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"The Big Gig"- Venue Change & End Of Recession!

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:39 pm
Just to let the world know that The Big Gig will be held at the Royal British Legion, Riverside Road, Thurso as per usual.
We had booked another venue some months ago but when we went back to update our booking but strangely it had vanished so we booked again, then we got a message saying our event may need approval. Hmm, 2 weeks before we start advertising that simply isn't helpful, so we cancelled and went back to old faithful Legion.
Additionally as the economy is recovering we have re-applied admision fees- £1 per show.

The Big Gig Film & Music Festival,
Royal British Legion,
Riverside Road,
Friday 17th and Saturday 18th July 2009.

See you there!
Admission £1 per show. (5 shows in all)