WELCOME TO THE FORUM - newcomers start here

Post a film and invite friendly comment from fellow enthusiasts. (This is a moderated forum.) See notes under "Forum" on the IAC website for details of how to use it.
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Dave Watterson
Posts: 1908
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:11 pm
Location: Bath, England

WELCOME TO THE FORUM - newcomers start here

Post by Dave Watterson »

Welcome to the IAC Forum. We have five sections:

1) Advice on Films - put up a film and invite friendly comment from fellow enthusiasts.
2) Club and General Issues - whatever does not belong elsewhere!
3) Equipment and Technical Issues - ideas and opinions on equipment and technical issues.
4) Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film - discuss film content, competitions and judging.
5) Help and Advice for Newcomers - no question is too basic or trivial to raise here.

You can return to the general index page at any time by clicking on the IAC diamond logo at the top left.


First click the “Login” link near the top left of the page. It opens a small form. Type in your username and password. We find it helpful to tick the box marked “Log me on automatically each visit” – that saves having to keep typing in username and password every time you visit. Then click the “Login” button at the bottom of the form.

Use the links near the top of the page: click on “View active topics” to see what has been under discussion recently. (Remember you can always return to the index by clicking the IAC logo.)

After the first few days, the easiest starting point is: “View unread posts”. That lists all the posts (comments) that have been put up since you last looked.

Explore older posts by clicking on a section title, then scrolling through the list of topics in that section. If one catches your eye, click on it to read the posts within.


Near the top and bottom of each page are buttons marked “new topic” and “post a reply”. Click on the one you want. Both open small forms to fill in. If you are creating a new topic you need to give it a title, then write your message in the space below. The buttons just above the writing area let you add bold, italic and so on. When you have finished writing … click the “Submit” button just under your message. This sends your message to us. The first five times you do this we delay the message until a moderator has read it to confirm you are not a spammer. After five such checks all your future postings will go up instantly.

Behind the scenes we work hard to keep spammers off the forum. Sometimes that means we accidentally make it difficult for genuine enthusiasts to join. If you are having problems please email asstweb@theiac.org.uk .

- Dave Watterson (Assistant Webmaster)
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