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by ned c
Wed Oct 13, 2021 2:20 am
Forum: Film Comments - a moderated forum
Topic: The shorcomings of a film
Replies: 22
Views: 32423

Re: The shorcomings of a film

I have put up two clips; first a traditional interview clip which I lit (at a low level) this a part of an interview followed by Greg's video selfie.
What do you think?
ned c
by ned c
Wed Oct 13, 2021 12:46 am
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: DVD and Blu-ray discs
Replies: 19
Views: 32285

Re: DVD and Blu-ray discs

I am on the side of discs and have a substantial collection and still make copies of most of my work .Apple are part of the problem; they are driven by computer people who seem to have little respect for their end users; DVD drives - gone; USB 3 -gone. For many years I used FCP to v7; destroyed. How...
by ned c
Sat Oct 09, 2021 3:42 pm
Forum: Film Comments - a moderated forum
Topic: The shorcomings of a film
Replies: 22
Views: 32423

Re: The shorcomings of a film

I shot a series of interviews with local artists; one was too far away and he offered to shoot a "video selfie" with his cell phone. The only advice I gave him was to hold his cell phone sideways. The result had a great sense of immediacy, it was "amateurish" but captured him and...
by ned c
Mon Aug 30, 2021 5:47 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: How do you "sell" a film festival?
Replies: 36
Views: 54795

Re: How do you "sell" a film festival?

Go back to Dave's original point; how to sell the sizzle rather than the sausage. The implication is that all sausages are the same so the promoter has to find some method of differentiation. He could of course use price but price wars end in tears for all concerned including the consumer. So an app...
by ned c
Fri Aug 27, 2021 6:34 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: How do you "sell" a film festival?
Replies: 36
Views: 54795

Re: How do you "sell" a film festival?

I believe that "fraught" is right regarding the entries; our experience with DOCUTAH is that the number has settled at around 300 with 60-70 screened, admittedly this is an all documentary festival but has good recognition and is run by a university. The huge numbers only apply to festival...
by ned c
Thu Aug 26, 2021 5:38 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: How do you "sell" a film festival?
Replies: 36
Views: 54795

Re: How do you "sell" a film festival?

I said I would shut up but feel I owe Michael an explanation of my enthusiasm for a student section of BIAFF. I agree that students now have no better equipment than many of us and although may lack experience are tutored by industry professionals and have other resources than camera/editing equipme...
by ned c
Wed Aug 25, 2021 7:34 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: How do you "sell" a film festival?
Replies: 36
Views: 54795

Re: How do you "sell" a film festival?

The short way to expanding the support of BIAFF (and the IAC) is by establishing a separate student category open to films made by people in an educational setting; two parts; up to 18 years old and over 18. OK I know I have banged on about this for ages and am still mystified why no action has been...
by ned c
Mon Aug 23, 2021 3:51 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: How do you "sell" a film festival?
Replies: 36
Views: 54795

Re: How do you "sell" a film festival?

I think the reason most people enter festivals is to share their film with an audience; to experience the pleasure of the Q and A and the discussion with audience members after the viewing. Simply; what is the chance of my film being screened? Very few festivals advertise what percentage of entries ...
by ned c
Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:31 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Replies: 24
Views: 51030


First Howard; all criticism/reviews good or bad have to be taken with a pinch of salt which you have done in this case and not let it influence your film making; carry on with the good work. But imagine the impact on a beginning film maker! Remember you are in good company as the critics panned a nu...
by ned c
Mon Aug 09, 2021 4:14 pm
Forum: Club and General Issues
Topic: Paul Vernon
Replies: 5
Views: 17743

Re: Paul Vernon

Correct link; sorry about that.
by ned c
Mon Aug 09, 2021 4:05 pm
Forum: Club and General Issues
Topic: Paul Vernon
Replies: 5
Views: 17743

Re: Paul Vernon

Here is Paul in the BTS of "Stream of Dreams."
by ned c
Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:48 pm
Forum: Club and General Issues
Topic: Paul Vernon
Replies: 5
Views: 17743

Paul Vernon

Friend and fellow film maker Paul Vernon died today. I enjoyed the privelege of working with Paul on his modern Western "Stream of Dreams" he was a Western enthusiast and won Crystal Award with his feature "Vermijo" and made a number of Western themed shorts. Paul was an active m...
by ned c
Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:51 pm
Forum: Equipment and Technical Issues
Topic: Free editing software
Replies: 4
Views: 15041

Re: Free editing software

Roy; did another search and found the comments on VSDC v other free software, sort of mixed reviews particularly the fact there is no hardware acceleration; non existent on my Chromebook anyway! . I followed up on ShotCut which received high marks but to access the program you have to download a bro...
by ned c
Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:10 pm
Forum: Equipment and Technical Issues
Topic: Free editing software
Replies: 4
Views: 15041

Re: Free editing software

The original discussion was what free software would be suitable for a beginner with a lower powered computer. Media 100 is without a doubt fine software but is Mac only and is no longer supported which is fine until Mac update their OS and it no longer functions or you stay with an older OS. This i...
by ned c
Sat Jul 03, 2021 11:10 pm
Forum: Equipment and Technical Issues
Topic: Free editing software
Replies: 4
Views: 15041

Free editing software

Some time ago there was a thread about free software and we checked some offerings but without much success. I recently came across VSDC free software (yes; really free with no watermark or surprise charges). There is also the question of what to do with a computer of limited power. The claim is tha...