FVM October 2022 issue

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Brian Saberton
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Re: FVM October 2022 issue

Post by Brian Saberton »

Re the issue of the resolution of photographs for the magazine I do a lot of photography, and mostly shoot in RAW, but even if I'm shooting JPEG's I always have my camera set to the highest resolution so I can achieve the best quality. I suspect that many people shoot in lower resolutions so that they can get more images onto the SD card and/or take up less space on their hard drives. I've sometimes found it to be a problem when sourcing images for my Scotland IAC page.

I think it's useful to have the QR codes which I find to be easy to use, and I very much enjoyed Martin's first edition. I make AV sequences as well as films so enjoy reading about both formats
Brian Saberton
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Geof Caudwell
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Re: FVM October 2022 issue

Post by Geof Caudwell »

I like it, Martin. Well laid out and easy to read. Quality of illustrations excellent. One slight niggle; I'm not keen on script written over background images, as on pages 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 28 to 35. Other than that, for me, it's excellent.
tom hardwick
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Re: FVM October 2022 issue

Post by tom hardwick »

The good news is that the December issue of FVM is even better, and in almost all respects. The mag was even difficult to get out of its paper envelope it was so well sealed up. So much so that's it's left a bit of a sticky residue on the front cover.

That cover photo made me groan a bit, but then again this mag is only aimed at us lot, and isn't calling for the general public to lift us off the shelf.

Bright, bold, strong and cheerful opening pages, I like that. Then the great big WELCOME from the editor, and Ken looks positively handsome at the top of page 12. Again, his articles are brightened considerable with the strap-lined photos included, and I did like his perfs and spool backing.

The type face for the letters page (23) was perfect, and I liked your interjections in blue. As an extension to my letter about Sony's phone cameras - I'm in agreement that it's almost ok for manufacturers to not tell the truth in their advertising. It's when the same nonsense is listed under specifications on their official web page that I get all hot and bothered. A reader even wrote to me to say he had a Sony smartphone, and could he use that to make the black pen disappear (my article page 21)?

More: your collection of frame grabs on page 24 was excellent, and I guess a lot of work to assemble.

I'm glad Ken added his very personal thoughts (aren't thoughts always personal?) to page 25.

All in all it's looking good Martin. Some of the photos reproduce a little on the dark side, and we know we shouldn't be going over to the Dark Side.
Michael Slowe
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Re: FVM October 2022 issue

Post by Michael Slowe »

The 'new' magazine is brilliant! Well done to all concerned, it is a credit to the IAC I believe. How on earth did we ever (not me) entertain the proposal to relegate it to merely on line? Even if we had to pay a basic cost it would still be an essential arm of the IAC in my opinion.
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Martin Evans
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Re: FVM October 2022 issue

Post by Martin Evans »

Thank you Tom & Michael for your kind words. Positivity makes it all seem worthwhile - it is hell of a lot of work. One man band and all that.

Re the dark photos: I'm reluctant to brighten the photos during edit until I'm convinced it's a consistent artefact of the print reproduction process.

Re the cover pic: Yes, it might get passed over in WH Smiths, but I just love that photo - there is so much story in that one image. And as it happened, two days after FVM hit everyone's doormats the Bunch of Amateurs things exploded across the media.

Thanks again,
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Re: FVM October 2022 issue

Post by TimStannard »

Just wanted to add my note of approval for the December issue. Well done Martin!
Proud to be an amateur film maker - I do it for the love of it
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Martin Evans
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Re: FVM October 2022 issue

Post by Martin Evans »

Thanks Tim, This makes me feel better. Only this afternoon I received an 865 word letter that was a barrage of negativity about my first two issues and completely took the wind out of my sails.
ned c
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Re: FVM October 2022 issue

Post by ned c »

December issue.
Well done; good use of photos. Clean; easy to read; hope the Letters to the Editor continue so strongly. Thanks for my improved heading pic! Perhaps make the backgrounds a bit fainter for old eyes.

Great job,
ned c
Ken Wilson
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Re: FVM October 2022 issue

Post by Ken Wilson »

Hi Martin; I wanted to add my thoughts about the latest magazine. I think it looks brilliant and very bright, colourful and eye catching. I can`t understand why someone would send a long negative review about it. What are they wanting? Tell us more.
I think the magazine has gone from strength to strength and the latest issue is a big step up.

Thanks to Tom for his comment about my profile picture. I must say that I never photograph well as some people do, so Carol took loads of stills to get one which was half decent. I just can`t smile properly.
I did want to say something about David Andrew too as I always liked him and he supported Phase 4, inviting us to Cheadle and Gatley many times to show films and talk about them.

I was fine with the front cover and we know Harry well. He is a real character which is one of the reasons the film about them, "A Bunch of Amateurs" has been received so well. My article in FVM telling readers about it, preceded all the media frenzy we have had about it since. As I am linked to a number of their members on Facebook, it has been full of news about the film every time I log on. It has just won the Leeds Film Festival audience vote apparently.

But thanks to Martin for his work with the FVM magazine. You always will get people who moan about anything no matter what.
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