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Adobe software

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 8:45 pm
by col lamb
Adobe have just announced at the MAX event that there will be no further updates to the CS range of products.

Adobe software will be subscription based via what they refer to as Creative Cloud.

So I guess that from now on my advice any of you folks after some new software would be go for Edius / Edius Neo or rather anything else other than Adobe

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:12 pm
by Dave Watterson
I agree.

Microsoft have been trying to push us towwards renting software that is "in the cloud" and now Adobe is going the same way.

Yes, it will mean users always have the latest version of the software ... but imagine the upload and download times! It will be bad enough with Office documents, but Adobe Creative Suite routinely uses huge files.

With our slow broadband I would rather stick with my own copy of software on my own machine.

Are Col and I just luddites?

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:57 pm
by col lamb

Your video files will not be in the cloud but still on the PC, the Apps will be downloaded and installed and automatically updated as the product updates are released.

So there is no real change there.

If you disconnect from the net then the software will remain useable for a up to 180 days depending upon the subscription method, for monthly subscription an internet connection every 30 days will be required.

The problem is the cost, this is part what I posted on the Adobe forum.......................In the UK Creative Cloud is £47/m, that is £564/y or at todays exchange rate $876 per year, which is far too expensive. Fair point about only subscribing for only a month when you could do all your editing but I for one would not want to do that. There is a reduction promo for the first year for CS3 and later users, then it is presumably full price.

You can subscribe to one or two apps on but for me I use Premiere, Photoshop, Audition, Encore and After Effects and they are £17.58/m each

So Dave we are not luddites just some guys who see us being ripped off.....again.


How about the IAC contacting Adobe UK and try to get them to make the Educational subscription rate available to full IAC members?

That would mean £15.88/ month for Premiere, Photoshop, Audition, Encore, After Effects and a few others, which would be much more affordable and the cost would be like upgrading from one version the next

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:24 pm
by Mike Shaw
I've had an issue with Adobe pricing and the general Adobe attitude to customers - from way way back in the 80s. That's why I would never touch Adobe with a barge pole. I never thought their software was all it was cracked up to be anyway, but that is a matter of personal opinion.

Edius would get my vote as the mid-range alternative.

However, Avid has announced that Media Composer 7 will be dramatically cut down in price - under the $1000 mark (it was around $2500 at one time). As far as I know, that price includes Boris Red (as Avid FX), Marquee, Avid DVD and Sorenson Squeeze: I'm not sure whether it will still include SonicFire Pro - almost certainly it will no longer include Boris Continuum (which integrates seamlessly into the editor). MC is an extremely powerful editor - the Daddy of them all and used by Hollywood Studios for the vast majority of today's movies. It may be worth looking at if you want the Rolls Royce of editors (and that isn't just my opinion - it's what the majority of pros in film and broadcasting use). Worth taking a look at - and you can try out the full version for 30 days.

Now ... must go buy some shares in Avid .... :-}

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:40 pm
by col lamb
Well said Mike

I have tended to miss some of the updates, 6.5 > Pro 1.5 > Pro 3 > Pro 5.5 so it has been more manageable.

For anyone interested DVC are advertising a low price offer of £275 for Edius 6.5 for users of other editing software.

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:59 pm
by TimStannard
Dave Watterson wrote: Are Col and I just luddites?
Not at all.
But for Microsoft, its a necessary move. With virtual saturation of the market and little need to upgrade (what else could one add to Word/Excel etc to improve them?) it needs a revenue stream from somewhere. Adobe might not be quite as ubiquitous in Video as Microsoft is in Office, but "Photoshop" is so much so it has been introduced as a verb in the OED.
If this becomes the norm for the big players (as I suspect it will), how long before the smaller players follow suit? Those of us using Vegas or Edius or other of the leeser known but professional packages may find ourseolves in teh same boat within five years.
The Avid move is smart - but I wonder if that is just to get people hooked before moving to a "rental" system as well.
Technically, of course, we've never "owned" the software, just had a lifetime licence.

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 9:29 am
by tom hardwick
That's right Tim, and not owning it means you can't legally sell on your old PC with the programs installed. Unless of course the new owner promises, hand on heart, never to open any of them.

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:07 pm
by ned c
Welcome to our future; eventually all the high end software will go to the cloud as it reduces piracy; facilitates group cutting, reduces costs, eliminates "products".

Mike; careful with that Avid stock; the company has several problems and its stock is low; their price cutting is not good news for the shareholders. They are also being sued by a group of shareholders who claim financial misreporting. Last time I looked they had not filed their 2012 financial report and could have their quotation suspended.

Apple have moved everything to downloads as they try to recover from the FCX fiasco but they remain questionable as they show little interest in the professional user. As a long time FCP/Apple user I suspect my future lies elsewhere.

Edius is part of Grass valley who are now owned by venture capitalists; a tribe that tends to tart up companies and sell off the pieces.

The serious amateur programs will last longer as products but expect downloads only in the not too distant future.

Keep making movies!!

ned c

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 5:22 pm
by col lamb
So those who have been pondering the move to AVCHD format video now is the time to update the PC and go out and buy Edius or Edius Neo or Vegas whilst they are still available for outright purchase.

As I posted above DVC (and presumably other suppliers) have a crossgrade Edius 6.5 offer

Then you will have a system that will give years and years of happy editing with no additional cost, except the hair loss, weight gain, deterioration of eyesight, reduction in hearing, ............. senility

Ned, one of the big problems with the subscription method is the rest of the world subsidises the good ole U S of A, with its $50 / month where the rest of the world pays $80 / month

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 8:07 pm
by ned c
Col; the US prices do not include taxes and the Congress is about to pass a bill so that Internet transactions will be charged at the local State tax rate, although these are low by European standards, here in Utah at 7%. Do the UK/European prices include VAT?

ned c

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:44 am
by col lamb

It seems that throughout Europe the price is tax paid, not all countries tax software.

We have seen on UK TV the reasons why they are introducing the tax in the States, money grabbing Politicians, they are the same everywhere. US Politicians allowed the Banks in the States to screw up the world and now we are all paying....sorry rant over.

Only glad I do not live in Switzerland or France where they pay way more than us in the UK, the $80 I quoted was an approximate average as they is no single world rate. In any case the low subscription rate is only valid for one year and the offer ends in a few weeks.

On the Adobe forum there have been over 250 posts since 19:00 UK time on Monday when it was announced at the MAX conference which I watched live online.

One thing all the guys who have posted are missing is that Adobe have a history of releasing bugged updates, there were significant issues with: - Premiere Pro 1, PP 2, CS4 (a complete disaster), CS5 (would not play AVCHD reliably), CS6 has AVCHD issues for too many for confort, generally they solved the problem but there is still too many users having problems with CS6 for my liking. CS5.5 is rock solid on my PC.

Now I am going to get to the point, if the software is updated automatically what are the users going to do when they find out that there is all of a sudden a huge problem with Premiere?

It will happen

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 5:17 pm
by Brian Saberton
I just heard about this move by Adobe at the camera club last night and I gather that it has caused fury among users of Photoshop who are very upset indeed.

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:56 am
by Roy1
COL. I am quite happy with CS5 but how long do you think Adobe will continue to support it. Even after Adobe ceases to upgrade CS programmes, will I still be able to use the CS5 that I now use.

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 10:13 am
by Mike Shaw
I don't use Adobe (a well known fact!) but my guess is it will continue to be useful until core standards change or vanish, and/or your own needs change. Pinnacle/Avid Liquid went end-of-line about 6 years ago, was no longer supported in any way whatsoever from 5 years ago. But I know several people who are still using it very happily. It doesn't handle AVCHD - but they don't have AVCHD, are still using MiniDV and core AVI files. Even if they did need AVCHD, there are programmes which will convert formats.

I always say - stick with what you're happiest using. It is far better than switching and forever thinking 'my old editor could do that, why can't this one', or 'it handled things better, or easier...'. Every editing programme is different with its own workflows and idiosyncrasies. The one you know and like is best. Always.

Re: Adobe software

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 10:48 am
by Roy1
MIKE. I hope you are right. I have in reserve Sony Vegas 10 but I am now wondering if Sony will follow the path of Adobe.