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Senn. Headphones HD25-1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:22 am
by Peter Stedman
Just noticed on my well loved Senn. Headphones Model HD25-1 that the little red 2 pin plug has come out. Simple to insert it again!!!!! Except that, after much searching, I just cannot find the socket. Must be loosing my marbles. Does anyone have one of these headphones that can advise.

I have looked on the Sennheiser site to no avail. Cheers. Pete

Re: Senn. Headphones HD25-1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:43 am
by Peter Stedman
Well the problem is solved. Simple but very cunning. Luckily I'm not as stupid as I thought I was. (Debatable!) I discovered that there is is wide band of black rubber around the circumference of the earpiece. When the plug is removed from the socket this rubber band automatically snaps over the socket so that it protects the socket from dirt etc. but it makes the socket invisible. It just cant be seen because it's covered. Very clever.
Cheers. Pete

Re: Senn. Headphones HD25-1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:26 pm
by Dave Watterson
What a neat, self-contained story ... with a useful message for other users of these headphones.