Adobe and CS5

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Adobe and CS5

Post by Roy1 »

I use CS5 with Windows 7 and there is a fault developed. If I have to re-install Win.7 will I be able to re-install CS5. Am I right in thinking that Adobe will not re-activate CS5 once it has been removed from the PC.
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Peter B
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Re: Adobe and CS5

Post by Peter B »

In Photoshop Elements there is an option under the 'Help' menu marked 'Deactivate'. This enables you to de-register the software and then re-install it on another PC using the same activation code. I believe that CS5 has the same facility. Your PC must be connected to the Internet for this to work, and obviously, you need to deactivate before you un-install it and re-install Win7.
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Re: Adobe and CS5

Post by Roy1 »

I think I should explain the problem I have. After doing some editing with CS5 Premiere pro I closed down the PC, which is not connected to the internet and is only used for editing CS5. Next morning I re-0pened the PC and found that most of the Short cuts to programmes on the desktop would not work. The only way I could open CS5 was by clicking onto the only Shortcut working, Adobe projects. a message then asked which programme of three did I want to open with and after selecting CS5 the premiere Pro opened OK. I found that I could resume editing normally. I could select Encore via the dynamic link and made An iso file ok. I then could not open the the BD iso files folder to burn a BD disc. All these programmes have shortcuts on the desktop and none of them work. I have now found that I can burn a BD disc by clicking on another desktop shortcut that works and that is Computer, by opening the System C panel I found all the programmes there and by clicking onto IMGBURN, that programme opened and I browsed the files and it found the iso I had made and I successfully burnt the BD Video. The shortcut on the desktop for BD iso files would not open. So it would appear that the problem, whatever it is, won't allow most of the desktop shortcuts to work. Any suggestions will be much appreciated.
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Dave Watterson
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Re: Adobe and CS5

Post by Dave Watterson »

First thing to try is a System Restore.

Choose a restore point from when everything worked well. If all goes well you will have your shortcuts back. System Restore does NOT interfere with your data files, so any editing or other work you have done will remain untouched. If you put any new programs on, or updated any programs between the restore point and now, you will have to reload them.

Here are Microsoft's instructions on using System restore: ... em-restore
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Re: Adobe and CS5

Post by Roy1 »

Thanks Dave and Peter. I have with a friend's help now done a System Restore and everything is now back to normal
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Dave Watterson
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Re: Adobe and CS5

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col lamb
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Re: Adobe and CS5

Post by col lamb »

I only frequent the forum occasionally nowadays and today is the day.

Can I add some advice.

CS5 is solid and stable (kiss of death for my system) as I still use CS5 on the rare occasions I edit video.

Restore points are excellent but it always pays to have a full backup of your system drive. Windows has a backup utility but I use Acronis.

Turn off Windows automatic updates and do the same for any software you have that updates itself without input from yourself, you want to control update manually, let them tell you that an update is pending.

Prior to any updates create a system restore point and backup your boot drive, then you can manually initiate update but and it is a big but, you have checked online that the updates are bug free..

By the way on the boot drive you should only have your operating system and software, no data or media or documents these should be on a seperate hard drive.

Manage your PC and it will stay stable and reliable as it is then easy to go back a stage.

A useful small utility is CCleaner which can be used to clear out the dross that Windows and programs write to the boot disc, it is also a registry cleaner but if you are unsure get someone who knows about PC's to run it for you

Adobe does not support CS5 via direct updates.

Good luck
Col Lamb
Preston, Lancashire.
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A.K. Williams
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Re: Adobe and CS5

Post by A.K. Williams »

Just a note on this issue Roy1, I use Adobe (7) and went through a period of instability with my outfit a couple of years ago and as Dave W has already done for you, I was pointed in the direction of 'system restore' and everything was fine. However, a few weeks or so later the same thing happened once more and I found that system restore would not work for me!

No matter where I turned I could not get to the core of the problem and after spending more than I would like on 'expert' advice, was still none the wiser (I have no problem spending out on expert advice by the way, but when those experts -some of them- display an expertise which amounts to no more than how quickly they can separate you from your money, that's when my problem begins).

A friend of mine had always told me that I should 'back-up' my work, but unless someone is prepared to sit down with me and take me step-by-step through computer techniques in order that they 'stick', such advice is of little value and so eventually, I turned to the internet and discovered the world of external hard-drives and after some consideration bought one (750gb - £45).

I use Windows 7 and within its' structure is a 'back-up and restore' facility as you have recently discovered which, it seems, does what it suggests, but it seemed to me that to 'back-up' files and so on on a suspect pc seemed rather contradictory should the need for recovery arise, hence the external hard-drive.

I plugged the device into the USB port and following the step-by-step instructions contained within the Windows directory, created what it calls a 'system image'. When the process was complete I unplugged and stored the unit safely well away from any computer and associated peripherals and pretty much forgot about it, not being at all convinced by any of it.

A few months later and the affected PC started playing up once more and now, I realised, was the time to test out the idea. I plugged the hard-drive into the USB and after the usual faffing about effectively re-installed the system as was contained in the system image made as described. It worked beautifully and I was back up and running again.

Now I'm not saying that this is the real answer to a petulant PC, but it is comforting to know that you have a record of all your work files and operating system should the need arise and without 'expert' help, another way of looking at it is that you create your own restore-point, but within its' own self-contained storage unit and providing you have sufficient space in there, can back-up as many computers and digital things as you like.

Tony Williams.
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Re: Adobe and CS5

Post by Roy1 »

Tony. Thanks for your input. What you say makes good sense. I have attempted to place a system image on an external Hard drive and I think I have done so. Looking into the properties of the copy it tells me that is has used 73 GB. But as I can't open it I can't tell what's on it. I was prompted to make a repair disc and to I followed the instruction and something is recorded on the CD, what is recorded I have no idea as it won't open. Looking into the properties of the disc it only shows a few M bytes being used. Any ideas how I can see what's recorded.
A.K. Williams
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Re: Adobe and CS5

Post by A.K. Williams »

Hi Roy, I noticed the repair disc option but didn't explore further, I'm not sure (in fact have no idea) what that is supposed to achieve - repair what?

As far as the external hard drive is concerned it should (and does on my PC) work similar to the standard flash drive otherwise known as memory stick. Plug it in to your USB port and you should hear it register to begin with, sometimes it will open automatically and display an on-screen contents list in which case double-click the piece you require (or right click and select 'open') and it should do exactly that. If it fails to open automatically, bring up your OS options menu and click-on 'computer', the device will be listed there and you can open it from there in similar fashion. As with all such stuff it is never as straight-forward as you would expect, your computer will have given it a letter designation as displayed with your 'C' drive for instance and at first you probably won't recognise it, in my case (eventually) I simply opened 'computer' before plugging in the device and watched for the changes on the listed drives and then it became clear.

Once opened a further list of contents will be displayed (if you have more than just a system image in there) and included within that list ought to be -quite clearly displayed- 'System Image', if you click on this heading you will be met with a further list of headings, but don't expect to access any of these in visual format, because your OS will simply tell you that it 'can't open this file because it needs to know which program you want to open it with' or something like that, which in effect means that until the system image is 're-applied' (to the affected PC) the files cannot be viewed.

As far as your repair disc is concerned, from what you say the content it displays would not be compatible with the content of your hard-drive (I'm guessing) which usually contain much more than mere mbs' and so perhaps in this case the process has not worked and you might have to try again.

I noticed when I first plugged my external drive in simply in order to familiarise myself with the thing, that it displayed a capacity of something like 698gb when I bought (or so I thought) a 750gb volume. After e-mailing the seller on this, I was told that the 50-odd gb went into what is effectively an operating system of its own in order to make the thing work and so a bit like that lap-top bought off the shelf with all its files and programmes pre-loaded I suppose.

When you look at your list of drives after opening 'computer' you will see 'used space' and 'free space' and you need at least as much capacity in your external drive in order to match the 'used space' on your PC, this will also give you a lead on the 'used' space you mentioned on your external hd, if it doesn't match (at least) or exceed then you might once more have to try again. In any case 'System Image' ought to display as described above once created and stored, it's that same old 'its' easy once you know how' thing again which comes only through repetition, frustrating I know, but fact all the same.

Tony Williams.
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Re: Adobe and CS5

Post by Roy1 »

Thanks again Tony for your very helpful and informative post. I will study it carefully and see if I can follow your advice.
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