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Michael Slowe
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Post by Michael Slowe »

Tim, I must admit that I was one of those finding the technical acrobatics rather tiresome. I took ages to actually get into a programme, it wasn't clear where to click. The programme list kept whizzing one way then the other. Also, I couldn't get rid of the small pictures of people watching, it was always there using the top right of my screen. But once there, I agree, it was great, and the discussions worked so well, better than the live audience shows, and no heads in the way!
Can we still access the films then, I didn't realise that.

Can't mention many films here - for me "Hady" was a stand out, I haven't heard the top winner yet as I had to leave at the end.
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Dave Watterson
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Post by Dave Watterson »

Best British was DEARLY DEPARTED by Elise Martin & Jess Bartlett
Daily Mail Trophy was THE PAINTING by Joan Paüls

From what you say, Michael, it sounds as if you were clicking the symbol at the bottom right of the online programme ... which turns the pages. The two links at top right were for the Zoom session and for the online version of the films. If you chose the second you would not see any of the audience, just the films.

The sessions I watched with Mike Whyman also played the films in the Zoom session and I agree the faces at the edge were distracting.

But it all happened and we saw many great films.
tom hardwick
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Post by tom hardwick »

Yup, it all happened and we saw a great number of gob-smackingly good films online.

I got so absorbed sitting there in front of my laptop that my watch kept buzzing me, insisting I get up off my far arse and do ten semi-squat-eagle star jumps on the spot.

There really is wide gap from 4* to 5*. The fours are undoubtedly good, but all the fives appeared to be a leap apart, as if they were really 6* films.

The YouTube links worked well, though with the close proximity to the stereo speakers on a laptop, we did hear some odd positioning of the dialogue at times. Generally loudspeakers offer as less positionally precise sound, and maybe some filmmakers need to do a final check using headphones.

A great big thank you to all those involved in bringing BIAFF to us all. A huge amount of work and quite technically challenging at times too, I suspect. It worked well, very well.
Ken Wilson
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Post by Ken Wilson »

Well unfortunately, I saw none of it! I registered and hoped to see some of it, but the big problems with a virtual BIAFF (no other choice this year) is that real life takes over. If it`s a traditional weekend away and it`s all booked and paid for, it is virtually set in stone unless there is some major disaster. An online version watching from home was always going to be tough as there are other people to consider. With the imminent threat of a total lockdown, we planned to see the grandchildren before this happens.
We also have had a very sick dog who has been back and forth to the vets this past week and we had to take her again on Saturday morning. Now on antibiotics she is thankfully on the mend. So with the best will in the world, I just couldn`t get to see any of it.
Has some of it been recorded to view after the event? Is this and/ or some of the films available online to view? Can someone point me towards the links if any exist please? Thank you.
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Dave Watterson
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Post by Dave Watterson »

This page will officially go live soon - but you can use it right now to see many of the films:

Sadly some of the top films are not yet available online, presumably because they are being entered in other festivals. But you do get
Best British
Best British Young Film Maker & Best Under 16
Best 16-21 age group
Best Comedy
UNICA Medal Winner
Best Animation
3 of the music award winners
2 Diamonds
13 five-stars
48 four-stars
41 three-stars
27 two-stars
7 one stars - including a Michael Slowe (!)
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Post by Willy »

I will start this message just like Ken's: "Well unfortunately, I saw none of it. I registered and hoped to see some of it, but the big problem with a virtual BIAFF (no other choice this year) is that real life takes over."

What happened to me/us? On Saturday we were very busy, but I took some time and tried. Technical problems! As usual. My laptop is not a friendly one and my technical IQ is very low. On Sunday I got a phone call from my daughter. She works in a care home. Her husband is a nurse, too. He works in a hospital. They both felt very sick. Panic! We thought of that big monster, COVID-19! Luckily the day before yesterday they were tested negative. Quite a relief!

Last Sunday it was also a big day for Flanders: the Tour de Flanders! Cycling is the most favourite sport in our country. Who would win the race: the Dutchman Van de Poel or the Belgian Wout Van Aert? The difference was only 10 centimetre. Adrie won. My wife Vera preferred to see the exciting race on TV. I could not blame her for that. Filmmaking is not her hobby and she has already helped me a thousand times when doing camera work and attending film festivals in Belgium and in the UK.

So I decided to try and watch BIAFF on my little laptop. Suddenly I saw an interview with Geoff Harmer. It was about 2 pm Belgian time. On top of the frame some of our IAC-friends like Tim Stannard, Michael Whyman, Tom Hardwick, Jan and Dave Watterson, ... I also noticed Ron Prosser's name, but I missed him. He was not there. Geoff was talking all the time. There were 74 participants. I was wondering: can they see me? My room was a mess. I felt embarrassed, but I noticed a sign of a camera on my screen barred with a red line. A relief. I was almost sure that nobody had seen me in my shack. I mean my study. I "wiped" the red line of the camera on my laptop screen. It was a very interesting interview, but at that time I hoped to see the festival. I tried and tried without any result.

My narrator Michael Gough (Film: "His Royal Highland Laddie" 5 stars) sent me a message saying that he was sure that the audience enjoyed my movie. One of them also praised Michael's fantastic voice. I understood that friends, who had been registered, could also ask questions, but I was absent!

In the previous mail Dave Watterson tells us that we can see some films using a link. He also tells us that "sadly some of the topfilms are not available online presumably because they are being entered in other festivals." I could watch "Have a Look into the Fridge", 5 stars, made by my friend Werner Vandenbulck. I provided his film with subtitles. But I didn't find my own film. I have not entered it in any other festival. Strange!

Anyway, congratulations to the BIAFF-team. I am sure they did their utmost. Nobody could have done better. And the best coaches are in the sands. Also thanks to Jan and Dave, our webmistress and her husband, for giving us the opportunity to see top films, Michael Slowe's one included! I am looking forward to BIAFF 2021. That should already take place in 6 months… Let's think positive and hope that virologists and politicians will have chased that monster away by BIAFF 2021. My newest film is finished and I am working on the next one. In March I will already be 75! Time passes very quickly. I will do my best to stay safe and alive.
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Post by TimStannard »

Willy, I'm sorry you were one of thiose suffering technical gremlins. To be honest I was surprised so many people did, given the way it seems we've all had six months of practicing with Zoom and other on-line chatter. But it's easy for me to forgeta as I've been involved since March with schools communicating via Microsoft Teams and Zoom as well as families and other clubs.
I think the system itself worked well and I don't think we could fault the hosts for their patience and instruction in getting people connected.
I was surprised at how few people joined in the practice session on the Friday. Perhaps we should have run more practice sessions.

Having said that, I agree the far greater problem is the distractions of being at home.

I did spot you, briefly, Willy, at one of the sessions (I might even have shouted "Hi Willy" whilst muted) and was surprised you'd disappeared by the end and couldn't talk about your "Wee Highland Laddie" (which, as Michael Slowe said, seemed to go down well - but you never can tell when only connected virtually to the audience). I certainly found it informative and entertaining (and kicked myself when Michael's credit came up as I recognised but couldn't place the voice).

As for putting it online, I gues Jan/Dave either missed the link or don't have the link. I'm sure if you put it here, they'll ensure it is added.
Proud to be an amateur film maker - I do it for the love of it
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Dave Watterson
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Post by Dave Watterson »

Willy - we can only link to films if their authors have put the, online at a site like YouTube or Vimeo. I do not think you have put any of your films online. I certainly cannot see "​His Royal Highland Laddie" anywhere. Put it online and we will happily link to it.

What some people - possibly you too, Willy - did not realise is that the Zoom sessions were intended just for the general introductions and any discussions afterwards. The films themselves were streamed directly from a private YouTube channel. In the introductory Zoom sessions the hosts put into the "Chat" messages the link to the films.

The interactive online version of the programme had links to both the Zoom and the YouTube sessions.

Sorry you missed it, but hope you enjoy what you can see on the website.
Michael Slowe
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Post by Michael Slowe »

Thank you Dave, ha ha!
Brian Saberton
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Post by Brian Saberton »

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole weekend and apart from a minor hiccup on the Friday night when my Wi Fi threw a wobbly and temporarily cut off my connection to Zoom it all went very well indeed. The picture quality on my home cinema screen was exceptional and once I'd got the audio feeding into the blue tooth speakers and sub woofer that were working from my lap top the sound quality was also excellent and I didn't experience any problems. I thought that the numbers attending was pretty good and while it was a shame that some of the makers of the films weren't on line, I don't think it was that much different to the live BIAFF'S and the authors who were present clearly enjoyed the show.

I think we owe the organising team a big vote of thanks for putting on the show in such style; it must have involved a huge amount of work. Thanks also to David Newman for arranging such well balanced programmes.
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Post by Willy »

Dave wrote: "Sorry you missed it, but hope you enjoy what you can see on the website".

I already enjoyed the "Best British Entry", Dave. "Dearly Departed". It's a musical made by Elise Martin & Jess Bartlett from East Sussex. A wonderful movie! I look forward to seeing the other ones. But on the IAC-web I also noticed "A Gentle Woman" by Phil Martin. 4 stars at BIAFF 2011. I wanted to see that "old" one, too. I met Phil at BIAFF in the good old days and we had a nice chat. I always enjoyed his movies. I remember he even won a gold or silver at UNICA. Phil helped me once. I needed a good voice of an old lady for one of my films, "Dancing in the Air". He asked his neighbour who was in her nineties to help me. "Dancing in the Air" received 5 stars and was shown at BIAFF. I sent her a bunch of flowers to thank her. But I wonder what's happened to Phil Martin. Has he stopped making films?
Willy Van der Linden
Michael Slowe
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Post by Michael Slowe »

Willy, I fear that Phil Martin was very ill after the time that you refer to. I too very much enjoyed his films, he was talented.
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