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Dave Watterson
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Post by Dave Watterson »

Stop squabbling !

Different folks write in different ways. Huey and Lee manage to sound argumentative or combative without really intending to be that way. I guess they like to challenge what they see as complacency. John, your contributions have been very helpful and positive on a range of subjects.

Huey wanted to bring us back to the original topic of this thread ... and expanded it to wider issues related to Film & Video Maker magazine.

Just please be careful not to make personal attacks on individuals ...
Lee Prescott
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Post by Lee Prescott »

Huey Walker wrote:And if you, John, really think that I 'sounded argumentative' then I now understand that it's all in your mind how you see the world.

Mein Gott: :( :roll: the comment from Master Walker (we have crossed swords once before on here), as above, typical IaC.......NO WONDER most
Young People, if any, DO NOT join the IaC.

John Roberts is a Young Man, very much younger than me and IF that's your physog in your original posting much younger than you Huey!

John, a small word of advice - you and your age group will NEVER chnage the "tree rooted" attitude of the IaC...As I previously stated, then
humourously now not so: "We're doomed, doomed I tell you"!

I was going to post, in answer to Ned and John, about our Young Film Makers. Now, since we appear to be gummed up in Mrs. Gough's attic,
I give up!....

Good night: :(

col lamb
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Post by col lamb »

I wish now that I had read the issue instead of quickly scanning it and putting it in the recycling.

I saw the image and chuckled, an old guy in a badly fitting IAC shirt and battered IAC cap advertising the merchandise, yep a great image to take the rcpa (rearrange) out of the IAC, and just exactly wrong image to attract new members.

Lets have more taking the Michael then maybe the rooted establishment will listen and also just maybe attitudes will change, for without change everything dies
Col Lamb
Preston, Lancashire.
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Peter B
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Post by Peter B »

col lamb wrote:I saw the image and chuckled, an old guy in a badly fitting IAC shirt and battered IAC cap advertising the merchandise
...and the caps aren't available any more.
My attempts at videos & AV sequences can be found on my website- http://www.dragon-sanctuary.co.uk
Lee Prescott
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Post by Lee Prescott »

PeterB wrote:...and the caps aren't available any more.
:lol: Oh dear Huey will barge in roaring "it's getting worse" -- Wot a chuckleberry -- s o r r y--couldn't resist it! --------
.....Maybe the caps aren't available anymore as praps not Big Enough for any of QUOTE: "the Rooted ESTABLISHMENT"!!!

Incidentally, will "they" all be rushing North into foreign parts for their meetings - or will that be a part of the secrecy - to stick to Huey's
thread, (Sorry Huey), maybe they'll take on board Huey's original advertising contempt!

I've got a Young fella here in our S.S.V.U., 6 feet 4 plus inches tall now, muscular build and quite good looking and aged just 19. Also
Charlotte, aged 21 and built like Dolly Parton - any (financial) offers??? True.
.....To re-do the IaC advertisement.

Cheers: LEE. :P
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John Roberts
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Post by John Roberts »

You know - I've just hit upon a really radical idea (must be because I'm young and don't know what I'm talking about!) :lol:

Instead of wasting our time cobbling together sardonic images and criticising the establishment and the various good people within it, why don't we spend that time doing something positive and constructive and put forward suggestions in a constructive and meaningful way in order to improve areas we feel are lacking in whatever aspect.

For example, it took me just 2 hours yesterday to secure the services of a professional commercial photographer, plus possibly the use of a large commercial photo studio, and half a dozen young men and women prepared to don the IAC merchandise and have their photograph taken. I might add that they have all offered their services for FREE.

Incidentally, I was chatting to an elderly Polish friend last night, and we were talking about the crazy videos on YouTube showing US consumers fighting over TVs and toasters on Black Friday - he said that just 30 years ago they were doing exactly the same thing in Poland on a daily basis, though not over TVs but simply food. So I asked him "You know more about change than most people, what would've happened if nothing had changed?" He went silent, but he didn't need to say anything because the look on his face spoke volumes. Change will come, but it has to be people/member led and it has to offer a positive alternative to the current situation.

So folks - be positive!


PS: apologies for the above, I am young and waffle on about things I know nothing about and look at the world in an argumentative light :wink:
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Post by TimStannard »

John Roberts wrote:I am young
Indeed, John, and you have the fight and the energy to get on an actually DO something whilst some others waste what energy they have moaning about other people who have actually done something (or alternatively talking about how much better it was in the old days)

Great attitude.

Perhaps to paraphrase JFK (who apparently stole it) "Ask not what the IAC can do for you, but what you can do for the IAC"
Proud to be an amateur film maker - I do it for the love of it
Michael Slowe
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Post by Michael Slowe »

At last some sanity from the last two, John and Tim. All the moaning in the world won't change anything by itself. There is no 'secret' group dictating to us members. They are our elected representatives, and if Lee wants to, he can put himself up for election and then ensure that any film that he is connected with will receive unlimited praise.
Lee Prescott
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Post by Lee Prescott »

Michael Slowe wrote:and if Lee wants to, he can put himself up for election and then ensure that any film that he is connected with will receive unlimited praise.
Sorry this is "completely off original thread" BUT I am compelled to respond to Mr. Michael Slowe on this occasion. Thank you all........

:) Well thank you Michael for your most kind suggestion and for your touch of sarcasm:-

Unfortunately I am of an age greater than yours (and possibly with the addition of others)!!! and --- even being of "sound mind" and fairly OK physically thus far, I see no point at all in endeavouring to take on the entrenched attitudes that prevail knowing full well that I and my views would not be accepted. Frankly I just continue to work for the future in other ways as I did previously.

There will never be any change for the better.

LEE. :( :(
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Dave Watterson
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Post by Dave Watterson »

Don't provoke him, Michael !

And just for the record, being a member of IAC Council does not get you any better assessment of your films. They are all treated the same in our IAC International Amateur Film Competition ... and remember the closing date for early entries is 20th December, which earns you a discount on the fee!
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Michael Gough
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Post by Michael Gough »

I apologise that this is again diverting momentarily from the original thread. I have just returned from an IAC Council meeting in Derby, a return journey of more than 300 miles at my own expense in time and money. I was also one of the judges that judged the SOCO Regional Competition but did not think Lee’s entry was as good as he thinks himself. I also live with the President who apparently is now being mocked and criticised because the IAC merchandise is stored in our loft. Those three descriptions clearly mark me according to Lee’s endless tirades against all things IAC as a “stupid” “tree rooted” member of “the establishment”.
At the Council meeting I had a positive conversation with John Roberts, who was attending as an observer, about the value of the IAC forum. I have always tended to be a lurker rather than a contributor although in the past I have taken some of the suggestions made to Council, contrary to some views that Council never listens. So, determined to remain positive, I checked in again tonight and what do I find in this thread (the only one I read)? Sadly very little that encourages me, and I have been a member for nearly 50 years. Was my attendance at today’s Council meeting or SOCO’s judging a total waste of time. Why do I bother? If I feel so frustrated, disappointed, insulted, occasionally angry, defensive, etc. how do we expect any new, young faces to be encouraged to join. Our bitter, sarcastic, sometimes downright rude ultra-negative contributors are often part of the problem, not the solution.

In relation to SSVU’s film “The Apparition” I would certainly be in favour of Ned’s request to see the film, let’s all see it on YouTube or Vimeo. Naturally any competition result depends as much on the other competing films as the views of the judges. I stick by why we didn’t rate it very highly but I really would like to hear why someone, other than the makers think, “The Apparition” is a good film. Please tell me what we missed.
As advised by John my signature contains a proviso.
Michael Gough. “views expressed are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect those of the IAC Council”.
Michael Slowe
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Post by Michael Slowe »

Michael Gough, your post is most welcome and only confirms what many of us long standing IAC members already know, namely that people like yourself are working very hard on our behalf, doing the things that we are not prepared to do. The fact that you feel ''the subject of bitter, sarcastic, negative and rude comments by contributors to this forum'' is greatly to be regretted. If I may say so, these comments mostly come from one particular contributor, the vast majority are trying to be constructive. John's initiative in making the effort to find out what actually happens is to be applauded, as it has been by our esteemed moderator.
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John Roberts
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Post by John Roberts »

Michael Slowe wrote:Michael Gough, your post is most welcome and only confirms what many of us long standing IAC members already know, namely that people like yourself are working very hard on our behalf, doing the things that we are not prepared to do. The fact that you feel ''the subject of bitter, sarcastic, negative and rude comments by contributors to this forum'' is greatly to be regretted.
+1 for that!

Michael, it was a pleasure to meet up again on Sunday, and be involved in some little way in the meeting. In my other post I commented that 90% or more of the meeting's discussion would be of very little interest to general membership, and I stand by that, but I don't consider the meetings or anyone's involvement in them a waste of time. If no-one volunteered to follow something through or be on a sub-committee to investigate an event or item and deal with the 90% administration and 'nitty gritty' of running the IAC and everything involved in it, then the whole Institute would more or less collapse. Most members are only aware of the 10% 'gloss' on the surface, predominantly the FVM magazine and BIAFF. It was indeed unfortunate that this was the only thread you read yesterday, because it started off in a negative and sardonic tone, and more or less remained that way. There are some positive and helpful threads on here, but there certainly needs to be more input about the 'art' of the hobby we are all trying to succeed in, and less negativity about the organisation that is trying to help us succeed with it. The little time many of us claim to have available to our hobby should surely be spent in a positive way - negativity doesn't achieve anything apart from p***ing other members off and deconstructing hours, weeks, months and maybe years of good work.

My suggestion to anyone before submitting a post would be to reflect for a moment, and imagine what is about to be sent is instead a competition judges review of one of their own films...

Just a thought :)
Huey Walker
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Post by Huey Walker »

In my defence I am still waiting for delivery of my FVM...
Who said that after waffling on about the FVM?

And what defence is that? When I first sent in my letter, the magazine had already been
available for several weeks.

Michael Gough has put the IAC and this forum back into the 16th Century.
Isn't it time that women spoke up on this forum.
Are there any women on this forum? I haven't noticed any.

I think they have far better things to do, like making films.
Which I must admit I should be doing.

I think everyone has missed the point about the outside back cover of the FVM.
It wasn't the fact that it's a very old fashioned, outdated, obsolete, and, dare I say it,
'out of the ark' which it is.

It's the fact that Linda Gough, the president of the IAC, made a response, or should I say
excuse, that the back cover was out of date because of her loft.

I'm still laughing about her explanation and justification several weeks later.

That's about it for now. I have to post my film off to BIAFF, second class of course.
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John Roberts
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Post by John Roberts »

Oh dear, here we go again... :lol:

Actually, the only person who can possibly comment on whether I have received my issue of FVM or not, is me. So please don't keep aiming uninformed waffle in my direction.

Michael Gough has definitely not put this forum nor the IAC back into the 16th century, it is the perpetuation of negative and unhelpful comments and remarks that are holding back progress. Anyone is welcome to comment and no-one at any time has stopped anyone from adding to discussions on here, but I agree with Michael in that the continual bitching and sarcastic posts on this forum certainly do not exactly welcome anyone, nor do comments and negative remarks made on certain external sites. Perhaps you yourself could do more to attract members or contributors, of both sexes? If not, it's time to move on from this.

If you, or anyone else, wish to change things, then as Michael said, and I concur - do stick your head above the parapet and be counted. Get involved. Do something positive. Go to meetings and suggest things. If not, then go and make films. You don't have to be involved, but don't criticise the way things are run or people's opinions on things if you have no intention of getting involved and moving things forward in a positive light. If you see something you don't like, suggest a way to improve it in a constructive way. It's very simple.

I think it's time to move on from this, but we look forward to viewing your entries at BIAFF, and I wish you the best of luck.

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