Titanic Inspired

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Desmond Godwin
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Titanic Inspired

Post by Desmond Godwin »

On the eve of the great Titanic disaster i was inspired to make a small video on my thoughts of the events that happened. Below is the link to my Video.



[Editor: I would have embedded the video here as we usually do, but it is set not to allow embedding. If Desmond cares to change that setting and lets me know I will happily embed it here. email asstweb@theiac.org.uk ]
Last edited by Desmond Godwin on Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
tom hardwick
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Re: Titanic Inspired

Post by tom hardwick »

Beautifully put together film Desmond, with a perfect music choice.
Michael Slowe
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Re: Titanic Inspired

Post by Michael Slowe »

Brilliant piece of work Desmond, James Cameron did no better! It would be interesting to hear what was 'real' and what wasn't. I imagine the wreck material is genuine, as were of course, the first sequence of stills. One minor carp, the music ends very suddenly both at the change between the stills and live action and again at the end. I suspect that this is a vimeo problem rather than yours. Are we allowed to learn from you how you did the re constructions?
Desmond Godwin
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Re: Titanic Inspired

Post by Desmond Godwin »

Last edited by Desmond Godwin on Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Desmond Godwin
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Re: Titanic Inspired

Post by Desmond Godwin »

Thank you Michael for comments. I feel honoured that you make a comparison with my 'small video' and James Cameron's masterpiece, and i did get the opportunity to see his Titanic in 3D and i thought it was excellent. Being the 100th Anniversary of Titanic inspired me to make my video. I had been thinking of not only 'Titanic' but of the Titanic loss of life and sorrow that came from the disaster! I spent many hours sifting thru VHS DVD and U tube material on Titanic to get the elements I needed. The Music was segments taken from some 'New age' CD. The stills are from books I have on Titanic.
The music was a very important part to get it to fit right with the video and it may not be noticed but it is the one track repeated a few times throughout. I enjoyed working on the project and I got a bit emotional when I first viewed the finished video. Something happened when I uploaded the Mpeg file to Vimeo in that the 'black segments' appeared to shut off the sound coz in the original file the music is not chopped that quick?

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Re: Titanic Inspired

Post by FredD »

Hi Desmond,

Nicely put together, with good 3dAnimation shots. Nice timing and all together a pleasant view !

My only crit' would be the total lack of any 'credits'. At this level of film making and presentation,
it is generally accepted that you run credit titles to acknowledge the people, organisations and copyrights etc,
that have made the production possible.

Kind regards,
Fred D.
"Films are never released, they escape !" Ben Burtt
Desmond Godwin
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Re: Titanic Inspired

Post by Desmond Godwin »

Please see the next posting.... (This one was a duplicate)

:roll: Desmond
Last edited by Desmond Godwin on Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Desmond Godwin
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Re: Titanic Inspired

Post by Desmond Godwin »

Last edited by Desmond Godwin on Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Titanic Inspired

Post by FredD »

Desmond Godwin wrote:Thank you Fred for your comments. Yes you are right I suppose i should have included some end credits but as the material for my short video was taken from so many sources, Videos\DVD's\ U Tube\Daily Motion\CD's and books on Titanic. I just did'nt have all the production info on all of the material i used so i left the end without credits. Maybe this posting might make up for the missing credits?

:) Desmond


I am sure it will go some way towards avoiding a bolt of lightning hitting your studio/workshop ! 8)

And 'off topic' ; a very nice Elmo restoration job you have in hand there !! :)
I used to have one as a backup machine to my Siemans Double Band.
Brings back memories from 40+ years ago !

Kind regards,
Fred D
"Films are never released, they escape !" Ben Burtt
Desmond Godwin
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Re: Titanic Inspired

Post by Desmond Godwin »

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