FVM Editor

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Ken Wilson
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FVM Editor

Post by Ken Wilson »

I am surprised that no-one on here (or anywhere else), has made any announcement about what is happening about our magazine FVM. Garth announced in the December 2018 issue that he is resigning from April 2019. There was no other mention of it in the magazine.

I e-mailed Garth to say I was sorry he is leaving. I have written articles during the entire time (16 years) he has been editor and in fact starting during the reign of Liz Donlan. The magazine looks like any found on the newsagents or supermarkets shelves and is only limited by the material sent in which is all supplied by non-professional writers for no payment. This means that he has sometimes had to fill pages with what he could find.

But beyond this, what is to happen next? Is anyone to take over as Editor or is this the end of the line? As a regular contributor I would have thought someone should let me know if I am to continue supplying articles or if any plans have been made for Garth`s departure. I am writing the next article right now for February`s issue and have the outline for the April one. So is the magazine to continue? What plans have been made if any? Is the physical magazine to go and be replaced with an online version? Does any of the IAC committee have anything to pass on? It would be interesting to know what happens next.
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by TimStannard »

Good questions, Ken. I too was surprised by the announcment but had assumed I must have missed something. My best guess is that he announced it only recently (and will keep hold of the reins for the next two/three issues - so perhaps no need to let you know in advance?) and Council has yet to meet to discuss the way forward. For all we know they may already be sounding out individuals about taking on the role.

That aside, I agree Garth had done a splendid job producing such an excellent magazine - especially when he's suffered at times from a paucity of material. Thanks in no small part to you and Tom (as well as the compilers of Northern, Southern and SAM News) he has managed to weather the storms.
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tom hardwick
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by tom hardwick »

I too am upset at Garth's departure and I'd really like to know more. Did he resign, did he want to go, has he had enough, was he pushed, does he charge to much, is he being adversely criticised, does he do a good job?

A big yes to the latter. The mag has never looked so good. Its full glossy colour makeover transformed it, and that was in no small part to Garth's behind the scenes and out of hours work. And how on earth does he make things look so good when he has to rely on volunteers sending in contributions every month?

Finding a printer willing to take on the small runs of 1700 copies, get them to Garth so that he can insert all the local newsletters and then have him heave them all down to his local post office takes some doing. Will the new editor (or interim editor until a replacement is found) happily do all these non-editorial things as well as edit the mag?

I too feel the IAC's silence on these matters is quite extraordinary. FVM is, for a large majority of members, all they get in return for their annual subscription. Anyone care to provide some background?
Ken Wilson
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by Ken Wilson »

Thank goodness for Tim and Tom`s replies! I thought everyone was asleep out there. It seem no-one is saying anything at all. Obviously things must be going on behind the scenes, but what? I know when Liz Donlan finished with it there was uncertainty about who could carry it on and if the magazine would survive. Then Garth came to the rescue and as Tom says, it sounds like it is no easy task and for what pay? I can`t think it can be much. Hopefully someone somewhere will make an announcement and enlighten us.
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Dave Watterson
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by Dave Watterson »

I don't have any official info, but I understand that after Garth finishes in April there will be an interim arrangement with more than one person involved - presumably sharing some of the work he does.
tom hardwick
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by tom hardwick »

Well, I had an informative chat on the phone with Garth last night and things have become a lot clearer. We chatted about the changes he's brought about to FVM over the years, and I complimented him on every one, feeling that our mag has gone from strength to strength under his control.

I don't envy his position as editor as he has to rely on volunteers to supply his copy, and every issue is a bit of a guessing game. He's had some sleepless nights when copy dates are overrun, printers have gone into liquidation without him being informed, and postage rates have changed.

But he's quietly weathered all the storms and to my eyes the mag gets glossier and brighter with each issue. I feel it's a great shame that he feels he's unwanted in the post, and that the barrage of adverse criticism makes his position as editor untenable.

As he says, unless he's informed fairly soon as to his replacement, there won't be the necessary overlap to get the new editor up to speed. Listening to Garth and hearing all he does behind the scenes makes me wonder who will be brave enough to step into his shoes.
Ken Wilson
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by Ken Wilson »

Thanks Tom for that. It seems a sad fact of modern life that people are quick to criticise anything but slow to praise.
I have had a couple of odd e-mails here asking where someone`s FVM is as though I am somehow involved. I don`t know why they didn`t ask Garth directly, but I messaged him on their behalf and quickly restored delivery of FVM to the person complaining. They had contacted me about another matter so perhaps it was just a passing comment? But Garth was rightly a bit put out.

Then there have been the squabbles about the back page of FVM which has stayed the same for years and in the magazine itself and on this forum, heated debates have ensued about why the ad can`t be updated. I found some magazines from 2014 and the ad was identical on those. No doubt such things have gradually worn Garth down and he has had enough. You can`t blame him really but it`s all a shame and a bit uncertain now what happens.
tom hardwick
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by tom hardwick »

I've been asked to photograph all the IAC's merchandise with a view to updating the tired and very outdated looking ads. When I mentioned the costs involved it all went strangely quiet as the mag's committee debated the situation.
Michael Slowe
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by Michael Slowe »

I was aware of the proposed departure of our esteemed magazine editor but not of all this correspondence.

In my view this is a DISASTER! The magazine is the mainstay of the IAC and, as Tom rightly said, has been improving by the year. It could be as good as the old, much missed Movie Maker, it all depends on submissions of material, Garth, as editor, has been magnificent in overcoming all sorts of problems in getting the issues out to us members.

What are Council doing about the situation? I heard that there had been complaints made to Garth in respect of how he operates but no real details and in the absence of sensible alternatives I would have thought that there can be no serious grounds for complaint. Going on line with the magazine would be awful. I never read newspapers or magazines on line, it is nothing like as satisfactory as holding a properly produced printed document in your hand and being in the position of being able to access it at any time, rather than sitting uncomfortably logging in to a computer.

Who else, other than Garth Hope could possibly do as good a job, maybe we should be told very soon who this magic person is.
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by TimStannard »

With the exception of complaints about the advert on the back page, I've not been aware of any complaints and I suspect that I, unlike some others here, am a failry typical IAC member (indeed I'm probably slightly more pro active than some in that I attend several IAC/Regional events thoughout the year and read this forum).
My point is if such complaints abound then they are presumably directed to Garth, the Council or both (for all I know they may have come from the Council) and quite rightly so - far better than sounding off publically on social media as is so often the case nowadays. However, if the typical IAC member is anything like me, they will be unaware of this and happily receiving and enjoying their copy every two months without any complaint or any awareness that others are dissatisfied.

There is always the argument that it would be cheaper to move the magazine online, but that is hardly a criticism of Garth or the magazine
(As an aside, let's not forget that even if it moved online, it still needs to be compiled, edited and laid out in a professional manner so we'd still need someone or with relevant skills)

On the other hand, Michael says, "I heard that there had been complaints made to Garth in respect of how he operates but no real details" so there's little point speculating (although the lack of information always stirs up unrest leading to speculation).

So, unless further tangible information becomes available, I suggest anyone reading this thread who hasn't done so already adds their own thanks to Garth to this thread so at least he knows his hard work has been appreciated, if only by the small but select few who drop in here.
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tom hardwick
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by tom hardwick »

And us regular contributors. Where do we send our next copy? Should we even be bothering to research, photograph and write another article? What's with this deathly silence?
tom hardwick
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by tom hardwick »


Are the Powers that Be reading this forum?
Surely with only one issue to go (March/April - the Jan/Feb FVM has now been completed apart from printing and distribution), arrangements should be being made to sort out and organise a replacement system. Maybe it's being done. I hope so.
Ken Wilson
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by Ken Wilson »

I have had an e-mail today from Garth (sent to several of the regular contributors to FVM) to say he will be informed soon what the new arrangements will be. No-one seems to know much more so watch this space.
Peter Copestake
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by Peter Copestake »

I understand that Mike Whyman is taking over temporarily as editor but why you are hearing this informally from me not from IAC Council I can't imagine unless there are some red faces in high places. I didn't feel that I wanted to air my views in public as it were and gave them to Garth direct but I will say I agree with most of what has been said here, but also think there is a distinct degree of apathy amongst members.
My inability to attend Council meetings in the NW attracted criticism from some unaware of my personal reasons, but when the Northern News compiler post became vacant and was not being filled I felt I could do this from home and did for a year. The last page was cobbled together by my daughter (with Garth's help)in between visits to me in hospital being treated for a stroke. Request from Garth for a temporary stand-in have brought no response. That surely suggests apathy but maybe there really is nobody else in NW who could step in or perhaps no one reads the page! I certainly don't read the mag from cover to cover.
Peter Copestake
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Dave Watterson
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Re: FVM Editor

Post by Dave Watterson »

I usually do read it all, Peter. Our copy arrived two days ago and it was only there, that I learned of your stroke. Jan and I send you our best wishes for a full recovery - and the patience to keep your energy under control until you have recovered!

There is a time-delay involved in any magazine production, so a comment made the day after publication may take months to become public. That incidentally is an argument John Astin makes about moving the North Thames Newsletter from paper into electronic form. Now they can react very quickly.

There seems to be no great shortage of people willing to work - and work hard - for a short time in any aspect of our hobby. What is becoming much harder to find are people prepared to work for the long haul, to hold committee offices, act as reporters and organisers.

Grumpy Old Dave ///
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