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SDHC Card (Class 10)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:37 pm
by John C
I have a Panasonic HDTM 900 camera.
When the camera was new I purchased some low cost SDHC cards and lost data. I returned the cards and then used the camera's internal memory. No problems.

I have just purchased 2 32 gb cards and lost data when filmimg in time lapse 1080/50p and ordinary AVCHD.

I spoke to panasonic and they reconmend their 32 gb card at £296.

I am lothe to pay that much.
What cards do members use and what is their experience of loss of data?

Any information greatfully received.

I am off to Zambia shortly and have found that there is no way of backing up the panasonic internal memory in the absence of a computer and the panasonic HD 3 writer software.
Any ideas of how to make a satisfactory backup appreciated.


John C

Re: SDHC Card (Class 10)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:46 pm
by col lamb
See page 111 of the manual on how to copy from internal memory to card or portable DVD drive

Re: SDHC Card (Class 10)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:25 pm
by tom hardwick
I see Panasonic say you must use class 4 cards and faster - were the cards that lost data this speed? When you say you 'lost data' can you be more specific - did you lose the audio or some scenes or all scenes? Did you format the cards in camera first? Did you have an on-screen warning telling you of the card failure? £296 sounds a lot for a 32 gig card because you can buy class 10 cards for £17.80 delivered.

I use Transcend class 10 in my 900.

Re: SDHC Card (Class 10)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:05 am
by col lamb
Forgot to add on my post I generally use Lexar or Sandisk SD cards.

I have never had any problem with either manufacturer

I have had two Trandscend card fail but that was quite some time ago and I have steered clear of them since.

I have recently had a data write issue with my TM 900 with a 32Gb Kingston class 10 card, the card was formatted in the 900 but had been used in my other Panasonic camcorder, see my post Edius beats Premiere for more info

As a guide I went away a couple of years ago on a three week holiday and took 6 SD cards (each 16Gb) with me and brought back 5 hours of footage.

Re: SDHC Card (Class 10)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:41 pm
by John C
After months of experiments I have acquired 32Gb cards from Calumet.
They are SDHC and cost £27.99.

The problem of dropped images etc has stopped and so I have dumped the Cheapies from the Internet.

Any one with a Panasonic TM 900 take the handbook warning seriously about backing up the hard disk as it does seem susceptible to shake.

On the other hand I had mine on a light tripod at about 5foot off the floor and the wind blew it over and apart from a scratch it is working well.

John C