Green screen and TicTok

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Green screen and TicTok

Post by edin »

For a family fun day we wish to try something different for the younger members. Can we use the clubs green screen to shoot a person against with their body covered in a green fabric, only their head will show. The video will then be shot on a smartphone and imported into TikTok, where additional special effects can be added. Can the above be done and is there any other variations on this theme using a real green screen and TicTok? (Just a suggestion - if you don’t know please consult a younger member of your family).
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John Simpson
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Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2021 12:09 am

Re: Green screen and TicTok

Post by John Simpson »

I have recently been messing with live greenscreen apps on the iphone. And found "Green Screen Live Video" quite good. The free version has just a bit of writing on the end result. The way I got hold of it to edit it was, upload it to YouTube from the iphone and then trim it in the YouTube editor (which returned to the site about a year ago). From YouTube then if I want I can download it using Y2mate a good free YouTube downloader. (I have also been experimenting with TicTok and Snapchat which I will comment on later)

In this trial video I painted the wall pale green matt emulsion - note the white light switch just above my head!

[youtube] ... ohnSimpson[/youtube]
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