Heroes on the water

A warm welcome to all. Here we talk about films, which people put onto YouTube or Vimeo and embed here. The idea is to allow useful, friendly discussion.
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john ingham
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Heroes on the water

Post by john ingham »

here is a short film, i did where we take injured soldiers out on kayaks to do a little fishing..
the results have been fantastic…i know there are a few filming hic- ups, but i hope i am getting there

and this is the progression

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Dave Watterson
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Re: Heroes on the water

Post by Dave Watterson »

Good work, John, as a film maker ... and great work as a volunteer.
For those who do not know it http://www.heroesonthewater-uk.org/ will tell you about what Heroes on the Water is all about.
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Re: Heroes on the water

Post by TimStannard »

I echo Dave's sentiments.
I thought the colours of the kayaks/safety equipment gave a natural vibrance to the images which helped keep them entertaining without resorting to excessive grading.

I would have liked a bit more nat sound (although I appreciate you probably had your hands full enough as it was) and thought that the 2nd film in particular might have benefited from a voice over - thus giving a bit more of a personal feel, rather than the rather clinical impression left by captions alone.

If you're planning to film more of this (and I think you should as this is great publicity for what I suspect is a little known charity) I suggest maybe some interview snippets from both volunteers and participants.
Proud to be an amateur film maker - I do it for the love of it
john ingham
Posts: 221
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Re: Heroes on the water

Post by john ingham »

yes that is the next step Tim,
sadly time and weather often don't work in our favour… I have been thinking of buying a go-pro 3 black edition to take on the water, but after last years experience with finances , we tend to be watching every penny, and now we are looking to buy a plot of land to turn into a smallholding..every penny will count

i am looking forward to doing an interview, something i have not done before,

the 1st film is the result of 30 minutes filming, the 2nd was done quicker..the two biggest problems being, (A) i won't take that camera out on the water, (B) i need to be out there with the lads incase things go belly up as they say :lol:

can i also mention, the charity does not just point towards soldiers…we would take out injured fire personal, ambulance and police as well as coastguard or any other public service
Keep trying, for one day you will get it right
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