Anyone out there?

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Jameela M Boardman
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Jameela M Boardman »

Just that it appears the number of views stated is far greater than the probable number of actual people who have visited any forum thread!

When we are logged in, at the bottom of the page where it says 'WHO IS ONLINE'. Clicking it reveals registered users:
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So are these 'Bots' (internet robots) pumping up the page view numbers? ...Or is it something else?

Whatever it is, the forum does not appear as popular as we might of hoped.
Michael Slowe
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Michael Slowe »

It is odd that so few members use it, difficult to understand. The Robots are probably better film makers than we are though.
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Jameela M Boardman
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Jameela M Boardman »

Personally, the only parts of filmmaking that I really enjoy, are the script writing and maybe the editing. All the work both in front of and behind the camera gives high stress levels for me. So if I had a suitable robot, I would delegate!
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by TimStannard »

Jameela M Boardman wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:06 pm Personally, the only parts of filmmaking that I really enjoy, are the script writing and maybe the editing.
I'm totally with you there, Jameela. The rest is just techical stuff for boys with toys (runs for cover ....) :lol: :lol:
Proud to be an amateur film maker - I do it for the love of it
ned c
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by ned c »

OK; I love cinematography and everything to do with it; I enjoy working with directors. I find it almost impossible to have an original idea so my script writing is almost non-existent; as for acting I can only play myself (see Interviews) and then once every three or four years. Editing; love it as I find shooting more and more physically challenging editing is where I want to be. A constant learning cycle; just downloaded Vegas Pro 18; wow; they are keeping their promises.

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Michael Slowe
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Michael Slowe »

I'm on Ned's wavelength, we are photographers first and foremost surely. It's so satisfying obtaining nice footage to take to the edit. As for writing, that is almost impossible where documentary making is concerned. I have an idea what I want but you never know how things will turn out once you start shooting. Why should Jameel's Robots have all the fun?
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Jameela M Boardman
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Jameela M Boardman »

Is not the moral of all this, that our 'differences' together could make a winning team!

If the focus of the IAC was about fostering such networking and collaboration between members together, then surely some magnificent independent films could be made non-commercially.

In an age when news media and entertainment are controlled by the few, is not this important?

...I would delegate work if I could, not because some hypothetical robot could do it -- robots only do what they are programed to do.

Rather because I find some aspects of filmmaking to be uncomfortably high stress levels, whereas I notice other people relish those jobs.

To work together as a Creative Team is what I propose... No hypothetical robot could do that
ned c
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by ned c »

The modern approach to film making by the younger generation is based on networking via social media; this is the basis of the very active film making community here in SW Utah. There is a geographic limitation as most of the active participants live within about a 50 mile radius. At present one of the supporters is compiling a list of people and their special skills; I list my special interest as a BTS cameraman/editor. I regularly work with writer/director Carl who put a request on the network for a cinematographer/editor. We have now made 8 short films together. So a possible point of departure for the IAC would be to compile a register of members with their special skills/interests and geographic availability. The list accessible to IAC members. I would happily register as a provider of PAL shots of the American West. Networks require work and it would need a council member to manage the network on a regular updated basis.

Many years ago I attended workshops organized by the iAC on film making and editing; originally on film and subsequently using NLE systems. I learnt a lot and made a number of connections.

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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by TimStannard »

ned c wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:58 pm So a possible point of departure for the IAC would be to compile a register of members with their special skills/interests and geographic availability.
Have we not been banging on about this for years? Or a broader variation of the same - to include actors, recommended places to hire equipment (maybe who offer an IAC discount or other benefits). Some sort of database of all things the independent non-commercial filmmaker could access would surely attract exactly those people you describe, Ned.

I've really no idea whether this has been suggested directly to the Council (although i'm sure at least some members are aware of this suggestion). The important thing is to do this properly. Not a member somewhere getting some webspace and playing at it, but something designed professionally - let's use our funds to provide a service which will benefit current members and which has real potential to attract new members.
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by TimStannard »

Michael Slowe wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 9:32 pm I'm on Ned's wavelength, we are photographers first and foremost surely.
I'm not! I'm someone who wants to tell a story, but, like Ned, I often find myself lacking inspiration. But, if I like it, I'll take delight in telling someone else's - primarily through editing (shooting is merely the preparation of raw materials - discuss!) This does not mean I do not appreciate the worth of excellent photography and I do my best, but when it really counts I'll employ the services of someone else to shoot the footage.

And I totally disagree with you that you are not scripting, Michael. Whilst you are not scripting in advance (though it is perfectly possible to make a documentary that way - especially if it a documentary explaining something - history, science etc), you are sifting through all the pieces you have, finding and creating the story. You may not be putting words into your subjects mouths but you are writing, you are definitely scripting, using the words spoken by others. As editor you are creating the message you wish to convey. To suggest you are not writing is to belittle what you do.

Jameela's right, our differences can combine to make a winning team (although I find it strange, Jameela, that one who dislikes competition should use that particular adjective :wink: )
Proud to be an amateur film maker - I do it for the love of it
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Jameela M Boardman
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Jameela M Boardman »

A fair cop! :D

But actually I was not thinking about winning competitions, but rather of films that win people's hearts and do what they intend to do by the story they tell.

Regarding networking / collaboration / database of skills offered, this is one of the points presented in that 'Manifesto For Change'. ...hopefully something will follow from this in due course. ...We plant seeds, and sometimes they even come up!
ned c
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by ned c »

If anyone on the Council is listening please join in and comment on the register of member's skills. It can be very simple to start; name, location, skills/interests contact method. If even only 100 members registered it will be a start. No need for actors/suppliers begin. If no-one other than the few represented here registers then there is a problem.

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Brian Saberton
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Brian Saberton »

I'm still here!
Re Michael's comments about being required to sign an indemnity for the screening of his films on TV I came up against the same issue a couple of years ago when I was approached by a TV production company who wanted to use material from an old film from the archive of my former club which had folded some time previously. There being neither club nor committee to consult I happened to be the sole contact point. The contract made pretty grim reading but basically they wanted me to sign my life away in return for the princely sum of £1 which, in their words, was "deemed to have been paid". I politely declined their "generous" offer. I must say though that the fact that the film had not been made by the club but had been rescued from a skip many years ago by one our former members would also have been a major sticking point!
Brian Saberton
Michael Slowe
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Michael Slowe »

The problem is Brian, that the TV companies have to ensure that they are not putting themselves at risk by broadcasting a given film. Those horrendous contracts are designed to cover all eventualities and they are open to negotiation. In my current case I didn't have to even do that in the end, just to say that the film is mine and no one else has the copyright. No payment though, not even the pound that you were offered! I am very conscious of our amateur status.
Ken Wilson
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Re: Anyone out there?

Post by Ken Wilson »

Yes I am still here too! All my film work has been stopped since a wedding in mid-March and instead I have spent months doing D.I.Y. in the house and garden.
I wrote a new script in September/ October 2019 for a comedy film which we started shooting just before the bad weather arrived and we planned to re-start around March when the weather would likely improve. This was before the pandemic of course.

I have been keeping in touch with the actors and trying to decide on a plan of what to do and which dates we may be able to start shooting again. Finally we sorted it out and with the easing of restrictions, we at last found 3 filming dates this month which concluded on Saturday. So we shot it socially distanced and all outdoors. The one indoor scene was the one already filmed. So now it is all in the can (all being well as it has not all been viewed yet) and editing will be starting soon.
The other thing to think about is where the completed film will be shown if club screenings and festivals cannot re-start anytime soon? But at least things are moving again and I have a new project to work on.
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