Royalty-free music

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Ray Williamson
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Royalty-free music

Post by Ray Williamson »

I have just bought a CD of royalty-free music from and I must say it is excellent. I am very impressed.
Each CD comes with a written music contract to show to broadcasters etc to prove that they will not get a bill for broadcasting the music!
I was also impressed by the fact that each month they select one of their CDs to be on half-price special offer.
I shall certainly be taking advantage!
All I need now is a supply of good quality film scripts to go with the music!!!!
Ray Williamson, East Sussex.
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Post by fraught »

Sounds Cool...

As well as make movies... i have a CD or Two of music that my "band" put together... 'Piece of Pie' (you can find us on MySpace)

If anyone wants some dancy/trancy music in their movies, completely free of charge, just drop me a note. :-D

All we want is a credit. ;-)
Ray Williamson
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Post by Ray Williamson »

That sounds jolly good. Why not make up a selection suitable for film work and produce a CD?
You could sell it via They have a scheme for selling your own stuff.
Don`t forget your old friends when you become a millionaire! :lol:
Ray Williamson, East Sussex.
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Post by fraught »

LOL... thanks for the tip, i may just investigate.

In the meantime, if anyone wants some of that sort of music for their productions, just let me know. :-)
Peter Copestake
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Royalty-free music

Post by Peter Copestake »

It isn't 'proper' music is it? Synthetic? Peter.
Peter Copestake
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Dave Watterson
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Post by Dave Watterson »

It isn't 'proper' music is it? Synthetic?
Knowing Peter I am quite certain he did not mean that as a rude commment on either NVM or Fraught's work.

[BTW Fraught can you give us old fogies a better hint as to how to find your music ... searching MySpace for Fraught brings up an American Christian Rock band ... and I cannot track down your own music on]

But I share Peter's unhappiness that so much of the music we use in our films is synthesised and sounds it. There is a distinctively dry quality to it ... possibly because the notes are too pure compared with the natural variety in a real instrument. There are subjects where synth music is suitable but equally there are many occasions when the movie cries out for a real piano, violin, oboe or orchestra.

When the music is used as mood music - quite deep down in the soundtrack mix perhaps that is less important. But we often use music up-front as a major element of our work and in such cases it has to be right.

It sometimes amuses me that we are proud of making our own pictures with only occasional clips from newsreel or other footage ... but we think nothing of bringing in someone else's music.

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Re: Royalty-free music

Post by fraught »

Peter Copestake wrote:It isn't 'proper' music is it? Synthetic? Peter.
Hi Peter, yeah it is Synthetic music, all done from the comfort of my Study. ;-)

I would prefer it to be played by "proper" musicians... but i just dont have the time really.

Here is a link to the MySpace page Dave (
We are NO Christian Rock group! LOL... (i have heard them, and they dont sound too bad).
Peter Copestake
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Royalty free music

Post by Peter Copestake »

Sorry, I meant no comment on any contributor to this forum but to the original posting from Ray re NVM. I have used their music (on 'Magical Manor', if anyone saw that, but got the comment 'Pity you didn't ask Kirsten' from my regular commentator. I did ask Kirsten (an internationally known flautist) for the film 'JGLubbock, Artist & Writer' and she not only played it, live to the picture, but had composed it as well, not easy when she was 'illustrating' a lightning strike! Judges seemed to approve, when any of them noticed it, but then they liked the 'well-chosen music' for the Magical Manor too. For JGL it was marvelous for me to have specially written music.
But back to my point, perhaps because I live near the ever-helpful Richard Curry I would prefer to get 'proper' music whenever I can and appreciate and agree with Dave's comments about the tone. I am losing my hearing at the top now and am having to rely on my wife for matters of delicate tonal balance but with the IAC library one can rely on the quality and not alter anything.
Peter Copestake
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