WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

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Dave Watterson
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by Dave Watterson »

I spoke to Willy at the weekend. He sounded much brighter, though he finds his current physical weakness frustrating. He hates having to depend so much on Vera (his wife) for practical support. He worries that he is exhausting her.

I assured him that Vera is a very strong lady! I also reminded him that he has only been out of hospital for a week and will take a long time to recover his normal strength,

He is trying to avoid stress ... so sensibly stays away from his computer and his Casablanca just now. I have told him about the kind greetings you are sending and he will see them in due course. He sends his thanks and greetings to everyone.

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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by kenmcronald »

Thanks for keeping us informed Dave. So glad to hear that Willy is making progress and hope he will be back to full health soon.
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Dave Watterson
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by Dave Watterson »

I spoke to Willy again this evening. Sadly his recovery is not going smoothly. The latest issue is cataracts - possibly triggered by some of the medication he has been taking. Of course, cataracts can be dealt with fairly easily, when he is in a fit state for the operation.

In the meantime he cannot read a newspaper or his computer screen. He wanted people to know that if he appears to be ignoring emails and messages like the ones on here, it is just because he cannot read them at present. He is well aware that a great many people around the world are sending their love and good wishes.

The good news is that he can watch large-screen tv ... and somewhat mysteriously is able to use his Casablanca system to work on the edit of his new film! He fully intends to have it ready for BIAFF. He still cannot be sure that he will be able to attend BIAFF in Bedford next April but he very much wants to.

Life is hard for him just now, but Vera (his wife) and his family help a lot as do many of his film club friends. In an strange way I feel proud that our hobby can generate such close ties and concerns for other people.
Michael Slowe
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by Michael Slowe »

Willy's courage is to be admired, an example to us all. Dave, I'm sure that you're passing on all our good wishes, many thanks for that.
Ian Woodward
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by Ian Woodward »

Thank you, Dave, for keeping us up to date with the latest on Willy’s ill health and for the inspiring postscript explaining that none of this, apparently, is going to stop this dauntless, mettlesome filmmaker from completing his latest production in good time for BIAFF 2014. Wishing great success for this film and many more to come…and, more importantly,for Willy’s return to what he loves and does best.
Lee Prescott
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by Lee Prescott »

Thanks Dave for the update on Willy’s condition.

So sad that he’s been / is put thro’ this trauma and now the latest concern with his eye sight.
I’m sure that’ll be sorted out successfully and hopefully soon.

As for our “hobby” Dave, - it’s far more than that now I think – yes, it produces friendships many
lasting too and across international boundaries and cultures, (even tho’ criticisms and differences are
made sometimes)! Most of these friends one can never meet in person our “hobby” having turned the world into a “global village”!

Including in this context:-

Willy is one of the nicest people I have not only met but been privileged to help and work alongside.
So Willy, all the very best of every good wish to you for a speedy and FULL recovery.

Kindest regards. LEE: (Dave, no doubt you'll pass this on).
Mike Shaw

Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by Mike Shaw »

Let me join in the wishes for Willy's speedy recovery. A maestro and a gentleman and an inspiration to us all.

Please pass on my very best wishes to Willy and Vera - who must be also going through agonies at seeing Willy going through a tough time.
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Dave Watterson
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by Dave Watterson »

Of course I will pass on the good wishes, thank you everyone. I aim to phone Willy every ten days or so, depending on his appointments and where I am at the time. He is facing all this better than I would. So is Vera. They are a very good couple and support each other.
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by TimStannard »

Please add my name to the list, Dave. Willy is a delightful human being and doesn't deserve all this trauma.
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by ned c »

Please pass best wishes to Willy from his friends across the Atlantic and tell him to watch this space for good news about AMPS and the AIFVF.
ned c
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by kenmcronald »

So sorry to hear that Willy has been so ill again and thank you for the update Dave. We wish him a speedy recovery.
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by col lamb »

Dave, please pass on best wishes from all at Preston Movie Makers, Willy visited us a couple of years ago to judge the IAC Mersey Ten competition that we were hosting.

I'm reading between the lines but it sounds like his cataract problems may have been caused by steriod drugs

A close relative had the steriod induced cataracts and had the minor surgery as the Consultant described it to remove them, it went without any problems.
Col Lamb
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Dave Watterson
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by Dave Watterson »

I passed on your good wishes and kind words to Willy this morning. He said they were heart-warming (and worried that this was a Dutch expression!).

He still feels very down, though his doctors are speaking much more positively and hopefully now. For example his heart is in good condition and much better than it was when he was in hospital. He was even doing some filming this morning ... shooting a few photographs for his new film about a silversmith. Vera had to help with holding the camera and getting him from one room to another etc. Back pain is reduced by morphine patches, but the drugs he is taking have spoiled his appetite. But none of that stops him asking if we need help with any translation of BIAFF rules into Dutch this year ... he is amazing.

Today they are celebrating (a day late) Vera's birthday so they will join their children and grandchildren for a celebration.

His club are still very supportive. He sent them the first rough assembly of his next film for criticism and they have written back comments of what might - in their opinion - be improved. It seems they want to help him and to learn from him by doing so.

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Dave Watterson
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by Dave Watterson »

Willy phoned this evening. After another scan the medics have diagnosed an infection in his backbone. The best way to treat this, he was told, is with intensive antibiotics administered via a drip in hospital. They are regarding this as urgent so he expects to be in hospital tomorrow for a fortnight.

Of course he is not happy about this, but accepts that at least he now knows what is the major underlying issue and that it is being tackled. A blood test allowed doctors to reassure him he does not have cancer, which was a major concern for him.

So we hope that the infection will be successfully neutralised and that the recurring pain in his back will go. His arm is still almost out of action but has some movement and the phsyio is sure its function can be restored. Just to add to the fuss he needs an eye operation and had scheduled it for mid December, but in view of this treatment is postponing it.

Despite all this, he is confident that he can complete his new film in time for BIAFF and is making plans to come to BIAFF with Vera and several club mates if he can do so.

He thanks everyone for their good wishes and looks forward to being back online before too long.
Ian Woodward
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Re: WILLY VAN DER LINDEN has been very ill

Post by Ian Woodward »

That’s wonderful news, knowing that Willy knows that things medical are much clearer now, and less worrying, and that he can eradicate from his mind any lingering thoughts of the worst-case scenario and that soon, post operations, he will be up and about and able to see the way ahead again with renewed confidence and enthusiasm.
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