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Post by Roy1 »

Michael. I can show videos which are are YouTube directly onto my 50 inch Plasma TV and the HD videos on You Tube look great. I and everyone else can download videos from YouTube and put them on a DVD and show them on a six foot screen via a projector. In this case the quality depends on your projector. The same DVD can be screened on a TV via an upscaling player with good results. You don't need to be a young whizzkid to do this, I'm almost 86 and can manage it quite easily.
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Post by Michael Slowe »

Thank you Dave, very clever, how did they get there? Problem is they're the really old ones, what happens to the longer ones?

Chrisbitz, of course I want people to enjoy my films and for a wide audience. Three or four recently have been broadcast in the last couple of years and the alpaca one got highest ratings for that week they told me. They also sold a huge number of DVD's of the hounds film (fees to the IAC). It's just that computer viewing seems so 'uncinema', whereas large TV screens rather less so. I know that all living will soon be managed from a tiny iphone, I'm glad that I'm near enough to the end to worry too much about that!
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Post by Chrisbitz »

Michael Slowe wrote:
Chrisbitz, of course I want people to enjoy my films and for a wide audience. Three or four recently have been broadcast in the last couple of years and the alpaca one got highest ratings for that week they told me. They also sold a huge number of DVD's of the hounds film (fees to the IAC). It's just that computer viewing seems so 'uncinema', whereas large TV screens rather less so. I know that all living will soon be managed from a tiny iphone, I'm glad that I'm near enough to the end to worry too much about that!

May I speak freely? I really don't want to offend, but I can't think of a polite word for it.

I hear your question often in the amateur film making world, and in my opinion, it just sounds artsy and pretentious to imply that one wouldn't want people to see their films unless they're in the utmost quality in a perfect scenario. The art world has enough nonsense already, without us (people who make films because we love it) getting all poncey about our mediums! :-)

I think it's a shame to dictate how people may enjoy your film. if it's a great film it will be a great film whether shown at the cinema, or on an iPhone. Equally, a boring lemon will still be a boring lemon even in Hidef. Of course it's entirely your decision to do what you want with your films, but for me, the more people that can enjoy my stories, the better. The viewing medium makes no difference whatsoever.

I hope I haven't offended with my straight talking :-)
I like to make films, this is- my Youtube account. What's yours?

"all of the above is nothing more than nonsensical ramblings, and definately should NOT be misconstrued as anyone's official policy"
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Post by TimStannard »

I can understand Michael's reluctance. Some films are simply designed for and therefore look better on a large screen - and this isn't necessarily to do with "artiness". Indeed if you want subtitles you really need different sizes depending on the medium.

But Michael, I believe you are looking at this from the wrong angle. If you limit your film to a few festivals and clubs then let's say 1,000 people might get to see it. If you put it on YouTube those 1,000 people will still see your film at the clubs and festivals in the manner for which it was designed. But what you also get is an additional potential audience of billions of people. A very small proportion (but still thousands, if you build a reputation and a following) will see those films on YouTube. Of those thousands, a few will want to see your film in better quality and, if you give them the opportunity, will attend future screenings - which may be of your films or of yours and others. Everyone wins.

It's the same as the old argument about home taping killing the music industry. People shared illegally made home made tapes. Those who liked material that they othewise would not have had the opportunity to hear went out and bought the superior quality LPs.
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Post by col lamb »

To assume that movies on the web will only be seen on a PC monitor is incorrect.

With so many TV's sold today having network capabilities many viewers now have the option of watching youtube etc on the TV

If you take notice of the Samsung TV advertisement for their smart TV's you will see what I mean.

I can watch movies on the web on my rather large lcd TV in the comfort of my lounge

If anyone visiting us wants to see my movies they are readily available to view on my TV via my network server

At the end of the day if people do not post their movies on the web they will not know just how large an audience is available
Col Lamb
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Post by Roy1 »

COL. I have already mentioned the facts you have posted, in my posting 3oth Nov. But nobody takes notice obviously.
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Post by TimStannard »

Roy1 wrote: But nobody takes notice obviously.
Not true, Roy. I read Col's post and thought "Hasn't Roy already made that point?" So I, for one, was taking notice :)

I think Col was simply expanding on your point. Your post says people can do it, Cols was simply proving that people (in addition to than your good self) do do it.

There's so little traffic on this forum, that I suspect we all take full notice of everything.
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Post by Willy »

Good that there is some discussion on this forum. I understand Colin, Chris, Tim, Roy ... Like them I am sure that you can see films in high quality on TV nowadays, but I also agree with Michael. I think that a film is still more impressive when it is shown on a large screen. At festivals for instance.

I remember 1962. I went to the cinema to see "How the West Was Won". I was not sitting at the back holding my girlffriend's hand. I was too impressed.* "How the West Was Won" was filmed in the Cinerama process, a widescreen process which works by simultaneously projecting images from three synchronized 35mm projectors onto a huge deeply curved screen. I wonder why such Cinerama films are not shown anymore. Maybe because the screens in our cinema rooms are already very large. What a difference : seeing a film on Cinerama and the same one on YouTube or on an ordinary TV-screen!

Yes, we must try to live with Iphods and Iphads and "tablets" (in Dutch 'tabletten' which must be something new). Sometimes I feel desperate. My grandsons don't. But you are still too young to say things like ... (see your previous message), Michael. Roy is 86 he says. Maybe he is the friend I visited in 2007 on my way to Scotland. My wife and I were very tired after a long trip by car and you (?) offered us a nice cup of tea.

I am sure your hounds film may look even more beautiful on a large screen, Michael. I think you have the right to say this and to be proud. You don't have to agree with me, my friends, but I have the feeling that the poetry of landscapes "disappears" a little on Youtube or on an ordinary TV-screen. The autumn colours in Michael's hounds film... Jesus! Brilliant!
A very bad idea: films for festivals can be watched on Iphods or tablets by judges in order to evaluate them ... Also on badly adjusted little TV-screens. A good idea: they are shown on excellent flat screen TV-sets.

To be honest. Like some forum friends I am not such a YouTube fan. Forgive me, but I have another reason. I am a member of two different clubs. In the second club my friends always try to have their films watched on YouTube by as many people as possible. With some success. One of the filmmakers is a member of a football team for young girls. It's called "Vlimmergirls". He made a film about his team. His "YouTube score" was very high some years ago. The score always appears on the filmclub website. But his good result was not surprising. He encouraged all the girls of his team to watch his film on YouTube. Maybe also some thousands of men had great expectations when seeing the title of the film: "Vlimmergirls".

My friend didn't have a high score at the local competition. Some other films were better according to the judging panel because they had a story. My friend was disappointed and the "Vlimmergirls" were not at the club gala to see his film.

I think we should do our utmost to promote festivals.
A comparison : I already watched some football matches in London (Tottenham, West Ham, Arsenal). That was a fantastic experience. Standing in the football ground! The crowd singing and shouting. The atmosphere was superb.

I also get excited when watching football matches on TV at home... but the "ambience is still different.

An other comparison: attending "Last Night of the Proms" must give a different feeling in the Albert Hall than at home. It does not mean that I would encourage foreigners like me to attend "Last Night of the Proms". It's British! So watching films at a festival is still something special.

* I didn't have a girlfriend at that time.
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Post by Roy1 »

Yes Willy. I am that Roy and I still show the videos you gave me, and visitors enjoy them very much. With regard to what you say about TV and Cinerama. Probally in UK the cost of going to the cinema today is getting more and more expensive and to show cinerama you need very big cinemas. The majority of large cinemas in the UK have been converted to several small cinemas in the one building and so cinerama couldn't be shown to advantage. The same goes to IMAX. I suppose it's my age but for me it's no adventure going to the cinema anymore. Showmanship no longer exists. I hate going into a cinema and sit there staring at a Bare screen. It's seems that it's to much bother to operate Tabs(curtains) anymore. The sound is not very efficient either. I've seen people eating their dinner while the film is being screened. I ramble on. It may strike you as odd that at my video meetings I started to show videos on a 6 ft screen via a projector but a lot of the viewers preferred to view the videos via an upscaler on a 50inch television. Most of these viewers were present and ex members of clubs and it seems to prevail that they prefer quality of resolution on a small screen to a slight loss of same on a bigger screen. So I have concluded rightly or wrongly that a lot of video makers concentrate more on technical quality than the actual content of what they are making. As to that quality of content, it has to be remembered that ONE MANS MEAT ETC.
Last edited by Roy1 on Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Brian Saberton
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Post by Brian Saberton »

Willie, the Pictureville Cinema at the National Meduia Museum in Bradford is one of the very few places that is equipped to project original Cinerama films using the triple projector system and I understand that they hold a festival sometime in the Spring (possibly March?) where afficianados of cinematic scope systems can view films on the big screen. Incidentally, Film Collector Keith Wilton of Filmtek in Ealing has produced an excellent DVD "from Cinecolor to Cinerama" which examines many of these systems including the history of technicolor.
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Post by col lamb »


With over 1 billion hits this is the Youtube video the world is watching

Not to be outgunned our boys in Afghanistan have produced their own parody

Col Lamb
Preston, Lancashire.
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