhaps you know that I was invited by the Scottish Association of Moviemakers last weekend. In Tunbridge Wells I already told friends that I will be reincarnated as a Brit. I forgot to tell them that I will be reincarnated as a Scotsman. Now I'm sure about it.

Yes I can believe that after being there and enjoying every brilliant film that was shown on the day. Glad that you enjoyed your stay amongst us as well. F
p/s I've a long way to go before I catch up.

The Border Region
Many thanks for your kind words, Brian. I didn't know you were there, Souterman ? Maybe I had a chat with you without knowing that you are one of the members of our forum family.

Now I've seen that you live in the Border area. You are spoilt, my friend. What a beautiful region it is ! I drove from Brian Dunckley's house in Newcastle to Edinburgh through the Border region. The sun was shining. The leaves of the trees had all different colours from yellow to red and gold. How poetic it all looked. Alice, Brian's wife noticed two deer, but I was focused on the road. My wife bought a fleece half way and she looked like a lamb. She looked quite happy in it. She lost it in Edinburgh, but now we know where it is. That's a relief. She has a smile on her face again.

We had lunch in the shadow of Jedburgh Abbey. I had haggis and tattis or something like that. Wonderful to taste it again after 5 or 6 years. Sorry, my friends, but I'm a nostalgic man !

In Stirling I told everybody that I love Scotland. I also love Ireland, but only in the West (Connemara) and South West (Ring of Kerry and Dingle Bay). Scotland is beautiful from the south to the north.

Perfect !
Brian tells us that an article will appear in FVM. I would like to tell you more about all our experience in Scotland last weekend. There were no negative things at all. Everything was perfect. The projection was, the selection of the films. It was very cosy in Tolbooth house which was a prison in former times etc. etc... but maybe this forum is not the place to tell all these personal feelings. Anyway, many thanks for your very kind hospitality, Scottish friends. Tomorrow evening I will meet some of you again in Guernsey.

Areas of outstanding beauty
I am also looking forward to my next trip to the UK. That will be in March. I've been invited by my friend Geoff Harrison and the Preston Moviemakers. They live not so far from the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales, other areas of outstanding beauty.

SAM and the IAC are great !

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:44 am
by Dave Watterson
I am not at all surprised that everyone enjoyed Willy's talk in Stirling - as well as the public remarks here a number of other people have been in touch with me privately to praise the event.

Perhaps I should say to praise Willy, for (sparing his blushes) although he introduced films from several Belgian film makers, what people commented on was his personal enthusiasm. "Willy is one of the great communicators" one former teacher told me.

Those who only know Willy from his writings here do not have the full flavour of the man. He is writing in his second language and that is always hard, though he does it well. He speaks English so superbly that it is easy to forget that he is not British. He shares his enthusiasm and generates a warmth in his audience. I am sure that education lost a good teacher when he retired.

I am sorry Jan and I could not be there too but we look forward to seeing Willy and many of you in Guernsey for the Guernsey Lily this weekend.

That is a festival where a great many film makers attend which gives it a special buzz. I believe there may be guests from Austria, Germany, Northern Ireland and, of course, Belgium as well as regular Guernsey-goers from Scotland and England. I have not heard of any Welsh attending this year ...

Get-togethers of film makers and enthusiasts - for whatever reason they gather - are always uplifting, encouraging and darned good fun! And with that in mind let us also send our greetings to our American friends in AMPS and AMMA who gather for their convention this weekend.

