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Dave Watterson
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Post by Dave Watterson »

Our discussion in advance of the results arriving has been fascinating, but it getting to be a very long thread. Now that all the results are online, what do you think?

Were the assessments broadly right? Are there any real surprises either based on you knowing the films concerned or on the reputation of the film maker?
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Post by TimStannard »

All the films I've seen are either where I would have put them or within one star (where BIAFF judges have marked them one star lower than I would have). This clearly means I am far too generous to be a BIAFF judge (although those whose films I have judged in other comps might suggest the opposite).

There are one or two surprises based on reputation, but again, where I have seen the films concerned I would only have marked them up by one. Mind you "only" is a big deal to any of us when it's the difference between two ("significant weaknesses") and three ("fundamentally competent") - especially if we have been receiving regular three and four stars in the past.

However, unless I've seen the judges comments I've no idea what I may have missed that they spotted.

Having said that, in some cases, the judges comments appear to contradict the star rating!

This is the first time that BIAFF judges comments have caused me to revise my opinion of one of my own films upward - so thank you judges.
Proud to be an amateur film maker - I do it for the love of it
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Michael Gough
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Post by Michael Gough »

I’ve been out of touch for a while so I am a bit late to congratulate the excellent BIAFF results, particular from Jill, Geoff, Bob and Howard. Well done and I certainly look forward to seeing you and your films in Sittingbourne.

With regards to my own video “The Empty Experience” I would like to thank Tim, who watched it on YouTube and gave me a valuable insight into what the judges might have noticed but didn’t mention. I am satisfied that the structure of the video might have been the problem. It could be interpreted as over emphasising the positive aspects of the Gambia which persuaded the judges to view it as a “holiday film” rather than a travel documentary about an economic crisis.

I am still disappointed with the 3 star award but not so frustrated.
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Dave Watterson
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Post by Dave Watterson »

It is a truism that standards drift over the years. Luckily in our hobby they have been drifting steadily upwards.

I wonder if other judges from this year's contest feel that these days 2-Stars indicates decent competence in the mechanics of film making and 3-Stars is the start of work that distinguishes itself by being a bit special.

Many years ago there was a category below the grading scheme (in those days blue/bronze/silver/gold) which simply acknowledged participation in the competition. You had to climb a fair way up the ranks to get to films which were really interesting.
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Post by Willy »

Yes, there are some surprises, Dave. I was surprised to see the name of Samuel Faict. He used to be a member of my club. I took him home several times after our club nights. We always had a nice chat in the car. Actually I encouraged him to join a film school (again). That's what he did. His films were very successful at BIAFF. I remember that he even won a diamond award. My clubmates also helped him and I once took him to Guernsey. But suddendly he "disappeared". I think he also missed one of our clubmates called Ludo who passed away at the age of 50. Ludo could narrow the generation gap in my club. That was good for a young filmmaker like Samuel. He must be in his early thirties now. I am pleased that he is still making films. Maybe he is a professional at this moment because he must have finished his studies at the film school. Hopefully I can watch his horror film in Sittingbourne. Hopefully I can also meet him again. I think that he loves the IAC because some of his films are shown on the IAC-web. That's also why BIAFF is unique.

A second surprise: the reappearance of my fellow countryman Urbain Appeltans. Who does not remember his wonderful films 6-7-8 years ago ? "Prinsje" was fantastic. Some members of my club had helped him. One of them even gave him about 10 tortoises. His film was based on a story written by Roald Dahl, "Esiotrot". But there was also the story of two men living on a barge. Yes, "Dimato", that was the title! The following film was called "Cinemascope". An old couple went to the cinema. They had their little dog with them. It was in a shopping bag. They watched a thrilling film on the wide screen. In it you could see a fox running away. The little dog jumped out of their shopping bag and ... And last but not least there was "Hannah"... A story about a young girl who had to stay with her grandmother ... Urbain Appeltans won the Daily Mail Trophy! He was very proud. In three weeks' time I will organize a film show in my village. Urbain has given me the permission to show his "Little Prince". With pleasure he said.
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Post by Howard-Smith »

As mentioned on the previous thread, I was delighted to be awarded 5 stars for DARK HORSE which is being shown on the Saturday morning at BIAFF.

I received 3 stars for my other film TOO BAD which will be shown on the Saturday afternoon. We all know that film judging can never be scientific, and that judgements of aspects such as acting are inevitably subjective.

I submitted TOO BAD to the Cemriac Spring Movie Festival where it was awarded second place by the judge (who is also a BIAFF judge), and in his appraisal he stated:
"The actors are exceptionally good, Dan (a 13-year-old boy) especially. The way he handles a boy's growing fears as he enters the house is beautifully done..."

Contrast that with what the BIAFF judges said: "The performances were adequate rather than great. It is always difficult to portray teenagers convincingly... Vaughan slightly overacted the "ums and ers" as Mr. Munden (an old man)."

Make of that what you will!
tom hardwick
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Post by tom hardwick »

I don't mind saying I was the CEMRIAC judge that put you in second place Howard. But I'd stress that your film was in competition, and the competition at BIAFF was obviously fiercer than at CEMRIAC; there are certainly more entrants.

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