Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

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Charles Elsden
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Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Charles Elsden »

I am currently using Premier Elements version 11, which I obtained by download, and do not always find the "help" very helpful. Can anyone recommend a book on Premier Elements?

I realise that it is now up to Version 15, and new books would probably relate to a later version than 11, and I would either have to accept this or upgrade.
Cathy Poole
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Re: Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Cathy Poole »

I've been using Adobe Premiere Elements 7 for quite some time now,
and I am extremely happy with it.

The software is very easy to use and does everything I want it to do.

I am reluctant to upgrade just in case my old projects disappear fom my hard drives,
if you know what I mean.

But version 7 suits me perfectly.

I have 2 books on this subject which I can recommend.

1. PREMIERE ELEMENTS 8 FOR DUMMIES - published in 2010

This book now costs about £4.00 and you'll find it on the ebay link below ... Swal5YLOYK


This book costs (wait for it) about £35.00 - £45.00, but it's worth it. Here's the ebay link to it. ... SwYIxX7Osv

Although I only use Premiere Elements version 7, these books have proved very useful,
and contained everything I wanted to know.

Don't worry about constantly upgrading. Get good at what you've got.
You won't become a better editor just because you've bought the latest version.

Having said all this, the best way to learn about Premiere Elements is just to use it a lot.
Keep practising, and after about five years you'll be really fast at it.
Forget what everyone says about needing 10,000 hours to be an expert.
You can do it in 1,500 hours. That's all it took me.

I hope this reply will help you.

Cathy Poole
Cathy Poole
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Re: Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Cathy Poole »

I've been using Adobe Premiere Elements 7 for quite some time now,
and I am extremely happy with it.

The software is very easy to use and does everything I want it to do.

I am reluctant to upgrade just in case my old projects disappear fom my hard drives,
if you know what I mean.

But version 7 suits me perfectly.

I have 2 books on this subject which I can recommend.

1. PREMIERE ELEMENTS 8 FOR DUMMIES - published in 2010

This book now costs about £4.00 and you'll find it on the ebay link below ... Swal5YLOYK


This book costs (wait for it) about £35.00 - £45.00, but it's worth it. Here's the ebay link to it. ... SwYIxX7Osv

Although I only use Premiere Elements version 7, these books have proved very useful,
and contained everything I wanted to know.

Don't worry about constantly upgrading. Get good at what you've got.
You won't become a better editor just because you've bought the latest version.

Having said all this, the best way to learn about Premiere Elements is just to use it a lot.
Keep practising, and after about five years you'll be really fast at it.
Forget what everyone says about needing 10,000 hours to be an expert.
You can do it in 1,500 hours. That's all it took me.

I hope this reply will help you.

Cathy Poole
Cathy Poole
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Re: Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Cathy Poole »

There's another book which I own which I think might be very useful to you.

Although it's for Adobe Premiere Elements 7, I feel sure you'll find it a great read.

It's The Guide to Adobe Premiere Elements 7
by Steve Grisetti

I have a paperback version and it's now, because of its age, very cheap on the internet.

Although it was printed in 2008 it is still a very useful reference work.

I hope this helps,

Cathy Poole
Charles Elsden
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Re: Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Charles Elsden »

Many thanks for all who have replied. I have, in fact, now got the "Classroom in a book", and it has solved the problem that had got me stuck, and I am sure will help me much further.

Thanks again to all who replied.

Cathy Poole
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Re: Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Cathy Poole »

That's all right,

I'm glad I was able to help.

Cathy Poole
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Dave Watterson
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Re: Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Dave Watterson »

I suspect your advice helped many people, Cathy. Thanks.
Ken Wilson
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Re: Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Ken Wilson »

Following my postings on other pages re: XLR connectors and plugs etc, readers on there will know that I have just had to change to new (memory card) Sony cameras. Like a domino effect, the failure after 6 years of one of our previous tape cameras, meant an upgrade to new ones. These then would not be compatible with the desktop PC and though it was designed and purpose build to take HD footage, this was 6 years ago and technology has moved on quite a bit. So I have just bought a new purpose build editing PC.

I then had to decide on which editing programme I should buy (the domino effect). Of course, everyone would recommend a different one, based on their own experiences and I researched several options and read internet reviews. Ultimately, as I had used Adobe Premiere Pro since around 2003/ 2004 and couldn`t really get along with Edius 6 (the next upgrade) I decided to opt for Adobe Premiere Elements 15. I have now been teaching myself this for the past couple of weeks as of course, no-one supplies instruction books anymore and "help" services and "live chat" systems are mostly of no use. The best way is to learn by doing.

So I don`t know how this version differs from older versions as I never tried those, but most things work in a very different way to Premiere Pro. I think this is the first time ever, that I have changed my whole film-making gear at one go. Usually it is replacing a worn out camera or upgrading the PC. I don`t change things just to get a newer version as there are always problems and in my view, if it works and you like what you have, don`t change it. But as with the demise of film and the switch to video, ultimately when something gives up the ghost, you have no choice. The powers that be decree that you WILL have the new method/ system as you can no longer buy a newer version of what you had previously.

So it`s early days yet and every day spent editing has been a learning curve. It slower right now, but gradually things are getting better and I am finding the controls for the editing tools that I need. I was quite clear that (as with the previous system) I would NOT have the PC connected to the internet. This was to be for video editing only. Other machines do the other tasks and e-mails and internet use are via another PC. However, again so many features this time must be accessed via the internet and even trying to register the programme other ways proved impossible...and believe me, I spent a long time trying. In the end, I had to concede defeat on this one and it is now connected to the world as I am told to do. So watch the forums or perhaps there will be at least one FVM article in all of this.
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Dave Watterson
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Re: Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Dave Watterson »

My past practice has been to unplug the editing computer from my internet connection, whenever it was not needed to register a product or obtain updates. Even if you connect to your router by wifi it is usually possible to switch off the connection. (Laptops often have a dedicated function key for that purpose.)

There is an argument that the small but regular demands of an internet connection, even when nothing is apparently being done on it, may be enough to reduce the efficiency of an editing system. While today's computers have much more power, today's video standards also demand more resources ... so maybe that is still a wise precaution.

I am, of course, assuming that you have a good anti-virus system running on all your computers. The bulk licences which let you put one anti-virus program on up to three machines are a blessing. Personally I am inclined to switch off the anti-virus when the machine is not connected to the web ... again to avoid draining resources from the edit suite. The catch is the need to be very careful to turn it on again before going back online ... and to make updating the anti-virus program the first task of that session!

From all this you will realise that I do not use any of those cloud-bases programs for editing.
Ken Wilson
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Re: Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Ken Wilson »

Hi Dave. Thanks for your comments and advice. This PC used for e-mails and internet searching etc has a free version of AVG protection installed. The new PC, purposed built for editing only, will currently have nothing at all as I realise as only Windows 10 and Premiere Elements 15 have been installed. I never intended it to have any access to the internet as had been the case with the previous editing only PC. But as explained, some tasks are very difficult when you try to do this. The old Premiere Pro had title fonts and effects all there within the programme. Now when I click on a title style. it has to download it from the Adobe site, which is not ideal. So this is the only site on the web that it currently is accessing.

Therefore I will clearly have to get some sort of software protection on the new machine. I assume that it is the individual PC that is being protected and not the actual broadband connection. So how do I do this? I get reminders on here about updating or buying the full AVG package, but I will need it on the other machine (instead/ as well). Any explanations would be very welcome.
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Dave Watterson
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Re: Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Dave Watterson »

YES! Any computer that connects even briefly to the web must be protected!

There is a minimal protection built in to Windows, but this really is a case where spending a little on an anti-virus system is excellent insurance. Kaspersky seems to get the most plaudits these days and is a fair price at under £20 for a year's protection on up to 3 machines. Get it from amazon or some other store with discounts. It may come as a disc in a box, which would be ideal for you. Like so many other programs it can also be sold as a download ... but then you need to have a protected computer on which to download it!

A disc can clearly be used on each separate machine to load the program. If you have to use a download do that on themachine with AVG protection and save the file to a USB stick. You can later use that stick to load it onto your editing machine,
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Peter B
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Re: Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Peter B »

If you're looking for AV software for your computer, you might like to take a look at Sophos free offer.
My attempts at videos & AV sequences can be found on my website-
Ken Wilson
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Re: Adobe Premier Elements (Books on)

Post by Ken Wilson »

Hi and thanks for comments and suggestion here. Ok Dave, I have now just received my disc from Amazon with the Kaspersky total security 2017 programme on it. I will install it this week and hopefully that will be all ok now.
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