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Taking care of business ...

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:52 pm
by Dave Watterson
Cinema for Thurso gave us the most inspiring sentence I've read this year:

"Bide your time, tongue and budget and all the things you plan will come
to pass."

A lot of the time it feels as if I have to push, to throw myself at something,
to work all-out and beat down all opposition in order to do what seems right.
That certainly energises me and gets some stuff done. But the softly, softly
approach is probably the better way to promote big change, major events and
really new ideas.

Human beings can take time to consider the possibility of change ... before
they actually consider whatever change is proposed. Trying to rush at it
and pressure people is often counter-productive. It also wears you out so
that if there is agreement to change, you are too tired to pursue the opportunity

Do you want someone else to take a turn as club chairman?
Do you want to change the rules of a competition?
Do you want to move the organisation in a different direction?

Maybe biding your time is the right way.

Most of you who write here - and most of you who read but don't comment -
are movers and shakers. You get things done. It may be making a film which
involves lots of other people. It may be running events. Whatever it is:
you make it happen.

What approaches do you use?
