Tripods in London?

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Post by billyfromConsett »

ned c wrote: is there evidence that pedophiles go around photographing children at their regular activities?

ned c
I think people just cower from the worst case scenario. Officials, who might get blamed (sacked) for not doing their job, and allow law-breaking to go on in front of front of them, are just trying to keep their jobs.

I don't think there is a research based proven argument that paedos film kids in playgrounds for their kicks, but just as in the Borat movie, minority groups make the decisions here - if 0.1% of us will cause harm, ban the other 99.9%, and the baduns will do it anyway, just covertly.
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Post by Stephen »


Film making is not a matter of Life and Death
It's much more important than that.
ned c
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Post by ned c »

Thanks, Stephen. At last a sensible article; we can only hope that officialdom reads it and takes notice. A person carrying a backpack is much more likely to be a terrorist than a person wielding a camera.

ned c
Brian Saberton
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Post by Brian Saberton »

Indeed a very sensible article but I'll be surprised if it makes much difference.
Brian Saberton
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Post by Pqtrick »

WHERE CAN I FILM? The focus of this topic in the forum, suggests that there is no one is really in charge in UK Ltd. There, if you give a local official or security man an ounce of authority, they will interpret what they wish from it. A bit of bloated importance is all that they strive for.

France is a country with rules and perhaps over regulation. But at least people know where they are. If you speed you'll get done, if you park in a bad place, you know you can be done, and if you fail to get your taxes return in, you'll get done. But at least these are universal and common sense. If you do see a policeman in the street, he won't look like a gas man in a florescent jacket. In UK Ltd everyone wants to wear a yellow jacket with an 'I'm in charge' label on it.

Back in my old home town, I read that council officials wanted to make the mayor pay for the hire of a local venue for his annual charity event. Under delegated powers, without any debate, the same officials gave permission for a historical town centre cemetery to be turned into a car park! Local people are up in arms. Who's in charge? No-one, it would seem, apart from the current local job's worth.

Here, it would seem if you want something, you get the OK from the mayor, he's is in charge of his own patch and if necessary he'll send his local police to supervise. If he wants to close a road, build a new building or invest in a new tram line, he can do it.

It sounds simplistic, but it appears to work. If you apply common sense to what you do filming wise, ask the right people if necessary, you'll get the right answer.

A colleague of mine was almost arrested filming in Trafalgar Square for looking 'too professional'. He was filming people regarding a local news event. A press photographer was with him with a big Nikon, he was not harressed. Having filmed in the UK for many a year, there were too many nosey people trying to have their 'three pennyworth' by claiming you could not film there, because of multitude of reasons of security, copyright, safety and other claims which was not any thing to do with them.

In UK Ltd it would suggests it is still guesswork. I am not knocking UK Ltd, it is a good place to be, it's just the purveyors of nonsense, who want the upper hand.
Brian Saberton
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Post by Brian Saberton »

A lot of it seems to be down to pure ignorance and paranoia. Last week I read about a man who was stopped by three police officers near hyde Park because a member of the public had reported him for taking pictures of women outside a public toilet. In fact he was merely listening to his ipod player whilst waiting for his wife who was using said toilet. He didn't even have a camera with him. It makes you wonder if the person who made the complaint was ever charged with wasting valuable police time.
Brian Saberton
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