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by ned c
Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:42 pm
Forum: Equipment and Technical Issues
Topic: Lip Synch
Replies: 17
Views: 23764

Re: Lip Synch

Hello James; As a sometime worker in 8mm film making. the problems with lip synch appeared at three levels. One recording; how to hold synch between the camera and the tape recorder. there were a variety of mechanical devices but they limited the shooting to controlled situations. Certainly not &quo...
by ned c
Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:17 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: Competition sections
Replies: 5
Views: 8672

Re: Competition sections

OK; I do not like age as a defining character but I was born 05/1934 (so do not really qualify for this discussion) and reasonably active film making; 3 Guerrilla Challenges a year currently making a promo for the fire department and work with other local film makers in various capacities. I am glad...
by ned c
Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:13 pm
Forum: Club and General Issues
Topic: 2022 Accounts
Replies: 4
Views: 8004

2022 Accounts

I have only found the 2020 Accounts; please how do I find the most recent accounts?
ned c
by ned c
Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:10 am
Forum: Club and General Issues
Topic: Where next for the IAC?
Replies: 25
Views: 27314

Re: Where next for the IAC?

Martin is right; the BIAFF is the IAC's most significant contribution to film makers with the concentration on n-c (Sorry; Tim; amateur) film makers, along with two other offerings; the magazine and the music licence. Does the IAC have a role in the wider world of film making? It was founded in the ...
by ned c
Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:14 pm
Forum: Club and General Issues
Topic: Where next for the IAC?
Replies: 25
Views: 27314

Re: Where next for the IAC?

1. The magazine on-line with links to the films described/equipment reviewed. Have entrants to BIAFF link to their films with the judges reviews to stimulate discussion. Yes; it's nice to have a paper magazine but the costs could be re-allocated ; see 3. 2. Yes; training; the original courses at Wan...
by ned c
Sat Aug 19, 2023 3:53 pm
Forum: Club and General Issues
Topic: August FVM
Replies: 12
Views: 24933

Re: August FVM

My copy as not arrived; usually here quite quickly. Have other overseas members received their copies?
Ned c
by ned c
Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:46 pm
Forum: Equipment and Technical Issues
Topic: Hybrid camera, Piccolo and Colour Grading
Replies: 3
Views: 8052

Re: Hybrid camera, Piccolo and Colour Grading

Hi Willy; 4K is the current leader with 6K and 8k and even 12k now available so where do we stop? However, well shot HD (1920x1080) continues to serve the needs of many of us; I have a 7 year old Canon Vixia that I use to shoot our Guerrilla Fest entries and it looks great on the full size cinema sc...
by ned c
Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:47 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: Open Film Night Summer Chalenge
Replies: 9
Views: 12269

Re: Open Film Night Summer Chalenge The advantage of the 48 hour challenge is that films get made; to script/shoot/edit/deliver in that time is difficult but is fun and sometimes the results can be very good. Above the link to the SW Utah Guerrilla Fest; the prep time has now be...
by ned c
Fri Jul 21, 2023 4:31 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: What is the difference between an AV and a film?
Replies: 15
Views: 18076

Re: What is the difference between an AV and a film?

"Film" is about motion, they are called "motion pictures" and stories are told combining images of action with the sound of dialog, music and FX. Historically amateurs used systems with very limited image resolving ability, 8 mm, Super and Single 8; even 16 mm compared with 35mm;...
by ned c
Fri May 26, 2023 11:53 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: Judging-FVM June
Replies: 17
Views: 17764

Judging-FVM June

Judging amateur films is a 90% lose/lose situation. The letter in FVM from Mr. Chalmers should deter anyone who contemplates stepping up for judging duties, but accept that there are really no rules for film making; just some conventions. We like to see the images; hear the sound; feel a sense of co...
by ned c
Fri May 26, 2023 9:38 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: What is the difference between an AV and a film?
Replies: 15
Views: 18076

What is the difference between an AV and a film?

I have now had the pleasure of viewing a number of AV presentations at various Zoom meetings. And very good they are, to a high standard of technical quality, images and sound; well written and presented. Can someone tell me what it is that specifically makes these AVs rather than films? Or converse...
by ned c
Wed May 10, 2023 1:12 am
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Replies: 48
Views: 45938


May I insert a huge thank you to the organizers of the Zoom presentations of BIAFF. Sitting over 5,000 miles away I enjoyed the comments and the films; although some start times were the middle of the night for me!

Special thanks to Simon and Jill.

Glad I lived this long!!
Regard to all
ned c
by ned c
Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:17 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: A Bunch of Amateurs
Replies: 37
Views: 34601

Re: A Bunch of Amateurs

Also; very best wishes for the New Year!

ned c
by ned c
Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:10 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: A Bunch of Amateurs
Replies: 37
Views: 34601

Re: A Bunch of Amateurs

OK; I will write some more. When I was President of AMPS the student section of the annual AIFF was well subscribed; on occasion the number of entries exceeding the open category. I have twice e-mailed a senior member of the Council outlining my proposals for a student section at BIAFF and never rec...
by ned c
Mon Dec 19, 2022 10:03 pm
Forum: Competitions, Festivals and The Art of Film
Topic: A Bunch of Amateurs
Replies: 37
Views: 34601

Re: A Bunch of Amateurs

The film schools turn out many more graduates than find work in some aspect of film making/TV. The local University film department turns out 40 graduates every year! In this area there are film grads working in fast food, retail etc. who are the backbone of the local film making scene. Are they pro...