Getting an audience

A forum for sharing views on the art of film, video and AV sequence making as well as on competitions, judging and festivals.
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Albert Noble
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Getting an audience

Post by Albert Noble »

I have found a way of increasing my viewing figures, even for a single star won on BIAFF.
The local village and surrounding villages are on Facebook.
Even some streets have a Facebook page.

My Halloween 40 second video joke gained a single star, so chances of
any audience at all in any competition was nil.

So I put a link to it on village Facebook with a note and it now has over 80 hits.
That's a good audience for 1 star.

So I am now going to give some of my older prize winning films a new lease of life. :-)
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Dave Watterson
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Re: Getting an audience

Post by Dave Watterson »


There was a time when an Albert Noble animation was held in high regard in IAC circles - not to mention the one which played a supporting role in commercial cinemas !
Albert Noble
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Re: Getting an audience

Post by Albert Noble »

Dave Watterson wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:57 pm Hurrah!

- not to mention the one which played a supporting role in commercial cinemas !
There was some controversy about 'that' 2 1/2 minute film, as you know.
But imagine you have just made the very first film of its type (pun intended)
whilst struggling to buy your first house.

After winning a Ten Best etc for it, out of the blue, one had an invitation to have it shown
at The Odeon, Leicester Sq. in London and in New York at their professional film festivals.

The catch was it had to be in 35mm ! The cost to have it blown up from 16mm
to 35mm was over £100 in early 1960s !
That was a small fortune and NO money to be received for the two showings.

How many amateur film makers could resist such a temptation offered to them even if it
blew up a big hole in their bank account in having it blown up? :-)
How many would have said," Sorry, you can't show my film, I'm an amateur."
I wonder.
ned c
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Re: Getting an audience

Post by ned c »

I enjoyed Skullduggery and am privileged to join Albert as a On Star film maker. Humorless judges one suspects.

However there is a sub text here that should be noted. Albert's audience is on-line.

The nightmare many Festivals face is that we can sit in front of our, in my case 55 inch 4K/surround sound screen (small compared with many of my neighbors) whilst sipping a glass of wine under conditions better than many group presentations.

Unless there is a very positive benefit of human contact the costs of travel/accommodation are a bar to attending.

I think that limited local presentations are potentially more effective than national single point presentations.

On Saturday I attended the local Guerrilla Challenge; 18 shorts (max 6 minutes) with an audience of 200.

( ... BR0V3QA8bg

ned c
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Dave Watterson
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Re: Getting an audience

Post by Dave Watterson »

There was a stage when both the Kodak Colour Show (with Tony Rose) and LIAFF (forerunner to BIAFF) went on the road. They enlisted the help of local clubs to bring films to regions far from London.
Michael Slowe
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Re: Getting an audience

Post by Michael Slowe »

Ned, wow, 55'' screen etc etc, I have trouble in persuading my wife to have a 40'' screen exposed when not in use!
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