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Fundraising in our Clubs

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:43 am
by Ian Gardner
Dear all,
I was just wondering how your Clubs Fundraise?

Our club does a few things to get money into the club.
Oviously we have club membership. This is proberly the best way!
We have a halve time during the evening and we have to buy our tea and coffee.
The Vice-Chairman sells blank video tapes, DVD`s etc. I try to buy all my
Mini-DV tapes this way. The Panasonic ones only cost £2.00! Great value.
They are still quite dear in the shops.
At the end of the meeting we hold a Raffel. Tickets cost 50pence each. Prizes
are sourced from a percentage of the raffel money. Prizes are bottles of
drink, Biscuits and mini-dv tapes. We have three prizes. I seem to win a
prize most of the time. Maybe it`s a winning streak I`m going through!

See you all,

Ian Gardner