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Adapter Plates

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:20 pm
by Stephen
the wisdom of the list is sought...

Anyone had experience of quick relaease adapter plates, something like the Manfrotto MN577...

I have a Libec DV950 and Glidecam 4000+ with which I would like to fit an adaptor to each one?
definately the Glidecam as I want to preserve the as near as possible the balance once set.

I'm not sure how it works with the tripod though ????

so... me thinks I would need 2 adaptors only 1 shoe being needed for the 1 camera. The other 2 parts would be bolted to the top plate of the Glidecam and the top of the tripod?

any help appreciated...

oh yes its nearly Crimbus

A reindeer walked into a pub, strolled up to the bar and ordered a pint of lager.
Completely unphased, the barman poured out the lager and passed it to the reindeer, who handed over a ten pound note.
As he handed over the change of a few coins, the barman said "I have to say, you're first reindeer I've seen in here."
The reindeer studied the change very carefully and said. "Tell you what sunshine, as these prices I'm also the last reindeer you're going to see in here."

I'll get me coat...

Re: Adapter Plates

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:08 am
by billyfromConsett
Nice one Stephen - My glidecam doesn't fit my Z5, so 4000 will suit you just great.
I've heard of an adaptor for Manfrotto, so there probably is one available.