Publicity For Us

IAC General Discussions
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Billy Ellwood

Publicity For Us

Post by Billy Ellwood »

I’ve just taken on the role for Newcastle ACA of publicity officer, where
I’m expected to get the word around of filmmaking into our community. I would
greatly welcome a portfolio of ideas of tried and trusted methods that people
have used in the past to welcome new members into our midst.

Tried and not-proved-as-of-yet methods of last year, might be just right
now -so let me hear them.

…Advertising, Doing shows, Media Stories, Club Info posters, Colleges and
Universities presentations, libraries, internet channels… Whatever is right
here and now.

I intend to share whatever I find for the greater good of our society to
all of us.

Contact me via
Dave Watterson

Re: Publicity For Us

Post by Dave Watterson »

OK, Billy, let's see what forum folk come up with.

One neat idea is to leave recent copies of FVM and any
other movie-making magazines that people can spare in
the waiting rooms of local doctors and dentists. On the
inside cover of each add a sticker with brief details
of the club and how to make contact.

Another place for specialised posters/leaflets is the
ante-natal classes. "Want to film your baby's first
steps? Do it properly with help from ..."

Or at community centres "Film your group's activities
and outings ... find out how from ..."

IAC have issued some publicity material on disc so that
it can be customised for local use.

If photo dealers in town will agree, leave them
leaflets - especially if you can include some offer
like "free membership for 6 months with this coupon".

I know you have a page on the NERIAC website but it
costs very little to set up your own website with a
name people can remember. Lots of people use the
net as the first place to look for anything in which
they have an interest.

That's a few ideas.

Knock 'em dead!

Dave (Barnum & Bailey) Watterson
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