Do judges read this forum?

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Do judges read this forum?

Post by Chrisbitz »

I appreciate this is a bit of an impossible question, as anyone can become a judge, but I'd love to share my latest film for comments.

Then again, if I'm going to enter it in an IAC competition, and the judges have already seen it here along with all the comments, it might harm its chances.... maybe....??

so should i post a link to it here or not?

If you think not, but you'd still like to see it (I'd love to show it, and it won't cost you a penny) :-) send me a PM and I'll send you the link...

****If you want to watch the film, best not to read further until you've seen it****
Last edited by Chrisbitz on Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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tom hardwick
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Re: Do judges read this forum?

Post by tom hardwick »

We're all judges Chris. I sit in front of my TV every night, remote in hand, passing judgement by flipping to another channel when I deem they've lost me for whatever reason.

So you don't need your film seen by a judge, you just need it seen by a fresh pair of eyes. I'd happily be that fresh pair of eyes, but you might need to take a brave pill because it's best you hear it straight, right?

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Re: Do judges read this forum?

Post by Chrisbitz »

Thanks Tom,

I can always handle constructive criticism - it's such a positive thing!.

Another foum recently had a big debate on how nasty peoples comments were on the "rate my work" forum.
The nasty people's defence was that "I'm not here to kiss your A**!"

It seemed to me that it was a shame that they didn't know the difference between constructive criticism and slating a bad film.
Such a wasted opportunity to encourage a new filmmaker.

Anyway, thanks ver much, I'll PM you the address.

If you think it's appropriate, feel free to post the comments here, in case other people see it?
I like to make films, this is- my Youtube account. What's yours?

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Re: Do judges read this forum?

Post by tom hardwick »

OK Chris, here's fresh-eyed tom at the keyboard.

Best thing is that the film looks to be well controlled, not too ambitious so that it creaks, not to static so that it groans. The actors play their parts well and the photography is good and clean, the audio excellent, the lighting natural, the story intriguing. I like it that we're left on tender-hooks - excellent. I loved the opening titles and thought the font used quite superb.

But these things bugged me, ok?

The opening on the sofa is stilted. People in conversation talk over each other, they butt in, they move about, they don't concentrate. This couple say their lines and it fades to black. It yells 'intro over'. I've no idea how I'd do it mind, just telling you what I see. There is also colour correction needed between shots - one's too blue on my screen. Nice and sharp for YouTube though.

The door bell's too loud. I know it's for dramatic effect, but it's too loud. And the background music is - ah - not to my taste. The natural audio as the front door is opened is just right, so why the plonky music? Especially wrong at the front door I thought.

I did like the pov and the hidden face - inspired. But I'd ask you this - if you go dressed in black up to a stranger's front door, would you expect the man who answers to be so accommodating and simply usher you in? With no explanation (other than the shrug) to his wife? When the chairs are moved together I wanted Mr Button's eyes to register the fact, by flicking across to the young man.

At 6:44 there's some very odd curtain continuity and crossing the line that's a one-take jar. I imagine it's a get out of jail take, but it's too obvious. I liked the way the husband holds himself when facing up to the consequences and I liked the way Mr Button left the room and the house, with an empty shot of the hallway through the door.

So, lots of good points and a demonstration of how difficult it is to film natural dialogue, even between just two people. Good that dof has been used to pin-point our focus, and lighting under the dark hat was very well done.

Much better than I could have done Chris. Technically very good indeed.

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Re: Do judges read this forum?

Post by Chrisbitz »

Thanks very much Tom, In all honesty, That's actually better and more use than any judges comments I think I've ever read!
I think I'll skip the competition scene, and just send my films to you!

I love the term "Get out of Jail shot"! That sums it up perfectly!

The crossing the line shot* (Which others have spotted too) was the only place we could have the camera and have both people in view... but funnily and conversely, the moving the chair was a get out of jail shot, where we'd had a disaster in continuity, and was one of the last shots that we did to repair the problem! :-)

Thanks again for the comments!

*I feel it's an interesting example of crossing the line, as the crossee is inferred, rather than actually seen, but well done for spotting it! (assuming we're talking about the same one!)
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Re: Do judges read this forum?

Post by Willy »

tom hardwick wrote:OK Chris, here's fresh-eyed tom at the keyboard.
Tom, I enjoyed your judges'comments without having seen the film. I thought you were only an expert in technical problems and in machines (cameras, projectors, etc...). You write interesting messages and articles for FVM for friends who are fascinated by the technical evolution. It's a pity that most Belgian clubmates don't understand English, otherwise I would already have copied some of your useful FVM-articles fo them.

Congratulations ! You say things about the story and of course about the technical qualities of the film. The tone is very positive. I appreciate one of the last sentences : "Much better than I could have done, Chris." Such a sentence is very encouraging. The only thing that I would have added are some words about the structure of the film.

"The door bell's too loud. I know it's for dramatic effect, but it's too loud." Here you say something which Chris could have done better in your opinion. However, you show that you have tried to find out why Chris wanted a door bell that was loud. It gives the feeling that you have analysed the film in a way which is well-thought out. In Belgium we need judges like you, Tom. Your comments show that you are very respectful.
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Re: Do judges read this forum?

Post by Chrisbitz »

You know, for me, the worst thing about Judges comments, is when they discuss how bad the acting was.

Nothing says "I don't understand the point of judging amateur films" more than that!

We don't have much of a choice when choosing actors, and we have to take what's available, but I feel it's unfair to comment on acting, when there's so much to say on editing, and the whole crafting of a film story.

I mean, people make dumb comments on multi-million dollar Hollywood actors, so what chance have we got with the local amateur dramatics club?? :-)

I heard someone say that Keanu Reeves' acting was wooden in a film, even though he was playing an emotionless, robotic alien! Of course it was wooden! aargh! Don't get me started on critics! :-)
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Re: Do judges read this forum?

Post by tom hardwick »

Thank you Willi, your thoughts on my thoughts are much appreciated. I always think a film has taken a month, three months, maybe a year to make, yet here am I writing a few paragraphs about it that take perhaps 15 minutes to put down. It's unfair, and cannot possibly do the filmmaking toil and tears justice.

Chris replied to me in an email and explained a lot of the technical and artistic background difficulties he'd met in making the film in question, and in light of that I can re-read my critique and see that it comes over as a bit harsh. The fact that amateur films get made at all is quite a feat, and I always tell myself this as I sit down to judge a competition.

You mention bad acting but the thing that gets my goat is when judges say a film is 'too long'. I've always maintained a film is precisely the correct length, otherwise the filmmaker would have shortened it or lengthened it. The correct wording should be, 'I consider this film to be too long when judged in competition with others', something like that.

There may be very good judges around who are simply not good writers, or not good at empathising with the constraints that a £12.50 overall budget brings to the film.

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Re: Do judges read this forum?

Post by ned c »

Sorry Chrisbitz but bad acting is bad acting whether it comes from Hollywood or the local amateur dramatic club. Obviously it is difficult to get good actors for n-c productions but remember that the other parts of the quality of the acting are the direction, casting for correct type, well written dialog plus the technical elements of good sound and image. No matter how good the picture or sound they cannot be considered in isolation from the acting. I have seen really good acting in n-c narrative films where the casting is well done and the dialog well written. Have a look at 'Life's Little Gaps'.

I must say that as a sometime judge bad acting completely wiped out the narrative films for me, let's be honest the image/sound/editing are relatively easy but directing and acting are something else.

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Re: Do judges read this forum?

Post by Willy »

ned c wrote:Sorry Chrisbitz but bad acting is bad acting whether it comes from Hollywood or the local amateur dramatic club.
ned c
It's always a challenge to work with actors who have no experience. Indeed, the casting is very important. You must always try o find the real types for your films. However, it is easier to work with experienced actors. They always understand what you want to express. Last year I made the film "Waiting for Godot". I was more successful with it on the continent. The actors are only members of my club. Sometimes I needed more than 5 takes to have the right result. The judges said that the acting was excellent. There was only one friend who didn't act so well, but it was not his fault. It was my fault. He always has a smile on his face even when he is angry which does not happen very often. In my fillm I only needed actors with faces of poor fellows.

For "Guernsey, I Love You" I asked two pretty ambitious girls. Two real stars ! I did an audition with three Guernsey girls. In fact I only had a chat with them, but that was enough. I told them the story. The third one was too young. She was only 14 and she understood that she was too young for the role. Mary and Peter Rouillard, my Guernsey friends, found the right types. I also needed a folksinger. He would be the co-star. The girl named Martine told me she knew one. He came to my B & B the following day. He was a real folksinger with dreadlogs. Moreover Martine was in love with him. You could see it. A few months later we filmed Martine and her friend (not boyfriend). She really tried to win his heart. Her facial expression spoke volumes. There was electricity in the air, but he was not caught in her snares. Anyway it was good for our film. Are they in love ? Are they not in love ? That is the question throughout the film. At the end of the film you know.
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Re: Do judges read this forum?

Post by Souterman »

It's great to have come on this "do judges read this forum" the chats are very good and what a difference it makes when there's no slagging off of each other. Some of the judges comments that I have received have left a lot to be desired not helpful at all '' not that I have entered many competitions''. One competition that I entered is no longer running and in my opinion I'm quite pleased but that's going away from this conversation thanks for a good read folks. F
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